Friendship Topo Map Maine

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USGS Topo Quad 43069h3 - 1:24,000 scale

Topo Map Name: Friendship
USGS Topo Quad ID: 43069h3
Print Size: ca. 21 1/4" wide x 27" high
Southeast Coordinates: 43.875° N latitude / 69.25° W longitude
Map Center Coordinates: 43.9375° N latitude / 69.3125° W longitude
U.S. State: ME
Filename: o43069h3.jpg
Download Map JPG Image: Friendship topo map 1:24,000 scale
Map Type: Topographic
Topo Series: 7.5´
Map Scale: 1:24,000
Source of Map Images: United States Geological Survey (USGS)
Alternate Map Versions: Friendship ME 1955, updated 1959 Download PDF Buy paper map
Friendship ME 1955, updated 1970 Download PDF Buy paper map
Friendship ME 1955, updated 1974 Download PDF Buy paper map
Friendship ME 2011 Download PDF Buy paper map
Friendship ME 2014 Download PDF Buy paper map

1:24,000 Topo Quads surrounding Friendship

North Whitefield
North Whitefield USGS topographic map 44069b5
Jefferson USGS topographic map 44069b4
Union USGS topographic map 44069b3
West Rockport
West Rockport USGS topographic map 44069b2
Camden USGS topographic map 44069b1
Damariscotta USGS topographic map 44069a5
Waldoboro West
Waldoboro West USGS topographic map 44069a4
Waldoboro East
Waldoboro East USGS topographic map 44069a3
Thomaston USGS topographic map 44069a2
Rockland USGS topographic map 44069a1
Bristol USGS topographic map 43069h5
Louds Island
Louds Island USGS topographic map 43069h4
Friendship USGS topographic map 43069h3
Tenants Harbor
Tenants Harbor USGS topographic map 43069h2
Hewett Island
Hewett Island USGS topographic map 43069h1
Pemaquid Point
Pemaquid Point USGS topographic map 43069g5
New Harbor
New Harbor USGS topographic map 43069g4
Monhegan USGS topographic map 43069g3

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Friendship topo map: Gazetteer

Friendship: Bars

Allen Ledge elevation 0m 0′
Bay Cove Ledge elevation 0m 0′
Beyer Ship Ledge elevation 1m 3′
Black Island Ledge elevation 0m 0′
Carey Rock elevation 0m 0′
Channel Rock elevation 0m 0′
Crotch Island Ledges elevation 0m 0′
Davis Shoal elevation 0m 0′
Gangway Ledge elevation 0m 0′
Gay Cove Ledge elevation 0m 0′
Gig Rock elevation 0m 0′
Goose Rock Ledge elevation 0m 0′
Griffin Ledge elevation 0m 0′
Gull Rock elevation 1m 3′
Hart Island Ledges elevation 0m 0′
Henderson Ledge elevation 0m 0′
Inner Shag Ledge elevation 0m 0′
Jenks Ledge elevation 0m 0′
Kelp Ledges elevation 0m 0′
Long Ledge elevation 3m 9′
Marshall Ledge elevation 0m 0′
Morse Ledge elevation 0m 0′
Murray Ledge elevation 0m 0′
Northeast Point Reef elevation 0m 0′
Old Cilley Ledge elevation 0m 0′
Old Horse Ledge elevation 0m 0′
Old Hump Ledge elevation 6m 19′
Otter Island Ledge elevation 0m 0′
Outer Shag Ledge elevation 0m 0′
Shag Ledges elevation 1m 3′
The Kegs elevation 0m 0′
The Sisters elevation 0m 0′
Thompson Rock elevation 0m 0′

Friendship: Bays

Davis Cove elevation 0m 0′
Deep Cove elevation 0m 0′
Delano Cove elevation 0m 0′
Floods Cove elevation 0m 0′
Friendship Harbor elevation 0m 0′
Gay Cove elevation 0m 0′
Georges Harbor elevation 0m 0′
Hatchet Cove elevation 0m 0′
Hornbarn Cove elevation 0m 0′
Maple Juice Cove elevation 0m 0′
Port Clyde Harbor elevation 0m 0′
Teel Cove elevation 0m 0′
Turkey Cove elevation 0m 0′
Wiley Cove elevation 0m 0′

Friendship: Capes

Bird Point elevation 1m 3′
Bradford Point elevation 1m 3′
Burton Point elevation 0m 0′
Hathorne Point elevation 3m 9′
Howard Point elevation 2m 6′
Hupper Point elevation 1m 3′
Jameson Point elevation 9m 29′
Marshall Point elevation 1m 3′
Martin Point elevation 6m 19′
Neds Point elevation 3m 9′
Pleasant Point elevation 5m 16′
Stones Point elevation 2m 6′
Turkey Point elevation 3m 9′

Friendship: Channels

Davis Strait elevation 0m 0′
Old Hump Channel elevation 0m 0′
Otter Island Passage elevation 0m 0′

Friendship: Dams

Crystal Pond Dam elevation 5m 16′
Forest Pond Dam elevation 20m 65′

Friendship: Guts

Lobster Gut elevation 0m 0′
Minister Gut elevation 0m 0′
Pleasant Point Gut elevation 0m 0′

Friendship: Islands

Bar Island elevation 6m 19′
Barter Island elevation 15m 49′
Benner Island elevation 6m 19′
Black Island elevation 10m 32′
Black Rock elevation 0m 0′
Blubber Island elevation 2m 6′
Caldwell Island elevation 25m 82′
Cedar Island elevation 6m 19′
Cranberry Island elevation 12m 39′
Crotch Island elevation 6m 19′
Davis Island elevation 8m 26′
Eagle Island elevation 4m 13′
Franklin Island elevation 9m 29′
Friendship Long Island elevation 28m 91′
Garrison Island elevation 5m 16′
Gay Island elevation 18m 59′
Goose Rock elevation 0m 0′
Hall Island elevation 7m 22′
Hart Island elevation 4m 13′
Hungry Island elevation 21m 68′
Hupper Island elevation 13m 42′
Little Caldwell Islands elevation 10m 32′
McGee Island elevation 11m 36′
Morse Island elevation 25m 82′
Nubbins elevation 0m 0′
Otter Island elevation 8m 26′
Ram Island elevation 5m 16′
Ram Island elevation 3m 9′
Sand Island elevation 7m 22′
Seavey Island elevation 3m 9′
Stone Island elevation 5m 16′
Teel Island elevation 13m 42′
Thompson Island elevation 16m 52′
Toms Island elevation 3m 9′
Twobush Island elevation 3m 9′

Friendship: Lakes

Howard Pond elevation 11m 36′

Friendship: Populated Places

Friendship elevation 36m 118′
Glenmere elevation 17m 55′
Martin elevation 7m 22′
Pleasant Point elevation 9m 29′
Port Clyde elevation 18m 59′
South Cushing elevation 6m 19′

Friendship: Reservoirs

Crystal Pond elevation 5m 16′
Forest Pond elevation 20m 65′

Friendship: Streams

Back River elevation 0m 0′
Meduncook River elevation 0m 0′
Saint George River elevation 0m 0′

Friendship digital topo map on disk

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Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island & Eastern Massachusetts

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Friendship topo map