Portland Topo Map Oregon

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USGS Topo Quad 45122e6 - 1:24,000 scale

Topo Map Name: Portland
USGS Topo Quad ID: 45122e6
Print Size: ca. 21 1/4" wide x 27" high
Southeast Coordinates: 45.5° N latitude / 122.625° W longitude
Map Center Coordinates: 45.5625° N latitude / 122.6875° W longitude
U.S. States: OR, WA
Filename: o45122e6.jpg
Download Map JPG Image: Portland topo map 1:24,000 scale
Map Type: Topographic
Topo Series: 7.5´
Map Scale: 1:24,000
Source of Map Images: United States Geological Survey (USGS)
Alternate Map Versions: Portland OR 1954, updated 1956 Download PDF Buy paper map
Portland OR 1961, updated 1962 Download PDF Buy paper map
Portland OR 1961, updated 1971 Download PDF Buy paper map
Portland OR 1961, updated 1978 Download PDF Buy paper map
Portland OR 1975, updated 1979 Download PDF Buy paper map
Portland OR 1975, updated 1987 Download PDF Buy paper map
Portland OR 1990, updated 1995 Download PDF Buy paper map
Portland OR 2011 Download PDF Buy paper map
Portland OR 2014 Download PDF Buy paper map

1:24,000 Topo Quads surrounding Portland

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Portland topo map: Gazetteer

Portland: Airports

Hessel Tractor Airstrip elevation 5m 16′
Legacy Emanuel Hospital Heliport elevation 49m 160′
Pearson Airpark elevation 8m 26′
Portland Auto Port Airstrip elevation 17m 55′
Station L Airstrip (historical) elevation 12m 39′
Town Concrete Pipe Airstrip elevation 16m 52′
Willamette Center Heliport elevation 12m 39′
Willamette River Airstrip elevation 3m 9′

Portland: Bars

Tomahawk Bar elevation 3m 9′

Portland: Bays

Hayden Bay elevation 3m 9′
Swan Island Basin elevation 3m 9′

Portland: Bends

Mocks Bottom elevation 5m 16′

Portland: Bridges

Broadway Bridge elevation 3m 9′
Burnside Bridge elevation 3m 9′
Fremont Bridge elevation 3m 9′
Hawthorne Bridge elevation 3m 9′
Interstate Bridge elevation 3m 9′
Marquam Bridge elevation 3m 9′
Morrison Bridge elevation 3m 9′
Ross Island Bridge elevation 3m 9′
Steel Bridge elevation 3m 9′

Portland: Canals

Peninsula Drainage Canal elevation 3m 9′

Portland: Capes

Doane Point elevation 4m 13′
Ryan Point elevation 3m 9′

Portland: Channels

Alternate Barge Channel elevation 3m 9′
North Portland Harbor elevation 3m 9′

Portland: Cliffs

Mocks Crest elevation 43m 141′
Waud Bluff elevation 16m 52′

Portland: Crossings

Interchange 1 elevation 35m 114′
Interchange 1A elevation 10m 32′
Interchange 299A elevation 23m 75′
Interchange 299B elevation 12m 39′
Interchange 300 elevation 10m 32′
Interchange 300B elevation 5m 16′
Interchange 301 elevation 24m 78′
Interchange 302A elevation 35m 114′
Interchange 302B elevation 30m 98′
Interchange 302C elevation 26m 85′
Interchange 303 elevation 64m 209′
Interchange 304 elevation 56m 183′
Interchange 305A and 305B elevation 38m 124′
Interchange 306A elevation 13m 42′
Interchange 306B elevation 11m 36′
Interchange 307 elevation 11m 36′
Interchange 308 elevation 13m 42′

Portland: Dams

City of Portland Number 3 Dam elevation 88m 288′
City of Portland Number 4 Dam elevation 78m 255′

Portland: Guts

Mud Slough elevation 5m 16′

Portland: Harbors

Vancouver Upper Turning Basin elevation 3m 9′

Portland: Islands

Hayden Island elevation 7m 22′
Swan Island elevation 12m 39′
Tomahawk Island elevation 10m 32′

Portland: Lakes

Bybee Lake elevation 3m 9′
Couch Lake (historical) elevation 11m 36′
Force Lake elevation 4m 13′
Guild Lake (historical) elevation 10m 32′
Kittredge Lake (historical) elevation 9m 29′
Smith Lake elevation 3m 9′
Switzler Lake (historical) elevation 5m 16′

Portland: Parks

Ainsworth Blocks elevation 51m 167′
Alberta City Park elevation 57m 187′
Ankeny Plaza elevation 9m 29′
Arbor Lodge City Park elevation 53m 173′
Buckman Field elevation 40m 131′
Campbell Fountain elevation 31m 101′
Chapman Square elevation 22m 72′
Classical Chinese Garden elevation 10m 32′
Col Summers City Park elevation 34m 111′
Columbia Children's Aboretum elevation 4m 13′
Columbia City Park elevation 43m 141′
Couch City Park elevation 28m 91′
Dawson City Park elevation 53m 173′
Delta Park East elevation 5m 16′
Delta Park West elevation 4m 13′
DeNorval Unthank City Park elevation 57m 187′
Duniway City Park elevation 80m 262′
Eastbank Esplanade elevation 3m 9′
Farragut City Park elevation 26m 85′
Frank L Knight City Park elevation 92m 301′
Gammans City Park elevation 49m 160′
George City Park elevation 33m 108′
Governor Tom McCall Waterfront Park elevation 11m 36′
Governors Park elevation 204m 669′
Grant City Park elevation 48m 157′
Harbor View City Park elevation 12m 39′
Holladay City Park elevation 42m 137′
Holman City Park elevation 52m 170′
Hoyt Arboretum elevation 237m 777′
Ira Keller Fountain elevation 32m 104′
Irving City Park elevation 59m 193′
Jamison Square elevation 13m 42′
Japanese American Historical Plaza elevation 10m 32′
Japanese Gardens elevation 165m 541′
Jefferson Street City Park elevation 45m 147′
Johnswood Property elevation 20m 65′
Kenton City Park elevation 26m 85′
King School Park elevation 65m 213′
Klickitat Mall elevation 54m 177′
Ladd's Rose Gardens Circle and Squares elevation 17m 55′
Lair Hill City Park elevation 63m 206′
Laurelhurst City Park elevation 52m 170′
Lillis Albina City Park elevation 44m 144′
Lotus Isle City Park elevation 3m 9′
Lovejoy Fountain elevation 44m 144′
Lownsdale Square elevation 22m 72′
M James Gleason Memorial Boat Ramp elevation 7m 22′
Macleay City Park elevation 151m 495′
MacLeay Park Lower elevation 23m 75′
Madrona City Park elevation 50m 164′
Mallory Meadows City Park elevation 62m 203′
Marquam Nature Park elevation 110m 360′
McKenna City Park elevation 46m 150′
Mill Ends City Park elevation 12m 39′
Mocks Crest Property elevation 60m 196′
Moore Island City Park elevation 10m 32′
North Park Blocks elevation 13m 42′
Northgate City Park elevation 32m 104′
O'Bryant Square elevation 18m 59′
Omaha Parkway elevation 59m 193′
Oregon Park elevation 46m 150′
Oregon Zoo elevation 192m 629′
Overlook City Park elevation 48m 157′
Patton Square City Park elevation 62m 203′
Peninsula Crossing Trail elevation 27m 88′
Penisula City Park elevation 58m 190′
Periander Park elevation 215m 705′
Pettygrove City Park elevation 38m 124′
PGE Park elevation 24m 78′
Piccolo City Park elevation 29m 95′
Pioneer Courthouse Square elevation 22m 72′
Pittock Bird Sanctuary elevation 153m 501′
Portland Center City Park elevation 47m 154′
Portland Heights City Park elevation 210m 688′
Portland International Raceway elevation 4m 13′
Portland Meadows elevation 5m 16′
Portland Police Memorial elevation 13m 42′
Portsmouth City Park elevation 47m 154′
Rob Strasser Memorial Field elevation 3m 9′
Roselawn City Park elevation 66m 216′
Sewallcrest City Park elevation 46m 150′
Simon and Helen Director Park elevation 5m 16′
South Park Blocks elevation 54m 177′
South Waterfront City Park elevation 14m 45′
Sumner-Albina City Park elevation 65m 213′
Sunnyside School Park elevation 47m 154′
Tanner Springs Park elevation 12m 39′
Trenton City Park elevation 26m 85′
Two Plum City Park elevation 56m 183′
University city Park elevation 29m 95′
Vernon Tank Playground elevation 74m 242′
Vietnam Veterans of Oregon Memorial elevation 239m 784′
Wallace City Park elevation 36m 118′
Washington City Park elevation 237m 777′
Washington Park International Rose Test Gardens elevation 145m 475′
Waterfront City Park elevation 22m 72′
Willamette Stone State Park elevation 296m 971′
William V Owens Sports Complex elevation 5m 16′
Wilshire City Park elevation 75m 246′
Woodlawn City Park elevation 40m 131′

Portland: Populated Places

Alameda elevation 73m 239′
Albina elevation 26m 85′
East Portland elevation 17m 55′
Faloma elevation 6m 19′
Green Hills elevation 266m 872′
Irvington elevation 50m 164′
Kenton elevation 28m 91′
Kings Heights elevation 120m 393′
North Portland elevation 5m 16′
Piedmont elevation 59m 193′
Portland elevation 12m 39′
Portland Heights elevation 220m 721′
Sylvan elevation 236m 774′
University Park elevation 49m 160′
Vanport City (historical) elevation 5m 16′
Willamette Heights elevation 85m 278′

Portland: Post Offices

Albina Post Office (historical) elevation 26m 85′
Centennial Post Office (historical) elevation 6m 19′
Central Post Office elevation 11m 36′
Chester Post Office (historical) elevation 61m 200′
East Portland Post Office elevation 17m 55′
Exposition Post Office (historical) elevation 12m 39′
Faloma Post Office (historical) elevation 7m 22′
Federal Post Office (historical) elevation 19m 62′
Forest Park Post Office elevation 27m 88′
Holladay Park Post Office elevation 42m 137′
Jantzen Beach Post Office (historical) elevation 12m 39′
Kenton Post Office elevation 28m 91′
Navy 10102 Post Office (historical) elevation 12m 39′
North Portland Post Office (historical) elevation 5m 16′
Peninsular Post Office (historical) elevation 32m 104′
Piedmont Post Office elevation 59m 193′
Pioneer Post Office elevation 16m 52′
Portland Post Office elevation 12m 39′
Portland Zoo Railway Post Office (historical) elevation 199m 652′
Slough Post Office (historical) elevation 11m 36′
Solomon Courthouse Post Office elevation 24m 78′
Swan Island Post Office (historical) elevation 7m 22′
Sylvan Post Office (historical) elevation 236m 774′
University Park Post Office (historical) elevation 49m 160′
University Post Office elevation 34m 111′
Vanport City Post Office (historical) elevation 5m 16′
Wardway Post Office (historical) elevation 29m 95′
Washington Park Zoo Railway Post Office elevation 199m 652′
Woodlawn Post Office (historical) elevation 37m 121′

Portland: Reservoirs

City of Portland Reservoir Number 3 elevation 88m 288′
City of Portland Reservoir Number 4 elevation 78m 255′

Portland: Streams

Balch Creek elevation 14m 45′
Johnson Creek elevation 170m 557′
Saltzman Creek elevation 5m 16′
Tanner Creek (historical) elevation 24m 78′

Portland: Summits

Elk Point elevation 296m 971′

Portland: Valleys

Balch Canyon elevation 14m 45′
Marquam Gulch elevation 51m 167′
Sullivan Gulch elevation 12m 39′

Portland digital topo map on disk

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Portland topo map