Alexandria Topo Map Virginia

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USGS Topo Quad 38077g1 - 1:24,000 scale

Topo Map Name: Alexandria
USGS Topo Quad ID: 38077g1
Print Size: ca. 21 1/4" wide x 27" high
Southeast Coordinates: 38.75° N latitude / 77° W longitude
Map Center Coordinates: 38.8125° N latitude / 77.0625° W longitude
U.S. States: VA, MD, DC
Filename: o38077g1.jpg
Download Map JPG Image: Alexandria topo map 1:24,000 scale
Map Type: Topographic
Topo Series: 7.5´
Map Scale: 1:24,000
Source of Map Images: United States Geological Survey (USGS)
Alternate Map Versions: Alexandria VA 1951 Download PDF Buy paper map
Alexandria VA 1956, updated 1958 Download PDF Buy paper map
Alexandria VA 1965, updated 1966 Download PDF Buy paper map
Alexandria VA 1965, updated 1971 Download PDF Buy paper map
Alexandria VA 1965, updated 1977 Download PDF Buy paper map
Alexandria VA 1965, updated 1980 Download PDF Buy paper map
Alexandria VA 1965, updated 1983 Download PDF Buy paper map
Alexandria VA 1965, updated 1989 Download PDF Buy paper map
Alexandria VA 2011 Download PDF Buy paper map
Alexandria VA 2013 Download PDF Buy paper map
Alexandria VA 2016 Download PDF Buy paper map

1:24,000 Topo Quads surrounding Alexandria

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Alexandria topo map: Gazetteer

Alexandria: Airports

Alexandria Hospital Helistop elevation 80m 262′
Anacostia Helicopter Facility elevation 1m 3′
Bolling Air Force Base Heliport elevation 5m 16′
Bolling Field elevation 2m 6′
National Hospital for Orthopadecis-Rehabilitation Heliport elevation 19m 62′
Pentagon Army Heliport elevation 14m 45′
Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport elevation 4m 13′
Spirit of Washington Heliport elevation 2m 6′
Washington Heliport elevation 1m 3′

Alexandria: Areas

Bolling Anacostia Tract elevation 2m 6′
District of Columbia Impound Lot elevation 5m 16′
Saint Elizabeths Farm elevation 9m 29′

Alexandria: Bays

Oxon Creek elevation 0m 0′

Alexandria: Bridges

Frederick Douglass Memorial Bridge elevation 3m 9′
Long Bridge elevation 0m 0′
Potomac Railroad Bridge elevation 1m 3′
Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge elevation 1m 3′

Alexandria: Capes

Buzzard Point elevation 1m 3′
Fox Ferry Point elevation 0m 0′
Giesboro Point elevation 3m 9′
Gravelly Point elevation 3m 9′
Greenleaf Point elevation 1m 3′
Hains Point elevation 2m 6′
Hunter Point elevation 2m 6′
Indian Queen Point elevation 2m 6′
Jones Point elevation 0m 0′
Marbury Point elevation 0m 0′
Poplar Point elevation 0m 0′

Alexandria: Channels

Georgetown Channel elevation 0m 0′
Washington Channel elevation 0m 0′

Alexandria: Cliffs

Indian Queen Bluff elevation 8m 26′
Rosier Bluff elevation 10m 32′

Alexandria: Crossings

Fox Ferry (historical) elevation 0m 0′
Interchange 10 elevation 7m 22′
Interchange 11 elevation 6m 19′
Interchange 2 elevation 4m 13′
Interchange 2 elevation 5m 16′
Interchange 4 elevation 73m 239′
Interchange 5 elevation 53m 173′
Interchange 6 elevation 19m 62′
Interchange 7 elevation 17m 55′
Interchange 8 elevation 33m 108′
Interchange 9 elevation 9m 29′

Alexandria: Harbors

Pentagon Lagoon Yacht Basin elevation 0m 0′

Alexandria: Islands

Daingerfield Island elevation 2m 6′
Goose Island elevation 0m 0′
Hog Island elevation 0m 0′
Rosilie Island elevation 4m 13′

Alexandria: Parks

Adam Sculpture elevation 3m 9′
Air Force Memorial elevation 38m 124′
Alexandria Historic District elevation 11m 36′
Anacostia Park Section C elevation 0m 0′
Bald Eagle Recreation Center elevation 50m 164′
Ballou Recreation Center elevation 49m 160′
Barcroft Park elevation 22m 72′
Belle Haven Park elevation 14m 45′
Betty Blume Park elevation 10m 32′
Burgundy Park elevation 11m 36′
Cameron Run Regional Park elevation 11m 36′
Colesanto Park elevation 10m 32′
Doctors Branch Park elevation 40m 131′
Dogue Creek Stream Park elevation 14m 45′
Dyke Marsh Wildlife Preserve elevation 1m 3′
East Potomac Park elevation 3m 9′
East Potomac Pool elevation 3m 9′
Fort Foote Park elevation 30m 98′
Fort Greble Recreation Center elevation 48m 157′
Fort Greble Recreation Center elevation 48m 157′
Fort Scott Park elevation 47m 154′
Fort Ward Park elevation 76m 249′
Fort Willard Park elevation 45m 147′
Founders Park elevation 1m 3′
George Washington Memorial Parkway elevation 1m 3′
Groveton Heights Park elevation 72m 236′
Hollin Meadows Park elevation 17m 55′
Hoover Playground elevation 5m 16′
Huntington Park elevation 2m 6′
Huntley Meadows Park elevation 11m 36′
Jefferson Manor Park elevation 21m 68′
Jennie Dean Park elevation 59m 193′
Jones Point Park elevation 1m 3′
Lee District Park elevation 48m 157′
Lenclair Park elevation 76m 249′
Loftridge Park elevation 32m 104′
M L King Recreation Center elevation 5m 16′
Marina Park elevation 5m 16′
Mark Twain Park elevation 77m 252′
Market Square elevation 12m 39′
Mount Jefferson Park elevation 15m 49′
Mount Vernon District Park elevation 21m 68′
Nationals Park elevation 7m 22′
Potomac Vista Recreation Area elevation 14m 45′
Ridgeview Park elevation 41m 134′
Roaches Run Waterfowl Sanctuary elevation 2m 6′
Shepherd Parkway elevation 33m 108′
Stoneybrook Park elevation 65m 213′
Titanic Memorial elevation 2m 6′
Washington and Old Dominion Railroad Regional Park elevation 13m 42′
Waterfront Park elevation 3m 9′
White Oaks Park elevation 41m 134′
Wickford Park elevation 13m 42′

Alexandria: Populated Places

Addison Heights elevation 18m 59′
Alcova Heights elevation 64m 209′
Alexandria elevation 11m 36′
Arlandria elevation 9m 29′
Arlington Forest elevation 77m 252′
Arlington Heights elevation 63m 206′
Arlington Village elevation 58m 190′
Arna Valley elevation 8m 26′
Aurora Hills elevation 33m 108′
Barcroft elevation 58m 190′
Belle Haven elevation 37m 121′
Belle View elevation 2m 6′
Bellevue elevation 12m 39′
Beverley Hills elevation 43m 141′
Brad Lee elevation 64m 209′
Braddock elevation 38m 124′
Braddock Heights elevation 56m 183′
Brooke Manor elevation 36m 118′
Brookville elevation 35m 114′
Buckingham elevation 80m 262′
Bucknell Heights elevation 63m 206′
Bucknell Manor elevation 42m 137′
Burgundy Village elevation 11m 36′
Bush Hill Woods elevation 74m 242′
Buzzard Point elevation 8m 26′
Cameron Valley elevation 23m 75′
Cannon elevation 58m 190′
Chapel Hill elevation 58m 190′
Chinquapin Village elevation 55m 180′
Claremont elevation 34m 111′
Clermont Woods elevation 58m 190′
Clover elevation 40m 131′
College Park elevation 39m 127′
Columbia Forest elevation 38m 124′
Columbia Heights elevation 76m 249′
Congress Heights elevation 52m 170′
Dalecrest elevation 40m 131′
Del Ray elevation 11m 36′
Delta elevation 33m 108′
Douglass Park elevation 57m 187′
Duke Gardens elevation 34m 111′
East Arlington (historical) elevation 8m 26′
Fair Haven elevation 32m 104′
Fort Barnard Heights elevation 54m 177′
Fort Foote Village elevation 41m 134′
Fort Ward Heights elevation 67m 219′
Giesboro elevation 4m 13′
Governors Grove elevation 38m 124′
Green Valley elevation 55m 180′
Groveton elevation 60m 196′
Groveton Heights elevation 74m 242′
Hollin Hills elevation 51m 167′
Hollindale elevation 35m 114′
Hume elevation 8m 26′
Huntington elevation 19m 62′
Indian Queen Estates elevation 22m 72′
Jefferson Manor elevation 49m 160′
Jefferson Park elevation 59m 193′
Kerby Hill elevation 50m 164′
Lynhaven elevation 5m 16′
Marlin Forest elevation 40m 131′
Memorial Heights elevation 56m 183′
Monticello Park elevation 44m 144′
Mount Ida elevation 38m 124′
New Alexandria elevation 1m 3′
New Glatz elevation 47m 154′
North Fairlington elevation 57m 187′
North Potomac Vista elevation 17m 55′
Oak Park elevation 0m 0′
Oakcrest elevation 60m 196′
Parkfairfax elevation 31m 101′
Parkglen elevation 71m 232′
Penn Daw elevation 50m 164′
Penn Daw Village elevation 39m 127′
Piney Court elevation 79m 259′
Potomac Vista elevation 20m 65′
Ridgeview elevation 51m 167′
River Bend Estates elevation 40m 131′
River Ridge Estates elevation 42m 137′
Rose Hill elevation 72m 236′
Rose Hill Farms elevation 72m 236′
Rosemont elevation 6m 19′
Saint Elmo elevation 12m 39′
Seminary Valley elevation 29m 95′
Shirley Duke elevation 36m 118′
Shirlington elevation 17m 55′
South Fairlington elevation 58m 190′
Spring Bank elevation 42m 137′
Valley View elevation 70m 229′
Varsity Park elevation 76m 249′
Villamay elevation 41m 134′
Virginia Heights elevation 76m 249′
Virginia Highlands elevation 17m 55′
Virginia Hills elevation 71m 232′
Wakefield elevation 35m 114′
Warwick Village elevation 40m 131′
Washington Forest elevation 76m 249′
Wellington Heights elevation 19m 62′
Westgrove elevation 18m 59′
Westmont elevation 64m 209′
White Oaks elevation 42m 137′
Wilton Woods elevation 60m 196′
Winslow Hills elevation 62m 203′
Woodley Hills elevation 21m 68′

Alexandria: Post Offices

Alexandria Post Office elevation 12m 39′
Arlington Central Post Office elevation 80m 262′
Arlington Hall Post Office elevation 67m 219′
Arlington Post Office Annex elevation 19m 62′
Arlington South Post Office elevation 63m 206′
Belle View Post Office elevation 2m 6′
Bolling Air Force Base Post Office elevation 7m 22′
Buckingham Post Office elevation 80m 262′
Congress Heights Post Office elevation 21m 68′
Crystal City Post Office elevation 15m 49′
Eads Post Office elevation 14m 45′
Fairlington Post Office elevation 64m 209′
Fort McNair Post Office elevation 4m 13′
Franconia Post Office elevation 73m 239′
George Washington Post Office elevation 6m 19′
Jefferson Manor Post Office elevation 52m 170′
National Airport Post Office elevation 6m 19′
Naval Research Laboratory Post Office elevation 9m 29′
Old Towne Post Office elevation 13m 42′
Potomac Post Office elevation 12m 39′
Shirlington Post Office elevation 19m 62′

Alexandria: Slopes

Water Slide elevation 12m 39′

Alexandria: Streams

Anacostia River elevation 1m 3′
Backlick Run elevation 12m 39′
Barnaby Run elevation 5m 16′
Broad Creek elevation 0m 0′
Cameron Run elevation 1m 3′
Doctors Run elevation 24m 78′
Four Mile Run elevation 1m 3′
Henson Creek elevation 4m 13′
Holmes Run elevation 11m 36′
Hooff Run elevation 0m 0′
Hunters Mill Branch elevation 4m 13′
Hunting Creek elevation 0m 0′
Long Branch elevation 3m 9′
Lubber Run elevation 49m 160′
Lucky Run elevation 18m 59′
Oxon Creek elevation 1m 3′
Oxon Run elevation 5m 16′
Pike Branch elevation 2m 6′
Quander Brook elevation 1m 3′
Roaches Run elevation 0m 0′
Roaches Run elevation 1m 3′
Saint James Creek (historical) elevation 2m 6′
Stickfoot Branch elevation 3m 9′
Taylor Run elevation 3m 9′
Timber Branch elevation 19m 62′

Alexandria: Summits

Bald Eagle Hill elevation 51m 167′
Shooters Hill elevation 44m 144′

Alexandria: Swamps

Dyke Marsh elevation 0m 0′

Alexandria digital topo map on disk

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Atlantic Coast (NY, NJ, PA, DE, MD, VA, NC)

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Alexandria topo map