Branford Topo Map Connecticut

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USGS Topo Quad 41072c7 - 1:24,000 scale

Topo Map Name: Branford
USGS Topo Quad ID: 41072c7
Print Size: ca. 21 1/4" wide x 27" high
Southeast Coordinates: 41.25° N latitude / 72.75° W longitude
Map Center Coordinates: 41.3125° N latitude / 72.8125° W longitude
U.S. State: CT
Filename: o41072c7.jpg
Download Map JPG Image: Branford topo map 1:24,000 scale
Map Type: Topographic
Topo Series: 7.5´
Map Scale: 1:24,000
Source of Map Images: United States Geological Survey (USGS)
Alternate Map Versions: Branford CT 2012 Download PDF Buy paper map
Branford CT 2015 Download PDF Buy paper map

1:24,000 Topo Quads surrounding Branford

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Branford topo map: Gazetteer

Branford: Airports

North Branford Heliport elevation 69m 226′
USSC/NH Heliport elevation 7m 22′

Branford: Bays

Branford Cove elevation 0m 0′
Branford Harbor elevation 0m 0′
Granite Bay elevation 0m 0′
Hotchkiss Cove elevation 0m 0′
Lamphier Cove elevation 2m 6′
Lindsey Cove elevation 0m 0′
Pages Cove elevation 0m 0′

Branford: Beaches

Front Beach elevation 0m 0′
Hotchkiss Cove Beach elevation 20m 65′
Hotchkiss Grove Beach elevation 0m 0′
Limewood Beach elevation 1m 3′
Short Beach elevation 1m 3′

Branford: Bridges

Tuttle Bridge (historical) elevation 3m 9′

Branford: Capes

Branford Point elevation 0m 0′
Brown Point elevation 2m 6′
Flying Point elevation 0m 0′
Haycock Point elevation 2m 6′
Horton Point elevation 1m 3′
Indian Neck elevation 8m 26′
Indian Neck Point elevation 0m 0′
Juniper Point elevation 4m 13′
Pawson Point elevation 0m 0′
Paynes Point elevation 0m 0′
Pleasant Point elevation 4m 13′
Sackett Point elevation 4m 13′
Stanley Point elevation 0m 0′
Sylvan Point elevation 4m 13′
Town Neck elevation 10m 32′
Veddar Point elevation 4m 13′

Branford: Crossings

Interchange 52 elevation 17m 55′
Interchange 53 elevation 18m 59′
Interchange 54 elevation 26m 85′
Interchange 55 elevation 13m 42′
Interchange 56 elevation 28m 91′

Branford: Dams

Branford Supply Ponds Dam elevation 7m 22′
Graniss Pond Dam elevation 17m 55′
Lake Gaillard Dam elevation 59m 193′
Lake Saltonstall Dam elevation 7m 22′
Pages Millpond Dam elevation 27m 88′
Wards Millpond Dam elevation 11m 36′

Branford: Guts

Farm River Gut elevation 0m 0′

Branford: Islands

Andrews Island elevation 0m 0′
Belden Island elevation 0m 0′
Bishop Rock elevation 0m 0′
Blackstone Rocks elevation 0m 0′
Bowman Rock elevation 0m 0′
Burr Island elevation 0m 0′
Cedar Island elevation 0m 0′
Democrat Rock elevation 0m 0′
Dick Rocks elevation 0m 0′
East Crib elevation 0m 0′
Foot Rocks elevation 0m 0′
Frisbie Island elevation 0m 0′
Governor Island elevation 0m 0′
Green Island elevation 0m 0′
Green Island elevation 0m 0′
House Chimney Island elevation 0m 0′
Kelsey Island elevation 0m 0′
Lewis Island elevation 0m 0′
Lovers Island elevation 0m 0′
Middle Rock elevation 0m 0′
Pork Rocks elevation 0m 0′
Potato Island elevation 0m 0′
Rogers Island elevation 8m 26′
Saint Helena Island elevation 0m 0′
The Thimbles elevation 0m 0′
West Crib elevation 0m 0′
Wheeler Island elevation 0m 0′
White Top Rock elevation 0m 0′

Branford: Lakes

Augurs Ice Pond elevation 35m 114′
Branford Supply Ponds elevation 7m 22′
Bruces Ice Pond elevation 7m 22′
Cedar Pond elevation 11m 36′
Foxon Pond elevation 20m 65′
Graniss Pond elevation 17m 55′
Griffins Pond elevation 14m 45′
Hartens Pond elevation 26m 85′
Lidyhites Pond elevation 35m 114′
Linsley Pond elevation 9m 29′
Pirot Pond elevation 29m 95′
Talmage Pond elevation 10m 32′
Talmages Ice Pond elevation 7m 22′
Youngs Pond elevation 14m 45′

Branford: Parks

Branford Center Historic District elevation 13m 42′
Branford Point Historic District elevation 0m 0′
East Haven Marsh Wildlife Area elevation 0m 0′
Foote Memorial Park elevation 5m 16′
Hammer Field elevation 4m 13′
Kennedy Field elevation 13m 42′
Lions Park elevation 12m 39′
Michael Street Park elevation 34m 111′
Parker Memorial Park elevation 5m 16′
Parker Memorial Park elevation 6m 19′
Pawnson Park elevation 11m 36′
Pawson Park Marsh Wildlife Area elevation 0m 0′
Peters Rock Park elevation 96m 314′
Stony Creek-Thimble Island Historic District elevation 8m 26′
Supply Pond Park elevation 26m 85′
Veterans Memorial Park elevation 50m 164′
Youngs Pond Park elevation 24m 78′

Branford: Pillars

Baldwin Rock elevation 5m 16′
Big Mermaid elevation 0m 0′
Bird Rock elevation 0m 0′

Branford: Populated Places

Branford elevation 14m 45′
Branford Hills elevation 14m 45′
Double Beach elevation 6m 19′
East Haven elevation 7m 22′
Foxon elevation 15m 49′
Indian Neck elevation 0m 0′
Montowese elevation 16m 52′
North Branford elevation 33m 108′
Pine Orchard elevation 7m 22′
Short Beach elevation 8m 26′
Thompson Corner (historical) elevation 12m 39′
Totoket elevation 22m 72′

Branford: Post Offices

Branford Post Office elevation 12m 39′

Branford: Reservoirs

Lake Gaillard elevation 59m 193′
Lake Saltonstall elevation 7m 22′
Pages Millpond elevation 30m 98′
Wards Millpond elevation 11m 36′

Branford: Ridges

Saltonstall Ridge elevation 68m 223′

Branford: Streams

Beaver Swamp Brook elevation 7m 22′
Burrs Brook elevation 16m 52′
Crooked Brook elevation 61m 200′
Fivemile Brook elevation 11m 36′
Maloney Brook elevation 12m 39′
Muddy River elevation 5m 16′
Munger Brook elevation 25m 82′
Notch Hill Brook elevation 12m 39′
Pisgah Brook elevation 2m 6′
Roses Brook elevation 69m 226′

Branford: Summits

Baldwin Hill elevation 14m 45′
Beacon Hill elevation 29m 95′
Branford Hill elevation 38m 124′
Cherry Hill elevation 46m 150′
Lidyhites Hill elevation 63m 206′
Notch Hill elevation 42m 137′
Rabbit Rock elevation 100m 328′
Sea Hill elevation 125m 410′
Sunset Hill elevation 35m 114′

Branford: Swamps

Rose Swamp elevation 24m 78′

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Branford topo map