Attleboro Topo Map Massachusetts

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USGS Topo Quad 41071h3 - 1:25,000 scale

Topo Map Name: Attleboro
USGS Topo Quad ID: 41071h3
Print Size: ca. 39" wide x 24" high
Southeast Coordinates: 41.875° N latitude / 71.25° W longitude
Map Center Coordinates: 41.9375° N latitude / 71.375° W longitude
U.S. States: MA, RI
Filename: k41071h3.jpg
Download Map JPG Image: Attleboro topo map 1:25,000 scale
Map Type: Topographic
Topo Series: 7.5´x15´
Map Scale: 1:25,000
Source of Map Images: United States Geological Survey (USGS)
Alternate Map Versions: Attleboro MA 1987, updated 1987 Download PDF Buy paper map

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Attleboro topo map: Gazetteer

Attleboro: Airports

Falls Pond Seaplane Base elevation 57m 187′
North Central State Airport elevation 131m 429′
Wgng Airport elevation 17m 55′

Attleboro: Areas

Nine Man Misery (historical) elevation 64m 209′

Attleboro: Bars

Quinsnicket Ledge elevation 56m 183′

Attleboro: Beaches

Frank Moody State Beach elevation 61m 200′

Attleboro: Bridges

Albion Bridge elevation 24m 78′
Arnold Mills Bridge elevation 40m 131′
Ashton Viaduct elevation 23m 75′
Broad Street Bridge elevation 17m 55′
Church Street Bridge elevation 24m 78′
Howard Road Bridge elevation 31m 101′
Main Street Bridge elevation 6m 19′

Attleboro: Canals

Blackstone Canal elevation 37m 121′

Attleboro: Crossings

Interchange 10 elevation 50m 164′
Interchange 11 elevation 72m 236′
Interchange 29 elevation 26m 85′
Interchange 30 elevation 28m 91′
Interchange 9 elevation 87m 285′
Interchange 9A elevation 92m 301′
Interchange 9B elevation 81m 265′
Interchange Five elevation 49m 160′
Interchange Four elevation 43m 141′
Interchange Three elevation 48m 157′

Attleboro: Dams

Albion Dam elevation 23m 75′
Ashton Dam elevation 42m 137′
Barney Pond Dam elevation 22m 72′
Central Falls Dam elevation 23m 75′
Diamond Hill Reservoir Dam elevation 51m 167′
Dodgeville Pond Dam elevation 33m 108′
Falls Pond Dam elevation 55m 180′
Greenwood Lake Dam elevation 37m 121′
Happy Hollow Pond Dam elevation 16m 52′
Hebron Mill Pond Dam elevation 27m 88′
Luther Reservoir Dam elevation 44m 144′
Manchester Pond Dam elevation 39m 127′
Manchester Pond Dam elevation 42m 137′
Manchester Pond East Dike elevation 43m 141′
Manville Dam elevation 34m 111′
Mechanics Pond Dam elevation 36m 118′
Olney Pond Dam elevation 60m 196′
Orrs Pond Dam elevation 33m 108′
Pawtucket Reservoir Dam elevation 49m 160′
Pratt Dam elevation 23m 75′
Rawson Pond Dam elevation 35m 114′
Robin Hollow Pond Dam elevation 19m 62′
Slatersville Reservoir Lower Dam elevation 60m 196′
Ten Mile River Dam elevation 26m 85′
Valley Falls Pond Dam elevation 17m 55′
Wading River Dam elevation 36m 118′
Whiting Pond Dam elevation 57m 187′
Woonsocket Reservoir Number 3 Dam elevation 103m 337′

Attleboro: Falls

Albion Falls elevation 22m 72′
Pawtucket Falls elevation 2m 6′

Attleboro: Lakes

Black Pond elevation 45m 147′
Coopers Pond elevation 35m 114′
Farmers Pond elevation 43m 141′
Gilbanes Pond elevation 84m 275′
Gould Pond elevation 73m 239′
Little Cranberry Pond elevation 19m 62′
Little Pond elevation 86m 282′
Manville Pond elevation 31m 101′
Mill Pond elevation 35m 114′
Peck Pond elevation 57m 187′
Quinsnicket Lake elevation 53m 173′
Sneech Pond elevation 84m 275′
Spectacle Pond elevation 26m 85′
Todds Pond elevation 45m 147′

Attleboro: Mines

Conklin Limestone Quarry elevation 61m 200′

Attleboro: Parks

Albion Historic District elevation 42m 137′
Arnold Mills Historic District elevation 43m 141′
Ashton Historic District elevation 38m 124′
Berkeley Mill Village Historic District elevation 40m 131′
Capron Park elevation 43m 141′
Central Falls Mill Historic District elevation 16m 52′
Central Street School Historic District elevation 27m 88′
George Washington Memorial Park elevation 79m 259′
Jenks Park elevation 35m 114′
Limerock Village Historic District elevation 69m 226′
Lincoln Greyhound Park elevation 79m 259′
Lincoln Woods State Park elevation 95m 311′
Lonsdale Historic District elevation 30m 98′
Old Ashton Historic District elevation 26m 85′
Quality Hill Historic District elevation 27m 88′
Saylesville Historic District elevation 23m 75′
Slater Park elevation 8m 26′
South Central Falls Historic District elevation 32m 104′
South Street Historic District elevation 28m 91′
Tucker Field elevation 74m 242′
Valley Falls Heritage Park elevation 22m 72′
Wilkinson Park elevation 25m 82′

Attleboro: Populated Places

Abbott Run elevation 37m 121′
Adamsdale elevation 34m 111′
Albion elevation 44m 144′
Arnold Mills elevation 47m 154′
Ashton elevation 43m 141′
Attleboro elevation 35m 114′
Attleboro Falls elevation 45m 147′
Attleborough City elevation 28m 91′
Berkeley elevation 40m 131′
Briggs Corner elevation 42m 137′
Camp Herbron elevation 42m 137′
Central Falls elevation 26m 85′
Cumberland elevation 81m 265′
Cumberland Hill elevation 66m 216′
Darlington elevation 27m 88′
Diamond Hill elevation 58m 190′
Dodgeville elevation 35m 114′
East Junction elevation 31m 101′
Fairlawn elevation 28m 91′
Happy Hollow elevation 21m 68′
Hebronville elevation 28m 91′
Lime Rock elevation 68m 223′
Lippitt Estate elevation 104m 341′
Lonsdale elevation 33m 108′
Manville elevation 50m 164′
Monastery Heights elevation 75m 246′
North Attleboro elevation 57m 187′
North Seekonk elevation 25m 82′
Pawtucket elevation 11m 36′
Perrins Crossing elevation 24m 78′
Pleasant View elevation 29m 95′
Quinnville elevation 29m 95′
Sayles Bleachery elevation 37m 121′
Saylesville elevation 33m 108′
Saylesville Highlands elevation 70m 229′
South Attleboro elevation 30m 98′
Valley Falls elevation 32m 104′

Attleboro: Post Offices

Ashton Post Office (historical) elevation 25m 82′
Attleboro Falls Post Office elevation 48m 157′
Attleboro Post Office elevation 39m 127′
Central Falls Post Office elevation 33m 108′
Cumberland Post Office elevation 77m 252′
Lincoln Post Office elevation 38m 124′
Manville Post Office elevation 38m 124′
North Attleboro Post Office elevation 57m 187′
Pawtucket Post Office elevation 11m 36′
South Attleboro Post Office elevation 33m 108′
Valley Falls-Lonsdale Station Pawtucket Post Office elevation 24m 78′

Attleboro: Reservoirs

Arnold Mills Reservoir elevation 49m 160′
Barney Pond elevation 22m 72′
Blackstone River Reservoir elevation 34m 111′
Blackstone River Reservoir elevation 23m 75′
Blackstone River Reservoir elevation 42m 137′
Blackstone River Reservoir elevation 23m 75′
Blackstone River Reservoir elevation 23m 75′
Bleachery Pond elevation 19m 62′
Butterfly Pond elevation 34m 111′
Diamond Hill Reservoir elevation 51m 167′
Dodgeville Pond elevation 33m 108′
Falls Pond elevation 49m 160′
Greenwood Lake elevation 37m 121′
Happy Hollow Pond elevation 16m 52′
Hoppin Hill Reservoir elevation 59m 193′
Howard Pond elevation 31m 101′
Lake Como elevation 36m 118′
Laportes Pond elevation 72m 236′
Lower Rochambeau Pond elevation 56m 183′
Luther Reservoir elevation 39m 127′
Manchester Pond elevation 42m 137′
Manchester Pond elevation 43m 141′
Manchester Pond Reservoir elevation 38m 124′
Meaders Pond elevation 76m 249′
Mechanics Pond elevation 36m 118′
New Pond elevation 19m 62′
Olney Pond elevation 60m 196′
Orrs Pond elevation 31m 101′
Pawtucket Reservoir elevation 49m 160′
Pawtucket Reservoir elevation 93m 305′
Rawson Pond elevation 35m 114′
Reservoir Number 1 elevation 59m 193′
Reservoir Number 2 elevation 57m 187′
Robin Hollow Pond elevation 19m 62′
Rochambeau Ponds elevation 56m 183′
Scott Pond elevation 23m 75′
Stump Hill Reservoir elevation 93m 305′
Ten Mile River Reservoir elevation 26m 85′
Valley Falls Pond elevation 17m 55′
Wading River Reservoir elevation 36m 118′
Whiting Pond elevation 57m 187′
Woonsocket Reservoir Number One elevation 52m 170′
Woonsocket Reservoir Number Three elevation 103m 337′
Woonsocket Reservoir Number Two elevation 56m 183′

Attleboro: Streams

Abbott Run elevation 12m 39′
Abbott Run elevation 12m 39′
Angell Brook elevation 79m 259′
Ash Swamp Brook elevation 51m 167′
Blackstone River elevation 2m 6′
Bliss Brook elevation 38m 124′
Bungay River elevation 36m 118′
Catamint Brook elevation 91m 298′
Crookfall Brook elevation 33m 108′
East Sneech Brook elevation 51m 167′
Fourmile Brook elevation 30m 98′
Long Brook elevation 51m 167′
Millers River elevation 21m 68′
Millers River elevation 21m 68′
Monastery Brook elevation 95m 311′
Mussey Brook elevation 27m 88′
Scott Brook elevation 22m 72′
Scotts Brook elevation 54m 177′
Sevenmile River elevation 20m 65′
Spring Brook elevation 57m 187′
Sylvys Brook elevation 50m 164′
Thacher Brook elevation 33m 108′
Threadmill Brook elevation 22m 72′
West River elevation 21m 68′
West Sneech Brook elevation 24m 78′

Attleboro: Summits

Beacon Pole Hill elevation 162m 531′
Bear Hill elevation 85m 278′
Brush Hill elevation 113m 370′
Cobble Hill elevation 79m 259′
Copper Mine Hill elevation 137m 449′
Cumberland Hill elevation 80m 262′
Dexters Ledge elevation 34m 111′
Diamond Hill elevation 144m 472′
Hoppin Hill elevation 79m 259′
Hunting Hill elevation 125m 410′
Ides Hill elevation 77m 252′
Jenckes Hill elevation 129m 423′
Molasses Hill elevation 96m 314′
Oak Hill elevation 68m 223′
Quinsnicket Hill elevation 93m 305′
Stump Hill elevation 93m 305′
Tablerock Hill elevation 96m 314′
Thompson Hill elevation 93m 305′
Walnut Grove Hill elevation 71m 232′
Whipple Hill elevation 116m 380′

Attleboro: Swamps

Ash Swamp elevation 59m 193′
Sweedens Swamp elevation 24m 78′
Town Line Swamp elevation 95m 311′

Attleboro: Valleys

Robin Hollow elevation 20m 65′
Robin Hollow elevation 20m 65′

Attleboro digital topo map on disk

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