Marlborough Topo Map Massachusetts

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USGS Topo Quad 42071c5 - 1:25,000 scale

Topo Map Name: Marlborough
USGS Topo Quad ID: 42071c5
Print Size: ca. 39" wide x 24" high
Southeast Coordinates: 42.25° N latitude / 71.5° W longitude
Map Center Coordinates: 42.3125° N latitude / 71.625° W longitude
U.S. State: MA
Filename: k42071c5.jpg
Download Map JPG Image: Marlborough topo map 1:25,000 scale
Map Type: Topographic
Topo Series: 7.5´x15´
Map Scale: 1:25,000
Source of Map Images: United States Geological Survey (USGS)
Alternate Map Versions: Marlborough MA 1983, updated 1984 Download PDF Buy paper map
Marlborough MA 1983, updated 1990 Download PDF Buy paper map
Marlborough MA 1983, updated 1990 Download PDF Buy paper map

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Marlborough topo map: Gazetteer

Marlborough: Airports

Berlin Landing Area elevation 77m 252′
Digital - Marlboro Heliport elevation 133m 436′
Kallander Field elevation 91m 298′
Marlboro Airport elevation 84m 275′
Marlborough Hospital Heliport elevation 151m 495′
Shrewsbury Heliport elevation 165m 541′

Marlborough: Bays

Flagg Cove elevation 117m 383′
Lord Cove elevation 117m 383′

Marlborough: Beaches

Memorial Beach elevation 74m 242′

Marlborough: Capes

McMunns Point elevation 90m 295′
Pine Point elevation 76m 249′

Marlborough: Cliffs

Scar Hill Bluffs elevation 123m 403′

Marlborough: Crossings

Interchange Eleven A elevation 87m 285′
Interchange Twenty-five elevation 71m 232′
Interchange Twenty-five and Twenty-six elevation 87m 285′
Interchange Twenty-four elevation 122m 400′
Interchange Twenty-four elevation 136m 446′
Interchange Twenty-three elevation 125m 410′
Interchange Twenty-three elevation 197m 646′
Interchange Twenty-two elevation 134m 439′
Interchange Twenty-two elevation 87m 285′

Marlborough: Dams

Assabet River Dam elevation 117m 383′
Assabet River Dam elevation 95m 311′
Assabet River Dam elevation 73m 239′
Barefoot Brook Dam elevation 70m 229′
Bartlett Pond Dam elevation 84m 275′
Brewer Brook Dam elevation 75m 246′
Cold Harbor Brook Dam elevation 98m 321′
Hop Brook Dam elevation 96m 314′
Hopkinton Reservoir Dam elevation 92m 301′
Hopkinton State Park Swimming Pool Dam elevation 77m 252′
Mill Pond Dam elevation 130m 426′
Newton Pond Dam elevation 117m 383′
Northborough Reservoir Dam elevation 134m 439′
Rawson Hill Brook Dam elevation 170m 557′
Rawson Mill Brook Dam A-4-A elevation 168m 551′
Smith Pond Dam elevation 85m 278′
Sudbury River Dam elevation 76m 249′
Williams Lake Dam elevation 132m 433′

Marlborough: Harbors

Andrews Harbor elevation 117m 383′

Marlborough: Islands

Newton Island elevation 85m 278′
Pine Island elevation 79m 259′

Marlborough: Lakes

Brigham Pond (historical) elevation 95m 311′
Bushs Pond (historical) elevation 89m 291′
Cedar Swamp Pond elevation 82m 269′
Chauncy Lake elevation 85m 278′
Eaton Pond elevation 131m 429′
Hocomonco Pond elevation 85m 278′
Howe Pond elevation 86m 282′
Jordan Pond elevation 110m 360′
Little Chauncy Pond elevation 83m 272′
Muddy Pond elevation 71m 232′
Rocky Pond elevation 150m 492′
Sewall Pond elevation 121m 396′
Solomon Pond elevation 70m 229′
Spruce Pond elevation 125m 410′

Marlborough: Parks

Concord Street Park elevation 123m 403′
Dean Park elevation 157m 515′
Fort Meadow Playground elevation 95m 311′
Hopkinton State Park elevation 85m 278′
Howe Playground elevation 174m 570′
Jordan Pond Recreation Area elevation 112m 367′
Korean Veterans Field elevation 129m 423′
Mill Pond Park elevation 128m 419′
Saint Johns Athletic Field elevation 136m 446′
Shrewsbury Historic District elevation 198m 649′
Simpson Playground elevation 84m 275′
Ward Park elevation 127m 416′
West Main Street Historic District elevation 101m 331′
Williams Street Field elevation 139m 456′

Marlborough: Populated Places

Boylston Center elevation 158m 518′
Chapinville elevation 72m 236′
Cordaville elevation 77m 252′
Fairlawn elevation 127m 416′
Fayville elevation 95m 311′
Marlborough elevation 119m 390′
Marlborough Junction elevation 86m 282′
Northborough elevation 91m 298′
Robin Hill elevation 101m 331′
Shrewsbury elevation 199m 652′
South Berlin elevation 82m 269′
South Shrewsbury elevation 170m 557′
Southborough elevation 90m 295′
Southville elevation 80m 262′
Ward Corner elevation 114m 374′
Wessonville elevation 108m 354′
West Village elevation 143m 469′
Westborough elevation 93m 305′
Woodside elevation 76m 249′

Marlborough: Post Offices

Marlborough Post Office elevation 119m 390′
Northborough Post Office elevation 97m 318′
Shrewsbury Post Office elevation 198m 649′
Turnpike Post Office elevation 120m 393′
Westborough Post Office elevation 86m 282′

Marlborough: Reservoirs

Assabet River Reservoir elevation 73m 239′
Bartlett Pond elevation 84m 275′
Cold Harbor Brook Reservoir elevation 98m 321′
Crystal Pond elevation 103m 337′
Gates Pond elevation 100m 328′
George H Nichols Reservoir elevation 117m 383′
Hop Brook Reservoir elevation 96m 314′
Hopkinton State Park Swimming Pool Reservoir elevation 77m 252′
Mill Pond elevation 126m 413′
Millham Reservoir elevation 69m 226′
Newton Pond elevation 117m 383′
Northborough Reservoir elevation 134m 439′
Rawson Mill Brook Reservoir elevation 168m 551′
Smith Pond elevation 92m 301′
Sudbury River Reservoir elevation 76m 249′
West Brook Reservoir elevation 130m 426′
Wheeler Pond elevation 65m 213′
Whitehall Reservoir elevation 88m 288′
Williams Lake elevation 132m 433′

Marlborough: Streams

Barefoot Brook elevation 66m 216′
Brewer Brook elevation 71m 232′
Broad Meadow Brook elevation 76m 249′
Cold Harbor Brook elevation 78m 255′
Cooledge Brook elevation 68m 223′
Denny Brook elevation 86m 282′
Flagg Brook elevation 93m 305′
French Brook elevation 117m 383′
Gates Pond Brook elevation 65m 213′
Hop Brook elevation 83m 272′
Howard Brook elevation 87m 285′
Jackstraw Brook elevation 85m 278′
Malagasco Brook elevation 122m 400′
Meadow Brook elevation 109m 357′
Millham Brook elevation 68m 223′
Mowry Brook elevation 77m 252′
North Branch Brook elevation 71m 232′
North Branch Mowry Brook elevation 91m 298′
North Brook elevation 65m 213′
Piccadilly Brook elevation 83m 272′
Potash Brook elevation 141m 462′
Rawson Hill Brook elevation 124m 406′
Road Brook elevation 82m 269′
Rutters Brook elevation 83m 272′
Sheep Fall Brook elevation 83m 272′
Stirrup Brook elevation 68m 223′
Stony Brook elevation 93m 305′
Wekepeke Brook elevation 197m 646′
Whitehall Brook elevation 85m 278′

Marlborough: Summits

Addition Hill elevation 136m 446′
Apron Hill elevation 192m 629′
Ball Hill elevation 195m 639′
Barnard Hill elevation 171m 561′
Barnes Hill elevation 195m 639′
Bartlett Hill elevation 202m 662′
Bear Hill elevation 154m 505′
Boston Hill elevation 171m 561′
Cedar Hill elevation 133m 436′
Chestnut Hill elevation 140m 459′
Clear Hill elevation 136m 446′
Crane Hill elevation 146m 479′
Diamond Hill elevation 189m 620′
Edmund Hill elevation 136m 446′
Faggot Hill elevation 169m 554′
Fairmount Hill elevation 156m 511′
Fairview Hill elevation 142m 465′
Farm Hill elevation 139m 456′
Fay Hill elevation 131m 429′
Ghost Hill elevation 118m 387′
Golden Hill elevation 196m 643′
Green Hill elevation 178m 583′
Green Hill elevation 181m 593′
Hager Hill elevation 115m 377′
Indian Head Hill elevation 127m 416′
Jericho Hill elevation 162m 531′
Kendall Hill elevation 163m 534′
Longley Hill elevation 204m 669′
Meeting House Hall elevation 224m 734′
Mount Assabet elevation 141m 462′
Mount Nebo elevation 155m 508′
Mount Pisgah elevation 160m 524′
Mount Vickery elevation 84m 275′
Newtons Hill elevation 166m 544′
Oak Hill elevation 130m 426′
Pine Hill elevation 90m 295′
Pleasant Hill elevation 164m 538′
Prospect Hill elevation 137m 449′
Prospect Hill elevation 174m 570′
Pulpit Hill elevation 157m 515′
Rawson Hill elevation 222m 728′
Rock Hill elevation 124m 406′
Rock Hill elevation 116m 380′
Saddle Hill elevation 159m 521′
Sewall Hill elevation 181m 593′
Shoestring Hill elevation 157m 515′
Sligo Hill elevation 172m 564′
Spoon Hill elevation 145m 475′
Stiles Hill elevation 177m 580′
Stirrup Hill elevation 141m 462′
Sulphur Hill elevation 161m 528′
Temple Hill elevation 200m 656′
Tomblin Hill elevation 148m 485′
Tower Hill elevation 180m 590′
Union Hill elevation 155m 508′
Vinal Hill elevation 163m 534′
Walnut Hill elevation 133m 436′
Ward Hill elevation 161m 528′
West Hill elevation 162m 531′
Wheeler Hill elevation 114m 374′
Whitney Hill elevation 135m 442′
Wolfpen Hill elevation 123m 403′

Marlborough: Swamps

Broad Meadow Swamp elevation 77m 252′
Cedar Swamp elevation 84m 275′
Crane Meadow elevation 119m 390′
Crane Swamp elevation 83m 272′
Cushing Swamp elevation 188m 616′
Flagg Swamp elevation 86m 282′
Little Crane Swamp elevation 86m 282′
Orchard Swamp elevation 86m 282′
Peat Meadow elevation 110m 360′
Pine Swamp elevation 155m 508′
Scotland Swamp elevation 149m 488′
Slocum Meadow elevation 134m 439′
Straw Hollow elevation 125m 410′
Wrack Meadow elevation 143m 469′

Marlborough: Woods

East Woods elevation 178m 583′

Marlborough digital topo map on disk

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Marlborough topo map