Springfield South Topo Map Massachusetts

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USGS Topo Quad 42072a5 - 1:24,000 scale

Topo Map Name: Springfield South
USGS Topo Quad ID: 42072a5
Print Size: ca. 21 1/4" wide x 27" high
Southeast Coordinates: 42° N latitude / 72.5° W longitude
Map Center Coordinates: 42.0625° N latitude / 72.5625° W longitude
U.S. States: MA, CT
Filename: o42072a5.jpg
Download Map JPG Image: Springfield South topo map 1:24,000 scale
Map Type: Topographic
Topo Series: 7.5´
Map Scale: 1:24,000
Source of Map Images: United States Geological Survey (USGS)
Alternate Map Versions: Long Meadow MA 1928 Download PDF Buy paper map
Longmeadow MA 1933 Download PDF Buy paper map
Springfield South MA 1944, updated 1958 Download PDF Buy paper map
Springfield South MA 1958, updated 1960 Download PDF Buy paper map
Springfield South MA 1958, updated 1967 Download PDF Buy paper map
Springfield South MA 1958, updated 1972 Download PDF Buy paper map
Springfield South MA 2012 Download PDF Buy paper map
Springfield South MA 2015 Download PDF Buy paper map

1:24,000 Topo Quads surrounding Springfield South

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Springfield South topo map: Gazetteer

Springfield South: Airports

Agawam-Springfield Seaplane Harbor Base elevation 22m 72′
Baystate Medical Center Heliport elevation 48m 157′
Massachusetts Mutual Heliport elevation 57m 187′
Tennessee F Heliport elevation 55m 180′

Springfield South: Bays

Dan Baker Cove elevation 48m 157′
Martensen Cove elevation 48m 157′
Noonan Cove elevation 53m 173′
Pease Cove elevation 48m 157′
Sylvan Cove elevation 50m 164′

Springfield South: Bridges

Memorial Bridge elevation 12m 39′
North End Bridge elevation 12m 39′

Springfield South: Capes

Big Island elevation 19m 62′

Springfield South: Crossings

Interchange 49 elevation 35m 114′

Springfield South: Dams

Breckwood Lake Dam elevation 54m 177′
Crescent Lake Dam elevation 56m 183′
Forest Park Upper Dam elevation 29m 95′
Lake Lookout Dam elevation 48m 157′
Longmeadow Country Club Dam elevation 32m 104′
Putnams Puddle Dam elevation 64m 209′
Shaker Pond Dam elevation 56m 183′
Turner Park Dam elevation 60m 196′
Watershops Pond Dam elevation 50m 164′
Wetstone Tobacco Company Dam Number 3 elevation 56m 183′

Springfield South: Lakes

Bass Pond elevation 63m 206′
Cranberry Pond elevation 59m 193′
Island Pond elevation 54m 177′
Red Stone Lake elevation 72m 236′
Shaker Pond elevation 56m 183′
Venture Pond elevation 66m 216′

Springfield South: Parks

Ames Hill-Crescent Hill Historic District elevation 54m 177′
Apremont Triangle Historic District elevation 29m 95′
Armory Square elevation 62m 203′
Armory Street Park elevation 51m 167′
Belle and Franklin Street Historic District elevation 41m 134′
Benedum Field elevation 53m 173′
Berry Field elevation 54m 177′
Bill Playground elevation 61m 200′
Bliss Park elevation 55m 180′
Borgati Park elevation 15m 49′
Breckwood Park elevation 50m 164′
Calhoun Park elevation 22m 72′
Center Square elevation 24m 78′
Cohen Park elevation 15m 49′
Court Square elevation 22m 72′
Court Square Historic District elevation 23m 75′
Downtown Springfield Railroad District elevation 24m 78′
East Park elevation 50m 164′
Entry Dingle Park elevation 59m 193′
Fannie Stebbins Wildlife Refuge elevation 19m 62′
Federal Square elevation 64m 209′
Forest Park elevation 54m 177′
Greenwood Park elevation 47m 154′
Gunn Square elevation 58m 190′
Gurdon Bill Park elevation 41m 134′
Heritage Park elevation 71m 232′
Lafayette Park elevation 17m 55′
Laurel Park elevation 48m 157′
Leahy Field elevation 68m 223′
Longmeadow Historic District elevation 45m 147′
Meadowbrook Park elevation 19m 62′
Memorial Square District elevation 21m 68′
North Branch Park elevation 59m 193′
Potter Field elevation 63m 206′
Pynchon Park elevation 16m 52′
Quadrangle-Mattoon Street Historic District elevation 34m 111′
River Front Park elevation 27m 88′
Riverside Park elevation 18m 59′
Springfield Armory National Historic Site elevation 63m 206′
Springfield Museum Quadrangle elevation 35m 114′
Stebbins Park elevation 45m 147′
Turner Park elevation 59m 193′
Upper Worthington Historic District elevation 62m 203′
Walker Playground elevation 20m 65′
Wesson Park elevation 57m 187′
Williams Street Playground elevation 49m 160′
Winchester Square elevation 66m 216′
Winchester Square Historic District elevation 65m 213′

Springfield South: Populated Places

Agawam elevation 25m 82′
Brainerd Park elevation 48m 157′
Brightwood elevation 18m 59′
Crescent Grove (historical) elevation 54m 177′
East Forest Park elevation 61m 200′
East Longmeadow elevation 67m 219′
Forest Park elevation 61m 200′
Liberty Heights elevation 62m 203′
Longmeadow elevation 49m 160′
McKnight and Bay elevation 64m 209′
Merrick elevation 25m 82′
North End elevation 22m 72′
North Thompsonville elevation 26m 85′
Old Hill elevation 60m 196′
Pine Point elevation 57m 187′
Riverdale elevation 25m 82′
Shaker Pines elevation 68m 223′
Sherwood Manor elevation 46m 150′
Sixteen Acres elevation 73m 239′
South End elevation 21m 68′
Springfield elevation 25m 82′
The X elevation 61m 200′
Upper Hill elevation 62m 203′
West Springfield elevation 24m 78′

Springfield South: Post Offices

Colonial Station Branch Post Office elevation 20m 65′
Forest Park Post Office elevation 60m 196′
Springfield Post Office elevation 21m 68′

Springfield South: Reservoirs

Breckwood Lake elevation 52m 170′
Country Club Pond elevation 31m 101′
Crescent Lake elevation 56m 183′
Crescent Lake elevation 57m 187′
Jawbuck Brook Reservoir elevation 56m 183′
Lake Lookout elevation 48m 157′
Porter Lake elevation 28m 91′
Turret Park Pond elevation 56m 183′
Watershops Pond elevation 51m 167′

Springfield South: Streams

Bagg Brook elevation 12m 39′
Cooley Brook elevation 12m 39′
Deep Brook elevation 9m 29′
Entry Dingle Brook elevation 26m 85′
Fourmile Brook elevation 28m 91′
Fourmile Brook elevation 32m 104′
Grape Brook elevation 9m 29′
Jawbuck Brook elevation 40m 131′
Longmeadow Brook elevation 13m 42′
Mill River elevation 12m 39′
North Branch Mill River elevation 48m 157′
Pecousic Brook elevation 53m 173′
Piper Brook elevation 17m 55′
Raspberry Brook elevation 9m 29′
Raspberry Brook elevation 11m 36′
Schnelock Brook elevation 55m 180′
South Branch Mill River elevation 48m 157′
Tarkill Brook elevation 26m 85′
Threemile Brook elevation 12m 39′
Waterworks Brook elevation 15m 49′
Westfield River elevation 12m 39′
Wheel Meadow Brook elevation 12m 39′
Worthington Brook elevation 19m 62′

Springfield South: Summits

McCarthy Hill elevation 106m 347′

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Springfield South topo map