Boston South Topo Map Massachusetts

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USGS Topo Quad 42071c1 - 1:25,000 scale

Topo Map Name: Boston South
USGS Topo Quad ID: 42071c1
Print Size: ca. 39" wide x 24" high
Southeast Coordinates: 42.25° N latitude / 71° W longitude
Map Center Coordinates: 42.3125° N latitude / 71.125° W longitude
U.S. State: MA
Filename: k42071c1.jpg
Download Map JPG Image: Boston South topo map 1:25,000 scale
Map Type: Topographic
Topo Series: 7.5´x15´
Map Scale: 1:25,000
Source of Map Images: United States Geological Survey (USGS)
Alternate Map Versions: Boston South MA 1987, updated 1987 Download PDF Buy paper map
Boston South MA 1987, updated 1987 Download PDF Buy paper map

1:24,000 Topo Quads surrounding Boston South

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Boston South topo map: Gazetteer

Boston South: Airports

Boston City Hospital Heliport elevation 5m 16′
Boston Globe Heliport elevation 3m 9′
Boston Heliport elevation 3m 9′
General Edward Lawrence Logan International Airport elevation 3m 9′
Museum of Science Heliport elevation 7m 22′
Nashua Street Heliport elevation 6m 19′
PG Heliport elevation 3m 9′
Waltham Weston Hospital and Medical Center Heliport elevation 22m 72′
WBZ Heliport elevation 3m 9′
WCVB-TV Heliport elevation 46m 150′
World Trade Center Heliport elevation 4m 13′

Boston South: Bars

Chapel Rocks elevation 0m 0′

Boston South: Bays

Dorchester Bay elevation 0m 0′
Gulliver Creek elevation 1m 3′
Millers River Basin elevation 2m 6′
Old Harbor elevation 0m 0′
Pleasure Bay elevation 0m 0′
Savin Hill Cove elevation 0m 0′
South Bay (historical) elevation 4m 13′
South Bay (historical) elevation 0m 0′

Boston South: Beaches

Carson Beach elevation 3m 9′
Harvey Beach elevation 57m 187′
L Street Beach elevation 3m 9′
Magazine Beach elevation 4m 13′
Malibu Beach elevation 3m 9′
Nickerson Beach elevation 5m 16′
Savin Hill Beach elevation 3m 9′
Tenean Beach elevation 0m 0′
Wollaston Beach elevation 0m 0′

Boston South: Bridges

Anderson Bridge elevation 3m 9′
Baxters Bridge (historical) elevation 5m 16′
Boston University Bridge elevation 6m 19′
Boston University Bridge elevation 6m 19′
Boylston Street Bridge elevation 5m 16′
Cambridge Street Bridge elevation 1m 3′
Canal Bridge (historical) elevation 1m 3′
Charles River Bridge (historical) elevation 0m 0′
Congress Street Bridge elevation 0m 0′
Echo Bridge elevation 23m 75′
Eliot Bridge elevation 1m 3′
Evelyn Moakley Bridge elevation 4m 13′
Harvard Bridge elevation 0m 0′
John W Weeks Pedestrian Bridge elevation 3m 9′
Lagoon Bridge elevation 2m 6′
Larz Anderson Bridge elevation 3m 9′
Leonard P Zakim Bunker Hill Bridge elevation 0m 0′
Leverett Circle Connector Bridge elevation 1m 3′
Longfellow Bridge elevation 0m 0′
Lyons Bridge elevation 27m 88′
Northern Avenue Bridge elevation 0m 0′
Prison Point Bridge (historical) elevation 3m 9′
River Street Bridge elevation 3m 9′
South Boston Bridge (historical) elevation 5m 16′
Summer Street Bridge elevation 0m 0′
Warren Bridge (historical) elevation 0m 0′
Western Avenue Bridge elevation 3m 9′
Western Avenue Bridge elevation 1m 3′

Boston South: Canals

Broad Canal elevation 1m 3′
Cochituate Aqueduct (historical) elevation 48m 157′
Lechmere Canal elevation 3m 9′
Sudbury River Aqueduct (historical) elevation 49m 160′

Boston South: Capes

Bartons Point (historical) elevation 6m 19′
Blackstones Point (historical) elevation 3m 9′
Boston Neck elevation 9m 29′
Castle Island elevation 10m 32′
City Point elevation 4m 13′
Columbia Point elevation 6m 19′
Columbia Point elevation 6m 19′
Commercial Point elevation 0m 0′
Dorchester Penninsula elevation 18m 59′
Fort Point (historical) elevation 2m 6′
Fox Point elevation 0m 0′
Governors Island elevation 5m 16′
Hudsons Point (historical) elevation 6m 19′
Pine Island elevation 7m 22′
Squantum Peninsula elevation 2m 6′
Squantum Point elevation 0m 0′
Windmill Point (historical) elevation 1m 3′

Boston South: Channels

Boston Main Channel elevation 0m 0′
Fort Point Channel elevation 0m 0′
Reserved Channel elevation 0m 0′
Squantum Channel elevation 0m 0′
Wollaston Channel elevation 0m 0′

Boston South: Cliffs

Squantum elevation 24m 78′

Boston South: Crossings

Downtown Crossing elevation 10m 32′
Interchange Fifty-Eight elevation 46m 150′
Interchange Fifty-Five elevation 60m 196′
Interchange Fifty-seven elevation 30m 98′
Interchange Fifty-Six elevation 37m 121′
Interchange Sixteen elevation 18m 59′
Leverette Circle elevation 6m 19′

Boston South: Dams

Charles River Dam elevation 0m 0′
Chestnut Hill Reservoir Dam elevation 40m 131′
Neponset River Dam Hyde Park elevation 9m 29′
Neponset River Dam Lower Mills elevation 15m 49′
New Charles River Dam elevation 3m 9′
Newton Upper Falls Dam elevation 27m 88′
Rosemary Lake Dam elevation 29m 95′
Waban Hill Reservoir Dam elevation 82m 269′

Boston South: Flats

Bird Island Flats elevation 4m 13′

Boston South: Gaps

Hemlock Gorge elevation 24m 78′

Boston South: Harbors

Dorchester Bay Basin elevation 0m 0′

Boston South: Islands

Halftide Rock elevation 0m 0′
Head Island elevation 0m 0′
Island of North Boston (historical) elevation 9m 29′
Mosswetusset Hummock elevation 8m 26′
Powells Island elevation 27m 88′
Squaw Rock elevation 12m 39′
Thimble Island elevation 0m 0′
Thompson Island elevation 2m 6′

Boston South: Lakes

Bulloughs Pond elevation 29m 95′
Chandler Pond elevation 13m 42′
Cow Island Pond elevation 28m 91′
Crystal Lake elevation 43m 141′
Frog Pond elevation 11m 36′
Halecyon Lake elevation 4m 13′
Halls Pond elevation 2m 6′
Hammond Pond elevation 53m 173′
Jamaica Pond elevation 18m 59′
Leverett Pond elevation 5m 16′
Lost Pond elevation 52m 170′
Motley Pond elevation 27m 88′
New Pond elevation 24m 78′
Sargent Pond elevation 24m 78′
Sawins Pond elevation 6m 19′
Silver Lake elevation 14m 45′
Storrow Lagoon elevation 1m 3′
Strongs Pond elevation 19m 62′
Turners Pond elevation 7m 22′
Turtle Pond elevation 40m 131′
Wards Pond elevation 20m 65′
Welch Pond elevation 23m 75′
Weld Pond elevation 60m 196′
Willow Pond elevation 13m 42′

Boston South: Levees

James J Storrow Memorial Embankment elevation 1m 3′

Boston South: Parks

Adams National Historical Park elevation 6m 19′
Admiral Morison Statue elevation 4m 13′
Allison Park elevation 3m 9′
Almont Playground elevation 16m 52′
Alsen Playground elevation 6m 19′
Alumni Stadium elevation 40m 131′
Amory Playground elevation 5m 16′
Amory Woods elevation 2m 6′
Anne Hutchinson Statue elevation 25m 82′
Anthony Costa Playground elevation 3m 9′
Armory Playground elevation 5m 16′
Arnold Arboretum elevation 40m 131′
Auburndale Playground elevation 17m 55′
Baker Playground elevation 64m 209′
Baylston Playground elevation 33m 108′
Beacon Trotting Park (historical) elevation 7m 22′
Beaconsfield Terraces Historic District elevation 40m 131′
Beaver II - Boston Tea Party Ship elevation 0m 0′
Bellevue Hill Park elevation 98m 321′
Bemis Playground elevation 9m 29′
Benjamin Franklin Birthplace Site elevation 9m 29′
Benjamin Franklin Statue elevation 14m 45′
Blackstone Memorial Tablet elevation 16m 52′
Blackstone Square elevation 3m 9′
Boston African-American National Historic Site elevation 26m 85′
Boston City Hall Plaza elevation 10m 32′
Boston Common elevation 8m 26′
Boston Garden elevation 4m 13′
Boston Massacre Marker elevation 8m 26′
Boston National Historical Park elevation 6m 19′
Braddock Park elevation 3m 9′
Brae-Burn Historic District elevation 18m 59′
Brattle Square elevation 7m 22′
Brewer Fountain elevation 14m 45′
Briggs Field elevation 4m 13′
Brook Street Playground elevation 6m 19′
Brookline Avenue Playground elevation 5m 16′
Brookline Town Green Historic District elevation 32m 104′
Brookline Village Commercial District elevation 15m 49′
Bunker Hill Monument elevation 0m 0′
Burns Playground elevation 4m 13′
Byrne Playground elevation 6m 19′
Cabot Park elevation 14m 45′
Carmen Park elevation 7m 22′
Cavanagh Stadium elevation 3m 9′
Central Square elevation 5m 16′
Charles Park elevation 3m 9′
Charles River Reservation elevation 4m 13′
Charles River Square elevation 4m 13′
Charlesbank Park elevation 4m 13′
Charlesbank Playground elevation 3m 9′
Charlesbank Playground elevation 0m 0′
Chester Park elevation 4m 13′
Chestnut Hill Historic District elevation 45m 147′
Christian A Herter Park elevation 2m 6′
Christopher Columbus Park elevation 3m 9′
Church Green elevation 6m 19′
City Square elevation 5m 16′
City Square elevation 7m 22′
Claflin Field elevation 20m 65′
Clarendon Park elevation 3m 9′
Cold Spring Park elevation 31m 101′
Columbia Park elevation 3m 9′
Commonwealth Avenue Historic District elevation 45m 147′
Commonwealth Avenue Mall elevation 4m 13′
Community Garden elevation 7m 22′
Coolidge Park elevation 14m 45′
Coolidge Playground elevation 15m 49′
Copley Square elevation 4m 13′
Corey Hill Outlook elevation 80m 262′
Cottage Farm Historic District elevation 8m 26′
Creek Square elevation 5m 16′
Cricket Field elevation 41m 134′
Cronin Playground elevation 17m 55′
Crystal Lake and Pleasant Street Historic District elevation 48m 157′
Cutler Park elevation 27m 88′
Cypress Emerson Historic District elevation 13m 42′
Dana Park elevation 6m 19′
Dane Park elevation 60m 196′
DeFazio Park elevation 35m 114′
Devotion Playground elevation 15m 49′
Donnelly Field elevation 3m 9′
Dorchester Heights National Historic Site elevation 42m 137′
Dorchester Park elevation 21m 68′
Draper Playground elevation 31m 101′
Duffett Tot Lot elevation 9m 29′
Dwight Square elevation 17m 55′
Edmands Park elevation 31m 101′
Edward Everett Hale Statue elevation 4m 13′
Eliot Street Park elevation 47m 154′
Emerson Garden elevation 10m 32′
Ether Monument elevation 3m 9′
Eustis Playground elevation 4m 13′
F L Olmsted National Historic Site elevation 42m 137′
Farlow and Kendrick Parks Historic District elevation 28m 91′
Farlow Hill Historic District elevation 45m 147′
Farlow Park elevation 15m 49′
Fisher Hill Historic District elevation 79m 259′
Fort Washington Park elevation 4m 13′
Franklin Park elevation 28m 91′
Franklin Park Zoo elevation 50m 164′
Franklin Square elevation 3m 9′
Frederick Law Olmsted National Historic Site elevation 45m 147′
Freedom Park elevation 16m 52′
Freeman Square elevation 15m 49′
Fulmore Park elevation 5m 16′
Gallagher Park elevation 17m 55′
Gannett-Warren Pals Park elevation 3m 9′
Garvey Playground elevation 6m 19′
George Washington Statue elevation 3m 9′
Gibson Playground elevation 5m 16′
Gore Park elevation 4m 13′
Gray Cliff Historic District elevation 55m 180′
Green Hill Historic District elevation 44m 144′
Griggs Park elevation 15m 49′
Hammond Pond Park elevation 52m 170′
Hammond Pond Park Reservation elevation 57m 187′
Harlow Square elevation 3m 9′
Harriet Tubman Park elevation 3m 9′
Harry Downes Field elevation 13m 42′
Harry Downes Field elevation 18m 59′
Harvard Square elevation 7m 22′
Harvard Yard elevation 8m 26′
Hastings Square elevation 6m 19′
Hawthorn Playground elevation 12m 39′
Haymarket Square elevation 5m 16′
Hoar Memorial Sanctuary elevation 48m 157′
How Park elevation 4m 13′
Hyde Avenue Historic District elevation 34m 111′
Hynes Field elevation 47m 154′
Irish Famine Memorial elevation 10m 32′
J F Kennedy Birthplace National Historic Site elevation 15m 49′
Jackson Gardens elevation 6m 19′
Jean B Waldstein Playground elevation 30m 98′
John A Ahern Field elevation 3m 9′
John E Murphy Park elevation 5m 16′
John F Kennedy Park elevation 2m 6′
John Fitzgerald Kennedy National Historic Site elevation 15m 49′
John Harvard Mall elevation 7m 22′
John Harvard Statue elevation 8m 26′
Joyce Kilmer Park elevation 39m 127′
Juniper Street Playground elevation 16m 52′
Kenmore Square elevation 5m 16′
Kenrick Park elevation 29m 95′
Kilsyth Terrace elevation 30m 98′
Knyvet Square elevation 9m 29′
LaFayette Square elevation 3m 9′
Lane Playground elevation 12m 39′
Larz Anderson Park elevation 66m 216′
Lassell Neighborhood Historic District elevation 32m 104′
Lawton Playground elevation 17m 55′
Lechmere Canal Park elevation 3m 9′
Lechmere Square elevation 4m 13′
Lederman Field elevation 2m 6′
Leif Erickson Statue elevation 5m 16′
Liberty Square elevation 5m 16′
Library Park elevation 7m 22′
Linden Park elevation 13m 42′
Linden Square elevation 8m 26′
Linwood Park elevation 8m 26′
Longwood Historic District elevation 7m 22′
Longwood Playground elevation 5m 16′
Longwood Square elevation 15m 49′
Louisburg Square elevation 17m 55′
Lowell Avenue Playground elevation 32m 104′
Lowell Park elevation 15m 49′
Lowell Square elevation 5m 16′
Madison Park elevation 5m 16′
Make Way for Ducklings Statue elevation 4m 13′
Margaret E Robinson Playground elevation 16m 52′
Margaret E Robinson Playground elevation 15m 49′
Mary Dyer Statue elevation 28m 91′
Mason Square elevation 11m 36′
McKinley Square elevation 4m 13′
McNamee Square elevation 4m 13′
MDC Park elevation 48m 157′
Memorial Park elevation 41m 134′
Mills Field elevation 31m 101′
Minot Park elevation 14m 45′
Monmouth Park elevation 5m 16′
Morse Playground elevation 5m 16′
Morse School Playground elevation 5m 16′
Morton Road Historic District elevation 49m 160′
Moxley Playground elevation 13m 42′
Municipal Stadium elevation 3m 9′
Needham Town Hall Historic District elevation 52m 170′
Neponset River Reservation elevation 3m 9′
New England Holocaust Memorial elevation 5m 16′
New Yard elevation 8m 26′
Newton Centre Playground elevation 40m 131′
Newton Cottage Hospital Historic District elevation 44m 144′
Newton Highland Historic District elevation 46m 150′
Newton Highlands Playground elevation 35m 114′
Newton Theological Institution Historic District elevation 88m 288′
Newton Upper Falls Historic District elevation 58m 190′
Newtonville Historic District elevation 33m 108′
Nickerson Field elevation 11m 36′
North End Park elevation 0m 0′
North Square elevation 7m 22′
Old Chestnut Hill Historic District elevation 78m 255′
Old Morse Park elevation 6m 19′
Olmstead Park elevation 5m 16′
Our Lady Help of Christians Historic District elevation 15m 49′
Outlook Park elevation 77m 252′
P Collins Statue elevation 3m 9′
Park Square elevation 3m 9′
Parkman Bandstand elevation 7m 22′
Parsons Field elevation 5m 16′
Paul Revere Mall elevation 8m 26′
Peace Garden elevation 7m 22′
Pemberton Square elevation 14m 45′
Peters Park elevation 5m 16′
Peterson Park elevation 3m 9′
Phillips Square elevation 6m 19′
Pierce Playground elevation 10m 32′
Pill Hill Historic District elevation 18m 59′
Pine Ridge Road-Plainfield Street Historic District elevation 41m 134′
Post Office Square Park elevation 7m 22′
Prouty Garden elevation 9m 29′
Putnam Street Historic District elevation 36m 118′
Rachael Revere Park elevation 9m 29′
Reservoir Park elevation 39m 127′
Riverdale Park elevation 28m 91′
Riverside Press Park elevation 4m 13′
Robert Gould Shaw and Fifty-fourth Regiment Memorial elevation 23m 75′
Robert Paine Square Playground elevation 5m 16′
Rogers Park elevation 15m 49′
Rose Kennedy Rose Garden elevation 3m 9′
Roteh Playground elevation 3m 9′
Sac0-Lowell Shops Housing Historic District elevation 36m 118′
Saint Marks Park elevation 18m 59′
Saltonstall Park elevation 8m 26′
Savin Hill Park elevation 27m 88′
Schick Park elevation 74m 242′
Schoolboy Stadium elevation 43m 141′
Science Park elevation 5m 16′
Scollay Square elevation 10m 32′
Sennott Park elevation 5m 16′
Sever Quadrangle elevation 7m 22′
Shallow Playground elevation 3m 9′
Shea Field elevation 40m 131′
Smith Court Residences elevation 13m 42′
Smith Field elevation 17m 55′
Soldiers and Sailors Monument elevation 9m 29′
Soldiers Monument elevation 8m 26′
Soldiers Monument elevation 11m 36′
Soule Recreation Center and Playground elevation 56m 183′
Southwest Corridor elevation 3m 9′
Steinbrenner Stadium elevation 3m 9′
Stony Brook Reservation elevation 45m 147′
Stony Brook State Reservation elevation 42m 137′
Strathmore Road Historic District elevation 31m 101′
Sumner and Gibbs Street Historic District elevation 45m 147′
Technology Square elevation 3m 9′
The Esplanade elevation 0m 0′
Thomas Park elevation 42m 137′
Thompson Square elevation 6m 19′
Union Park elevation 3m 9′
Union Street Historic District elevation 45m 147′
USS Cassin Young elevation 0m 0′
USS Constitution elevation 3m 9′
War Memorial elevation 5m 16′
Washington Monument elevation 6m 19′
Waterfront Park elevation 3m 9′
Webster Park Historic District elevation 15m 49′
West Newton Hill Historic District elevation 54m 177′
West Newton Playground elevation 15m 49′
West Newton Village Historic District elevation 15m 49′
White Place Historic District elevation 12m 39′
Whitney Hill Park elevation 47m 154′
Wilder Play Area elevation 6m 19′
William Ellery Channing Statue elevation 3m 9′
William Garrison Memorial Statue elevation 3m 9′
Windsor Road Historic District elevation 48m 157′
Winthrop Square elevation 2m 6′
Winthrop Square elevation 6m 19′

Boston South: Populated Places

Aberdeen elevation 51m 167′
Allston elevation 6m 19′
Ashmont elevation 25m 82′
Atlantic elevation 8m 26′
Auburndale elevation 22m 72′
Back Bay elevation 4m 13′
Bay Village elevation 4m 13′
Beacon Hill elevation 28m 91′
Beaconsfield elevation 30m 98′
Bellevue elevation 40m 131′
Bemis elevation 10m 32′
Birds Hill elevation 51m 167′
Boston elevation 14m 45′
Brighton elevation 27m 88′
Brookline elevation 8m 26′
Brookline Village elevation 6m 19′
Cambridgeport elevation 4m 13′
Cedar Grove elevation 7m 22′
Chestnut Hill elevation 60m 196′
City Point elevation 8m 26′
Clarendon Hills elevation 34m 111′
Clarendon Hills elevation 15m 49′
Coolidge Corner elevation 16m 52′
Coolidge Hill elevation 12m 39′
Dedham Island elevation 30m 98′
Dock Square elevation 4m 13′
Dorchester elevation 36m 118′
Dorchester Center elevation 28m 91′
Dorchester Heights elevation 29m 95′
Downtown Crossing elevation 7m 22′
East Cambridge elevation 2m 6′
East Dedham elevation 26m 85′
East Milton elevation 14m 45′
East Watertown elevation 14m 45′
Eliot elevation 44m 144′
Fairmount elevation 46m 150′
Faneuil elevation 19m 62′
Fields Corner elevation 4m 13′
Forbes Wharf elevation 3m 9′
Forest Hills elevation 41m 134′
Forest Hills elevation 28m 91′
Fort Independence elevation 10m 32′
Fort Winthrop (historical) elevation 6m 19′
Germantown elevation 43m 141′
Grove Hall elevation 26m 85′
Highland elevation 49m 160′
Hyde Park elevation 18m 59′
Jamaica Plain elevation 21m 68′
Jeffries Point elevation 15m 49′
Longwood Station elevation 13m 42′
Lower Mills elevation 12m 39′
Mattapan elevation 18m 59′
Meeting House Hill elevation 19m 62′
Milton Center elevation 34m 111′
Milton Hill elevation 27m 88′
Milton Upper Mills elevation 15m 49′
Milton Village elevation 14m 45′
Montclair elevation 11m 36′
Mount Bowdoin elevation 26m 85′
Mount Hope elevation 25m 82′
Mount Ida elevation 32m 104′
Needham elevation 53m 173′
Needham Heights elevation 60m 196′
Needham Junction elevation 66m 216′
Neponset elevation 6m 19′
New Squantum elevation 2m 6′
Newton elevation 30m 98′
Newton Center elevation 48m 157′
Newton Corner elevation 9m 29′
Newton Highlands elevation 39m 127′
Newton Upper Falls elevation 59m 193′
Newtonville elevation 15m 49′
Nonantum elevation 11m 36′
Norfolk Downs elevation 6m 19′
North Brighton elevation 8m 26′
North End elevation 7m 22′
North Quincy elevation 4m 13′
North Village elevation 6m 19′
Oak Hill Park elevation 35m 114′
Quincy elevation 9m 29′
Reservoir elevation 38m 124′
Riverdale elevation 39m 127′
Riverview elevation 14m 45′
Roslindale elevation 14m 45′
Roxbury elevation 47m 154′
Roxbury Crossing elevation 18m 59′
Savin Hill elevation 5m 16′
South Boston elevation 14m 45′
Squantum elevation 24m 78′
Stonybrook Village elevation 45m 147′
Thompsonville elevation 62m 203′
Uphams Corner elevation 10m 32′
Waban elevation 43m 141′
Watertown elevation 19m 62′
West Newton elevation 15m 49′
West Quincy elevation 13m 42′
West Roxbury elevation 62m 203′
Westbrook Village elevation 50m 164′
Wollaston elevation 7m 22′
Woodland elevation 35m 114′

Boston South: Post Offices

Atlantic Post Office (historical) elevation 9m 29′
Auburndale Post Office elevation 14m 45′
Back Bay Annex Post Office elevation 6m 19′
Back Bay Post Office (historical) elevation 5m 16′
Boston Post Office (historical) elevation 7m 22′
Brighton Post Office elevation 12m 39′
Brookline Village Post Office elevation 9m 29′
Cambridge Post Office elevation 6m 19′
Chestnut Hill Post Office elevation 49m 160′
Dedham Post Office (historical) elevation 34m 111′
Dorchester Center Post Office elevation 17m 55′
East Boston Post Office (historical) elevation 3m 9′
East Milton Post Office elevation 12m 39′
Hyde Park Post Office elevation 21m 68′
John F Kennedy Post Office elevation 7m 22′
Longwood Post Office elevation 15m 49′
Massachusetts State House Post Office elevation 22m 72′
Mount Auburn Post Office (historical) elevation 11m 36′
Needham Heights Post Office elevation 55m 180′
Needham Post Office (historical) elevation 51m 167′
Newton Center Post Office (historical) elevation 44m 144′
Newton Highlands Post Office elevation 46m 150′
Newton Post Office elevation 45m 147′
Newtonville Post Office elevation 17m 55′
Nonantum Post Office elevation 12m 39′
North Quincy Post Office elevation 6m 19′
Prudential Center Post Office elevation 4m 13′
Quincy Post Office elevation 10m 32′
Roxbury Post Office (historical) elevation 20m 65′
West Roxbury Post Office elevation 45m 147′
Wollaston Post Office (historical) elevation 6m 19′

Boston South: Reservoirs

Brookline Reservoir elevation 41m 134′
Charles River Basin elevation 0m 0′
Charles River Reservoir elevation 27m 88′
Chestnut Hill Reservoir elevation 40m 131′
Crystal Lake elevation 56m 183′
Fisher Hill Reservoir elevation 75m 246′
Mill Pond (historical) elevation 3m 9′
Needham Reservoir elevation 32m 104′
Neponset River Reservoir elevation 15m 49′
Neponset River Reservoir elevation 9m 29′
Newton Reservoir elevation 97m 318′
Rosemary Lake elevation 29m 95′
Single Tree Hill Reservoir elevation 110m 360′
Waban Hill Reservoir elevation 82m 269′

Boston South: Ridges

Trimountain (historical) elevation 30m 98′

Boston South: Streams

Alder Brook elevation 27m 88′
Beaver Brook elevation 7m 22′
Charles River elevation 0m 0′
Cheese Cake Brook elevation 6m 19′
Cold Spring Brook (historical) elevation 27m 88′
Coldspring Brook (historical) elevation 30m 98′
Furnace Brook elevation 3m 9′
Hurd Brook elevation 20m 65′
Laundry Brook elevation 3m 9′
Laundry Brook (historical) elevation 2m 6′
Millers River elevation 1m 3′
Mother Brook elevation 16m 52′
Muddy River elevation 3m 9′
Neponset River elevation 0m 0′
Pine Tree Brook elevation 5m 16′
Powissett Brook elevation 27m 88′
Rock Meadow Brook elevation 27m 88′
Rosemary Brook elevation 18m 59′
Sachem Creek elevation 0m 0′
Sagamore Creek elevation 0m 0′
Sawmill Brook elevation 28m 91′
South Meadow Brook elevation 27m 88′
Stony Brook elevation 13m 42′
Unquity Brook elevation 7m 22′

Boston South: Summits

Academy Hill elevation 39m 127′
Aspinwall Hill elevation 75m 246′
Bald Knob elevation 22m 72′
Bald Pate Hill elevation 88m 288′
Beacon Hill elevation 67m 219′
Beacon Hill elevation 16m 52′
Bearberry Hill elevation 61m 200′
Bellevue Hill elevation 95m 311′
Birds Pond elevation 91m 298′
Bussey Hill elevation 52m 170′
Camp Hill elevation 17m 55′
Chestnut Hill elevation 86m 282′
Coolidge Hill elevation 12m 39′
Copps Hill elevation 13m 42′
Corey Hill elevation 14m 45′
Dana Hill elevation 14m 45′
Fisher Hill elevation 81m 265′
Flagstaff Hill elevation 10m 32′
Forbes Hill elevation 51m 167′
Fort Hill (historical) elevation 5m 16′
Green Hill elevation 88m 288′
High Rock elevation 76m 249′
Institution Hill elevation 60m 196′
Meeting House Hill elevation 0m 0′
Milton Hill elevation 34m 111′
Moffatt Hill elevation 33m 108′
Monterey Hill elevation 73m 239′
Mount Ararat elevation 22m 72′
Mount Auburn elevation 23m 75′
Mount Bowdoin elevation 46m 150′
Mount Feake elevation 34m 111′
Mount Hope elevation 31m 101′
Mount Ida elevation 59m 193′
Mount Vernon (historical) elevation 12m 39′
Mount Walley elevation 94m 308′
Mount Wollaston elevation 37m 121′
Nonantum Hill elevation 58m 190′
Oak Hill elevation 86m 282′
Parker Hill elevation 67m 219′
Peaked Hill elevation 73m 239′
Pemberton Hill (historical) elevation 13m 42′
Popes Hill elevation 33m 108′
Presidents Hill elevation 39m 127′
Sally Rock elevation 50m 164′
Savin Hill elevation 31m 101′
Scarboro Hill elevation 45m 147′
Single Tree Hill elevation 98m 321′
Telegraph Hill elevation 43m 141′
Waban Hill elevation 97m 318′
Walnut Hill elevation 59m 193′
Wellington Hill elevation 52m 170′
West Hill (historical) elevation 2m 6′
Whitney Hill elevation 52m 170′
Wilson Mountain elevation 88m 288′
Winchester Hill elevation 63m 206′
Wollaston Heights elevation 25m 82′

Boston South: Swamps

Back Bay Fens elevation 3m 9′
Blacks Creek Marshes elevation 3m 9′
Cold Spring Swamp (historical) elevation 32m 104′
Hammonds Pond Swamp elevation 53m 173′
Nahanton Street Swamp elevation 27m 88′
Neponset River Marshes elevation 7m 22′
Parker Street Swamp (historical) elevation 53m 173′
Salt Marsh elevation 5m 16′
Squantum Marshes elevation 1m 3′

Boston South: Trails

Black Heritage Trail elevation 27m 88′
Freedom Trail elevation 6m 19′

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