Brockton Topo Map Massachusetts

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USGS Topo Quad 42071a1 - 1:25,000 scale

Topo Map Name: Brockton
USGS Topo Quad ID: 42071a1
Print Size: ca. 39" wide x 24" high
Southeast Coordinates: 42° N latitude / 71° W longitude
Map Center Coordinates: 42.0625° N latitude / 71.125° W longitude
U.S. State: MA
Filename: k42071a1.jpg
Download Map JPG Image: Brockton topo map 1:25,000 scale
Map Type: Topographic
Topo Series: 7.5´x15´
Map Scale: 1:25,000
Source of Map Images: United States Geological Survey (USGS)
Alternate Map Versions: Brockton MA 1987, updated 1987 Download PDF Buy paper map
Brockton MA 1987, updated 1987 Download PDF Buy paper map

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Brockton topo map: Gazetteer

Brockton: Airports

Brockton Airport (historical) elevation 21m 68′
Brockton US Army Reserve Center Heliport elevation 36m 118′
Goddard Hospital Heliport elevation 62m 203′
Mansfield Municipal Airport elevation 35m 114′
Veracka Heliport elevation 19m 62′
Wolomolopoag Stolport elevation 81m 265′

Brockton: Bridges

Wellington Bridge elevation 53m 173′

Brockton: Crossings

Interchange Eight elevation 83m 272′
Interchange Seven elevation 68m 223′
Interchange Thirty elevation 28m 91′
Interchange Twenty-eight elevation 66m 216′

Brockton: Dams

Ames Pond Dam elevation 33m 108′
Bigney Pond Dam elevation 41m 134′
Brockton Reservoir Dam elevation 63m 206′
Bunker Pond Dam elevation 42m 137′
French Pond Dam elevation 52m 170′
Longwater Pond Dam elevation 37m 121′
Lower Porter Pond Dam elevation 51m 167′
Manns Pond Dam elevation 79m 259′
Mill Pond Dam elevation 27m 88′
Monte Pond Dam elevation 42m 137′
Morse Pond Dam elevation 32m 104′
New Pond Dam elevation 39m 127′
Old Pond Dam elevation 31m 101′
Shovelshop Pond Dam elevation 38m 124′
Upper Porter Pond Dam elevation 52m 170′
Waldo Lake Dam elevation 54m 177′
West Meadow Brook Dam elevation 27m 88′

Brockton: Islands

Bear Island elevation 82m 269′
Crescent Island elevation 84m 275′
South Island elevation 21m 68′

Brockton: Lakes

Ames Long Pond elevation 54m 177′
Beaumont Pond elevation 46m 150′
Brittons Pond elevation 56m 183′
Cross Pond elevation 42m 137′
Dean Pond elevation 30m 98′
Dry Pond elevation 64m 209′
Ellis Brett Pond elevation 44m 144′
Flyaway Pond elevation 55m 180′
Glue Factory Pond elevation 55m 180′
Hammer Shop Pond elevation 77m 252′
Harrigan Pond elevation 73m 239′
Hersey Pond elevation 69m 226′
Leach Pond elevation 62m 203′
Little Cedar Swamp elevation 22m 72′
Longwater Pond elevation 37m 121′
Massapoag Lake elevation 76m 249′
Muddy Pond elevation 49m 160′
Old Pond elevation 35m 114′
Puds Pond elevation 67m 219′
Vandys Pond elevation 62m 203′
Waldo Lake elevation 58m 190′
Ward Pond elevation 22m 72′
Wheelers Pond (historical) elevation 41m 134′
Whiteville Pond elevation 43m 141′
Wolomolopoag Pond elevation 79m 259′
Woods Pond elevation 58m 190′

Brockton: Parks

Ball Park elevation 44m 144′
Bickley Playground elevation 23m 75′
Borderland State Park elevation 62m 203′
D W Field Park elevation 53m 173′
D W Field Park elevation 67m 219′
Davis Square elevation 36m 118′
George G Snow Park elevation 24m 78′
Gilbert Walker Playground elevation 52m 170′
Hancock Field elevation 73m 239′
Jas Edgar Playground elevation 32m 104′
Keith Memorial Field elevation 35m 114′
Mansfield Memorial Park elevation 49m 160′
Marciano Stadium elevation 38m 124′
Moose Hill Wildlife Sanctuary elevation 113m 370′
Nelson Playground elevation 26m 85′
Puffer Playground elevation 30m 98′
Pulaski Square elevation 39m 127′
Sampson Park elevation 83m 272′
Sharon Historic District elevation 91m 298′
South Street Historic District elevation 39m 127′
Turkis Playground elevation 36m 118′
West Meadow Wildlife Reservation elevation 32m 104′
Winthrop Square elevation 40m 131′

Brockton: Populated Places

Algers Corner elevation 21m 68′
Bennetts Corner elevation 20m 65′
Brockton elevation 36m 118′
Brockton Heights elevation 72m 236′
Brooks Place elevation 34m 111′
Camp Lincoln Hill elevation 68m 223′
Campello elevation 32m 104′
Clifton Heights elevation 33m 108′
Cochesett elevation 30m 98′
Daley Corner elevation 43m 141′
East Foxboro elevation 59m 193′
East Mansfield elevation 42m 137′
Easton elevation 34m 111′
Easton Center elevation 34m 111′
Easton Green elevation 33m 108′
Easton Station elevation 37m 121′
Eastondale elevation 34m 111′
Elm Square elevation 21m 68′
Five Corners elevation 37m 121′
Foxboro elevation 79m 259′
Foxborough elevation 87m 285′
Foxvale elevation 62m 203′
Ginty Corner elevation 33m 108′
Gowards Corner elevation 32m 104′
Manleys Corner elevation 37m 121′
Mansfield elevation 51m 167′
Marshall Corner elevation 34m 111′
Matfield Corner elevation 27m 88′
Montello elevation 43m 141′
Morris Corner elevation 39m 127′
Morse Corner elevation 35m 114′
North Easton elevation 45m 147′
Pratts Corner elevation 28m 91′
Purdy Corner elevation 46m 150′
Sharon elevation 91m 298′
Sharon Heights elevation 83m 272′
South Easton elevation 33m 108′
South Stoughton elevation 80m 262′
Stoughton Junction elevation 58m 190′
West Bridgewater elevation 19m 62′
West Meadow elevation 36m 118′
Whiteville elevation 50m 164′
Winters Corner elevation 49m 160′

Brockton: Post Offices

Brockton Post Office (historical) elevation 38m 124′
Brockton Station Post Office (historical) elevation 38m 124′
Campello Post Office (historical) elevation 40m 131′
Cochesett Post Office (historical) elevation 28m 91′
Eastondale Post Office (historical) elevation 27m 88′
Foxboro Post Office elevation 86m 282′
Mansfield Post Office elevation 90m 295′
North Easton Post Office elevation 45m 147′
Sharon Post Office elevation 90m 295′
South Easton Post Office elevation 32m 104′
South Easton Post Office (historical) elevation 32m 104′
West Bridgewater Post Office (historical) elevation 27m 88′

Brockton: Reservoirs

Ames Pond elevation 33m 108′
Bigney Pond elevation 41m 134′
Briggs Pond elevation 73m 239′
Brockton Reservoir elevation 63m 206′
Cabot Pond elevation 31m 101′
Cards Pond (historical) elevation 51m 167′
Flagg Pond elevation 36m 118′
French Pond elevation 52m 170′
Fulton Pond elevation 47m 154′
Greeleys Pond elevation 71m 232′
Kingman Pond elevation 44m 144′
Lower Porter Pond elevation 49m 160′
Manns Pond elevation 76m 249′
Mill Pond elevation 27m 88′
Monte Pond elevation 42m 137′
Morse Pond elevation 32m 104′
Neponset Reservoir elevation 81m 265′
New Pond elevation 38m 124′
Shovelshop Pond elevation 37m 121′
Thirtyacre Pond elevation 46m 150′
Upper Porter Pond elevation 52m 170′
West Meadow Brook Pond elevation 27m 88′

Brockton: Streams

Beaver Brook elevation 64m 209′
Beaver Brook elevation 29m 95′
Billings Brook elevation 68m 223′
Black Betty Brook elevation 25m 82′
Cary Brook elevation 29m 95′
Coweeset Brook elevation 21m 68′
Daley Brook elevation 27m 88′
Devils Brook elevation 55m 180′
Dorchester Brook elevation 29m 95′
Edson Brook elevation 18m 59′
French Brook elevation 20m 65′
Henkes Brook elevation 50m 164′
Lovett Brook elevation 42m 137′
Malfardar Brook elevation 24m 78′
Mulberry Brook elevation 23m 75′
Poquanticut Brook elevation 29m 95′
Queset Brook elevation 24m 78′
Robinson Brook elevation 50m 164′
Salisbury Brook elevation 24m 78′
Searles Brook elevation 46m 150′
Sucker Brook elevation 78m 255′
Trout Brook elevation 24m 78′
West Meadow Brook elevation 18m 59′
Whitman Brook elevation 36m 118′

Brockton: Summits

Barefoot Hill elevation 95m 311′
Bluff Hill elevation 138m 452′
Cow Hill elevation 94m 308′
Dudley Hill elevation 116m 380′
Foolish Hill elevation 103m 337′
Hobbs Hill elevation 97m 318′
King Philips Rock elevation 79m 259′
Moose Hill elevation 51m 167′
Neponset Ridge elevation 91m 298′
Pierce Hill elevation 107m 351′
Rattlesnake Hill elevation 122m 400′
Stonehouse Hill elevation 58m 190′

Brockton: Swamps

Flaggy Meadow elevation 20m 65′
Lowlands elevation 51m 167′

Brockton: Woods

Great Woods elevation 51m 167′

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Brockton topo map