South River Topo Map Maryland

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USGS Topo Quad 38076h5 - 1:24,000 scale

Topo Map Name: South River
USGS Topo Quad ID: 38076h5
Print Size: ca. 21 1/4" wide x 27" high
Southeast Coordinates: 38.875° N latitude / 76.5° W longitude
Map Center Coordinates: 38.9375° N latitude / 76.5625° W longitude
U.S. State: MD
Filename: o38076h5.jpg
Download Map JPG Image: South River topo map 1:24,000 scale
Map Type: Topographic
Topo Series: 7.5´
Map Scale: 1:24,000
Source of Map Images: United States Geological Survey (USGS)
Alternate Map Versions: South River MD 1957, updated 1958 Download PDF Buy paper map
South River MD 1957, updated 1964 Download PDF Buy paper map
South River MD 1957, updated 1971 Download PDF Buy paper map
South River MD 1957, updated 1978 Download PDF Buy paper map
South River MD 1957, updated 1987 Download PDF Buy paper map
South River MD 1957, updated 1993 Download PDF Buy paper map
South River MD 2011 Download PDF Buy paper map
South River MD 2014 Download PDF Buy paper map
South River MD 2016 Download PDF Buy paper map

1:24,000 Topo Quads surrounding South River

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South River topo map: Gazetteer

South River: Airports

Annapolis Heliport elevation 24m 78′
Lee Airport elevation 10m 32′

South River: Basins

Frog Canyon elevation 2m 6′
North Basin elevation 32m 104′
South Basin elevation 7m 22′

South River: Bays

Aberdeen Creek elevation 0m 0′
Almshouse Creek elevation 0m 0′
Bear Neck Creek elevation 0m 0′
Beards Creek elevation 0m 0′
Boathouse Creek elevation 0m 0′
Brewer Creek elevation 0m 0′
Brickhouse Creek elevation 0m 0′
Broad Creek elevation 0m 0′
Cadle Creek elevation 3m 9′
Church Creek elevation 0m 0′
Crab Creek elevation 0m 0′
Fox Creek elevation 0m 0′
Gingerville Creek elevation 1m 3′
Glebe Bay elevation 0m 0′
Glebe Creek elevation 5m 16′
Granville Creek elevation 0m 0′
Hardestys Cove elevation 9m 29′
Harness Creek elevation 0m 0′
Harts Cove elevation 1m 3′
Larkington Cove elevation 1m 3′
Limehouse Cove elevation 1m 3′
Little Aberdeen Creek elevation 0m 0′
Loden Pond elevation 8m 26′
Maccubins Cove elevation 5m 16′
Muddy Creek elevation 0m 0′
Old Place Cove elevation 0m 0′
Pocahontas Creek elevation 4m 13′
Pythers Cove elevation 3m 9′
Scotts Cove elevation 0m 0′
Selby Bay elevation 0m 0′
Sellman Creek elevation 0m 0′
Sheephead Cove elevation 6m 19′
Sheppards Cove elevation 14m 45′
Spring Lake elevation 1m 3′
Warehouse Creek elevation 0m 0′
Whitemarsh Creek elevation 0m 0′

South River: Beaches

Wild Rose Shores elevation 4m 13′

South River: Bridges

Riva Bridge elevation 0m 0′
South River Bridge elevation 0m 0′

South River: Capes

Addison Point elevation 12m 39′
Beards Point elevation 2m 6′
Boyd Point elevation 8m 26′
Brewer Point elevation 4m 13′
Cedar Point elevation 8m 26′
Cedar Point elevation 3m 9′
Childs Point elevation 1m 3′
Davis Point elevation 0m 0′
Ferry Point elevation 6m 19′
Jacobs Point elevation 0m 0′
Larrimore Point elevation 2m 6′
Locust Point elevation 1m 3′
Long Point elevation 0m 0′
Mayo Point elevation 1m 3′
Melvin Point elevation 5m 16′
Persimmon Point elevation 9m 29′
Porter Point elevation 0m 0′
Shadow Point elevation 1m 3′
South Point elevation 0m 0′

South River: Dams

Annapolis Reservoir Dam elevation 8m 26′
Heritage Harbour Site One Dam elevation 31m 101′

South River: Guts

Pooles Gut elevation 2m 6′

South River: Harbors

Anchor Yacht Basin elevation 0m 0′
Selby Bay Yacht Basin elevation 0m 0′

South River: Islands

Flat Island elevation 1m 3′
Goose Island elevation 0m 0′
High Island elevation 0m 0′
Little Island elevation 2m 6′
O'Neill Island elevation 0m 0′
Turkey Point Island elevation 5m 16′

South River: Lakes

Beverly Lake elevation 0m 0′
Boot Pond elevation 13m 42′
Quarry Ponds elevation 9m 29′
Stuart Pond elevation 4m 13′

South River: Parks

Bestgate Park elevation 19m 62′
Broad Creek Park elevation 31m 101′
Loch Haven Park elevation 12m 39′
Lock Haven Park elevation 15m 49′
Londontown Public House Park elevation 6m 19′
Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium elevation 13m 42′
Quiet Waters Park elevation 15m 49′
South River Farms Park elevation 9m 29′
South River Park elevation 7m 22′

South River: Populated Places

Admiral Heights elevation 11m 36′
Annapolis Landing elevation 17m 55′
Annapolis Overlook elevation 12m 39′
Ashley elevation 23m 75′
Autumn Chase at Riva Trace elevation 14m 45′
Avila elevation 50m 164′
Bay Ridge Junction elevation 4m 13′
Baytowne Village elevation 13m 42′
Berkshire elevation 12m 39′
Bestgate elevation 27m 88′
Bestgate Terrace elevation 23m 75′
Beverly Beach elevation 3m 9′
Birdsville elevation 39m 127′
Bon Haven elevation 16m 52′
Broadview Estates elevation 16m 52′
Bywater Estates elevation 13m 42′
Cape Loch Haven elevation 4m 13′
Cape Saint John elevation 16m 52′
Captains Walk elevation 12m 39′
Carrs Ridge elevation 9m 29′
Chestnut Hills elevation 8m 26′
Cloverlea elevation 5m 16′
Clubhouse Estates elevation 22m 72′
Collison Corner elevation 24m 78′
Coxby Estates elevation 27m 88′
Dixon Estates elevation 15m 49′
Dodon elevation 48m 157′
Donovans Pier elevation 3m 9′
Dorsey Heights elevation 24m 78′
Eagles Passages elevation 27m 88′
Eatons Landing elevation 6m 19′
Edgewater elevation 15m 49′
Edgewater Beach elevation 12m 39′
Eickelberry Woods elevation 27m 88′
Forest Villa elevation 12m 39′
Gatts Corner elevation 11m 36′
Gentry elevation 20m 65′
Germantown elevation 8m 26′
Ginger Cove elevation 16m 52′
Gingerville elevation 13m 42′
Gingerville Manor Estates elevation 18m 59′
Gingerville Woods elevation 17m 55′
Glebe Heights elevation 0m 0′
Glen Isle elevation 19m 62′
Greenbriar elevation 19m 62′
Greenbriar Gardens elevation 12m 39′
Greenwood Acres elevation 33m 108′
Hambleton elevation 18m 59′
Harbor Hills elevation 26m 85′
Harbor View elevation 5m 16′
Hardesty elevation 37m 121′
Hardesty Estates elevation 37m 121′
Harkness Creek Park elevation 12m 39′
Harness Woods elevation 7m 22′
Harwood Estates elevation 40m 131′
Hazelwood elevation 11m 36′
Heritage elevation 11m 36′
Heritage Harbour elevation 36m 118′
Hidden Cove elevation 24m 78′
Holly Hill Harbor elevation 3m 9′
Homewood elevation 13m 42′
Hunt Meadows elevation 10m 32′
Jacksons Corner elevation 2m 6′
Knightsbridge elevation 5m 16′
Larkington elevation 1m 3′
Lincoln Heights elevation 26m 85′
Loch Haven Beach elevation 4m 13′
Londontown Terrace elevation 8m 26′
Londontowne elevation 6m 19′
Londontowne (historical) elevation 12m 39′
Loretta Heights elevation 22m 72′
Lusby Crossroads elevation 31m 101′
Mariners Cove elevation 13m 42′
Market Quay elevation 7m 22′
Marriott Hill elevation 60m 196′
Mayo elevation 4m 13′
Mill Swamp elevation 12m 39′
North River Forest elevation 25m 82′
Oak Court elevation 26m 85′
Oakbluff elevation 6m 19′
Old Cedar Point elevation 7m 22′
Painters Hill elevation 8m 26′
Parole elevation 20m 65′
Parvilla elevation 16m 52′
Pine Whiff Beach elevation 4m 13′
Ponder Cove elevation 2m 6′
Poplar Point elevation 12m 39′
Primrose Acres elevation 15m 49′
Riva elevation 13m 42′
Riva Farms elevation 18m 59′
Riva Trace elevation 19m 62′
Riva Woods elevation 24m 78′
River Club Estates elevation 4m 13′
Riverview Manor elevation 13m 42′
Robinwood elevation 11m 36′
Rolling Knolls elevation 36m 118′
Romar Estates elevation 6m 19′
Rundelac Farm elevation 6m 19′
Selby Beach elevation 2m 6′
Selby-on-the-Bay elevation 4m 13′
South Down Shores elevation 9m 29′
South Haven elevation 21m 68′
South River elevation 31m 101′
South River Estates elevation 28m 91′
South River Heights elevation 7m 22′
South River Manor elevation 23m 75′
South River Spring Lakes elevation 23m 75′
South River Towers elevation 31m 101′
Southdown Estates elevation 10m 32′
Steuart Corner elevation 10m 32′
Steuart Level elevation 8m 26′
Sylmac elevation 34m 111′
Sylvan Shores elevation 20m 65′
Tameron Hall elevation 48m 157′
Tarzan Forest elevation 5m 16′
The Courtyards elevation 28m 91′
The Ridges elevation 28m 91′
The Ridings elevation 5m 16′
Threemile Oak Corner elevation 26m 85′
Truxton Heights elevation 9m 29′
Turnbull Estates elevation 5m 16′
Twin Hills elevation 36m 118′
Weems Creek elevation 27m 88′
West Woods elevation 20m 65′
Westwinds elevation 15m 49′
Wetheridge Estates elevation 7m 22′
Whiskey Bottom elevation 15m 49′
Wilelinor Estates elevation 16m 52′
Withernsea elevation 6m 19′
Woodland Beach elevation 11m 36′

South River: Post Offices

Edgewater Post Office elevation 6m 19′
Legion Avenue Station Annapolis Post Office elevation 13m 42′
Mayo Post Office elevation 11m 36′

South River: Reservoirs

Pig Pond elevation 4m 13′
Porkchop Pond elevation 20m 65′
Potomac River Reservoir elevation 8m 26′
Sausage Ponds elevation 10m 32′
Skinny Pond elevation 6m 19′
Tagalong Ponds elevation 19m 62′

South River: Ridges

Arundel Ridge elevation 5m 16′

South River: Streams

Alexander Branch elevation 0m 0′
Anne Green Spring Branch elevation 5m 16′
Backloop Run elevation 10m 32′
Bacon Ridge Branch elevation 1m 3′
Big Hob Run elevation 8m 26′
Bluejay Branch elevation 1m 3′
Caffrey Run elevation 1m 3′
Camp Run elevation 4m 13′
Cattail Branch elevation 1m 3′
Chandlers Branch elevation 12m 39′
Cowhide Branch elevation 2m 6′
Cub Neck Creek elevation 0m 0′
Deer Branch elevation 7m 22′
Flat Creek elevation 0m 0′
Forrest Branch elevation 0m 0′
Francis Creek elevation 0m 0′
Frog Haven elevation 4m 13′
Glebe Branch elevation 1m 3′
Intermittent Run elevation 11m 36′
Jean Brook elevation 8m 26′
Jessica Brook elevation 10m 32′
Many Fork Branch elevation 2m 6′
Marriots Branch elevation 1m 3′
Mill Swamp Branch elevation 4m 13′
Nettlefold Branch elevation 3m 9′
North Fork Muddy Creek elevation 1m 3′
North River elevation 1m 3′
Old Farm Branch elevation 17m 55′
Pasture Run elevation 0m 0′
Penny Run elevation 5m 16′
Pine Branch elevation 1m 3′
Pollution Run elevation 2m 6′
Race Horse Run elevation 20m 65′
Railroad Run elevation 2m 6′
Rainy Day Branch elevation 2m 6′
Rams Branch elevation 1m 3′
Red House Branch elevation 1m 3′
Shaw Creek elevation 0m 0′
South Fork Muddy Creek elevation 1m 3′
Sparrow Branch elevation 6m 19′
Split Branch elevation 2m 6′
Springhouse Run elevation 1m 3′
Steinlein Branch elevation 2m 6′
Susans Branch elevation 0m 0′
Tanglefoot Run elevation 1m 3′
Tarnans Branch elevation 1m 3′
Threefork Run elevation 17m 55′
Tin Can Run elevation 3m 9′
Waters Branch elevation 8m 26′
White Pine Run elevation 4m 13′
Williamson Branch elevation 1m 3′

South River: Swamps

Bear Neck Marsh elevation 1m 3′
Beards Creek Marsh elevation 1m 3′
Birds Mill Swamp elevation 6m 19′
Bosuns Bluff Marsh elevation 5m 16′
Broad Creek Marsh elevation 2m 6′
Cadle Creek Marsh elevation 2m 6′
Canninghouse Cove Marsh elevation 3m 9′
Cutover Swamp elevation 8m 26′
Cypress Bog elevation 0m 0′
Dock Marsh elevation 0m 0′
Flat Creek Marsh elevation 0m 0′
Fox Creek Marsh elevation 2m 6′
Fox Marsh elevation 2m 6′
Fox Point Marsh elevation 0m 0′
Francis Point Marsh elevation 1m 3′
Glebe Creek Marsh elevation 0m 0′
Hog Island Marsh elevation 4m 13′
Holly Hills Marsh elevation 0m 0′
Kirkpatrick Marsh elevation 1m 3′
Locust Point Marsh elevation 0m 0′
Long Point Marsh elevation 1m 3′
Muddy Creek Marsh elevation 1m 3′
North Fork Muddy Creek Marsh elevation 4m 13′
Nose Marsh elevation 1m 3′
O'Neill Island Marsh elevation 0m 0′
O'Neill Marsh elevation 1m 3′
Pasture Run Marsh elevation 1m 3′
River Club Marsh elevation 3m 9′
Saint George Barber Marsh elevation 3m 9′
Sellman Creek Marsh elevation 0m 0′
Sheephead Cove Marsh elevation 0m 0′
South Fork Muddy Creek Marsh elevation 2m 6′
South River Headwaters Marsh elevation 1m 3′
The Mess elevation 4m 13′
The Moss elevation 4m 13′
White Marsh elevation 0m 0′

South River: Valleys

Spicebush Valley elevation 12m 39′
Sycamore Hollow elevation 12m 39′

South River digital topo map on disk

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South River topo map