Northwest Memphis Topo Map Tennessee

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USGS Topo Quad 35090b1 - 1:24,000 scale

Topo Map Name: Northwest Memphis
USGS Topo Quad ID: 35090b1
Print Size: ca. 21 1/4" wide x 27" high
Southeast Coordinates: 35.125° N latitude / 90° W longitude
Map Center Coordinates: 35.1875° N latitude / 90.0625° W longitude
U.S. States: TN, AR
Filename: o35090b1.jpg
Download Map JPG Image: Northwest Memphis topo map 1:24,000 scale
Map Type: Topographic
Topo Series: 7.5´
Map Scale: 1:24,000
Source of Map Images: United States Geological Survey (USGS)
Alternate Map Versions: Northwest Memphis TN 1965, updated 1967 Download PDF Buy paper map
Northwest Memphis TN 1965, updated 1974 Download PDF Buy paper map
Northwest Memphis TN 1965, updated 1993 Download PDF Buy paper map
Northwest Memphis TN 1997, updated 1999 Download PDF Buy paper map
Northwest Memphis TN 2011 Download PDF Buy paper map
Northwest Memphis TN 2013 Download PDF Buy paper map
Northwest Memphis TN 2016 Download PDF Buy paper map

1:24,000 Topo Quads surrounding Northwest Memphis

Tyronza USGS topographic map 35090d3
Frenchmans Bayou
Frenchmans Bayou USGS topographic map 35090d2
Pecan Point
Pecan Point USGS topographic map 35090d1
Drummonds USGS topographic map 35089d8
Munford USGS topographic map 35089d7
Heafer USGS topographic map 35090c3
Jericho USGS topographic map 35090c2
Locke USGS topographic map 35090c1
Millington USGS topographic map 35089c8
Brunswick USGS topographic map 35089c7
Crawfordsville USGS topographic map 35090b3
West Memphis
West Memphis USGS topographic map 35090b2
Northwest Memphis
Northwest Memphis USGS topographic map 35090b1
Northeast Memphis
Northeast Memphis USGS topographic map 35089b8
Ellendale USGS topographic map 35089b7
Edmondson USGS topographic map 35090a3
Fletcher Lake
Fletcher Lake USGS topographic map 35090a2
Southwest Memphis
Southwest Memphis USGS topographic map 35090a1
Southeast Memphis
Southeast Memphis USGS topographic map 35089a8
Germantown USGS topographic map 35089a7
Horseshoe Lake
Horseshoe Lake USGS topographic map 34090h3
Lake Cormorant
Lake Cormorant USGS topographic map 34090h2
Horn Lake
Horn Lake USGS topographic map 34090h1
Pleasant Hill
Pleasant Hill USGS topographic map 34089h8
Olive Branch
Olive Branch USGS topographic map 34089h7

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Northwest Memphis topo map: Gazetteer

Northwest Memphis: Airports

Anderson-Tully County Airport elevation 72m 236′
Baptist Hospital Airport elevation 78m 255′
General Dewitt Spain Airport elevation 68m 223′
Methodist Airport elevation 86m 282′
Saint Joseph Hospital Airport elevation 71m 232′
Union Planters Airport elevation 75m 246′

Northwest Memphis: Bars

Loosahatchie Bar elevation 67m 219′
Redman Point Bar elevation 68m 223′

Northwest Memphis: Basins

Saint Claire Crevasse elevation 60m 196′

Northwest Memphis: Bridges

Frisco Bridge elevation 94m 308′
Harahan Bridge elevation 93m 305′
Hernando-DeSoto Bridge elevation 58m 190′
Memphis-Arkansas Bridge elevation 57m 187′

Northwest Memphis: Capes

Hopefield Point elevation 62m 203′
Joe Curtis Point elevation 58m 190′

Northwest Memphis: Cliffs

Chickasaw Bluff Number Four elevation 63m 206′

Northwest Memphis: Crossings

Interchange 1 elevation 69m 226′
Interchange 1A elevation 75m 246′
Interchange 1B elevation 73m 239′
Interchange 1C elevation 73m 239′
Interchange 1D elevation 74m 242′
Interchange 1E elevation 82m 269′
Interchange 1F elevation 76m 249′
Interchange 2 elevation 74m 242′
Interchange 29 elevation 83m 272′
Interchange 2A elevation 73m 239′
Interchange 3 elevation 72m 236′
Interchange 30 elevation 85m 278′
Interchange 31 elevation 84m 275′

Northwest Memphis: Dams

Memphis Union Mission Lake Dam elevation 82m 269′

Northwest Memphis: Guts

Mound City Chute elevation 63m 206′

Northwest Memphis: Islands

Chicken Island elevation 65m 213′
Mud Island elevation 75m 246′
Robinson Crusoe Island elevation 62m 203′

Northwest Memphis: Lakes

Barton Lake (historical) elevation 65m 213′
Hopefield Chute elevation 62m 203′
Hopefield Lake elevation 66m 216′
Mosquito Lake elevation 62m 203′
Wolf River Lagoon elevation 63m 206′

Northwest Memphis: Levees

Above Loosahatchie Dikes elevation 59m 193′
Hopefield Bend Revetment elevation 64m 209′
Hopefield Revetment elevation 61m 200′
Loosahatchie Bar Dikes elevation 58m 190′
Loosahatchie Bar Revetment elevation 58m 190′
Loosahatchie-Memphis Revetment elevation 64m 209′
Memphis Harbor Revetment elevation 58m 190′
Redman Point Bar Dike (historical) elevation 59m 193′
Robinson Crusoe Dikes elevation 58m 190′

Northwest Memphis: Parks

Army Park elevation 77m 252′
Ashburn-Coppock Park elevation 83m 272′
Bickford Park elevation 77m 252′
Brinkley Park elevation 77m 252′
Brown Park elevation 80m 262′
Church Park elevation 72m 236′
Civic Center Plaza elevation 79m 259′
Confederate Park elevation 77m 252′
Court Square elevation 80m 262′
Crump Stadium elevation 86m 282′
Edison Park elevation 74m 242′
Elvis Presley Memorial Park elevation 83m 272′
Firestone Park elevation 73m 239′
Foote Homes Park elevation 77m 252′
Forrest Park elevation 83m 272′
Frayser Park elevation 90m 295′
Greenlaw Park elevation 71m 232′
Guthrie Park elevation 74m 242′
Handy Park elevation 74m 242′
Jefferson Davis Park elevation 71m 232′
Klinke Park elevation 68m 223′
Klondike Park elevation 73m 239′
Lazarov Park elevation 89m 291′
Lee Park elevation 71m 232′
Lewis Center Park elevation 77m 252′
Lucille Price Park elevation 66m 216′
Malone Park elevation 68m 223′
Mississippi Greenbelt Park elevation 68m 223′
Morris Park elevation 83m 272′
Mud Island Park elevation 72m 236′
Navy Park elevation 76m 249′
New Chicago Park elevation 64m 209′
Oberle-Watkins Park elevation 89m 291′
Pershing Park elevation 83m 272′
Rivermont Park elevation 86m 282′
Robert Church Park elevation 74m 242′
Vollintine Park elevation 76m 249′
Washington Park elevation 73m 239′
Westview Park elevation 71m 232′
Whitney Road Park elevation 83m 272′
Williamson Park elevation 88m 288′
Winchester Park elevation 75m 246′

Northwest Memphis: Populated Places

Annesdale Park elevation 91m 298′
Annesdale-Snowden elevation 96m 314′
Dixie Homes elevation 75m 246′
Felts elevation 74m 242′
Foote Homes elevation 78m 255′
Frayser elevation 78m 255′
Greenlaw elevation 73m 239′
Hopefield (historical) elevation 66m 216′
Hunt Village elevation 74m 242′
Lauderdale Courts elevation 72m 236′
Memphis elevation 78m 255′
New Chelsea elevation 73m 239′
Redman Point elevation 67m 219′
Rosemary Lane elevation 95m 311′
Rugby elevation 96m 314′
Saint Claire elevation 67m 219′
Stonewall Place elevation 78m 255′
Sylvan Heights elevation 73m 239′

Northwest Memphis: Post Offices

Crosstown Branch Post Office elevation 75m 246′
Crosstown Post Office elevation 88m 288′
Frayser Post Office elevation 89m 291′
Front Street Post Office elevation 80m 262′
Memphis Post Office elevation 79m 259′
North Memphis Post Office elevation 73m 239′

Northwest Memphis: Reservoirs

Memphis Union Mission Lake elevation 82m 269′

Northwest Memphis: Streams

Ash Slough elevation 67m 219′
Bayou Gayoso elevation 67m 219′
Bear Creek elevation 64m 209′
Cypress Creek elevation 59m 193′
DeSoto Bayou elevation 73m 239′
LaRose Branch elevation 78m 255′
Le Moyne Bayou elevation 73m 239′
Leath Bayou elevation 64m 209′
Lick Creek elevation 64m 209′
Little Bettie Bayou elevation 76m 249′
Loosahatchie River elevation 60m 196′
Madison Heights Bayou elevation 71m 232′
Quincy Bayou elevation 62m 203′
Royster Bayou elevation 73m 239′
Tan Yard Bayou elevation 71m 232′
Todd Creek elevation 64m 209′
Wolf River elevation 60m 196′
Wolf River elevation 60m 196′

Northwest Memphis digital topo map on disk

Buy this Northwest Memphis topo map showing relief, roads, GPS coordinates and other geographical features, as a high-resolution digital map file on DVD:

Northwest Memphis topo map