Central Park Topo Map New York

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USGS Topo Quad 40073g8 - 1:24,000 scale

Topo Map Name: Central Park
USGS Topo Quad ID: 40073g8
Print Size: ca. 21 1/4" wide x 27" high
Southeast Coordinates: 40.75° N latitude / 73.875° W longitude
Map Center Coordinates: 40.8125° N latitude / 73.9375° W longitude
U.S. States: NY, NJ
Filename: o40073g8.jpg
Download Map JPG Image: Central Park topo map 1:24,000 scale
Map Type: Topographic
Topo Series: 7.5´
Map Scale: 1:24,000
Source of Map Images: United States Geological Survey (USGS)
Alternate Map Versions: Central Park NY 1947 Download PDF Buy paper map
Central Park NY 1956, updated 1959 Download PDF Buy paper map
Central Park NY 1956, updated 1965 Download PDF Buy paper map
Central Park NY 1966, updated 1970 Download PDF Buy paper map
Central Park NY 1966, updated 1972 Download PDF Buy paper map
Central Park NY 1966, updated 1979 Download PDF Buy paper map
Central Park NY 1966, updated 1988 Download PDF Buy paper map
Central Park NY 1995, updated 1999 Download PDF Buy paper map
Central Park NY 2011 Download PDF Buy paper map
Central Park NY 2013 Download PDF Buy paper map
Central Park NY 2016 Download PDF Buy paper map

1:24,000 Topo Quads surrounding Central Park

Ramsey USGS topographic map 41074a2
Park Ridge
Park Ridge USGS topographic map 41074a1
Nyack USGS topographic map 41073a8
White Plains
White Plains USGS topographic map 41073a7
Glenville USGS topographic map 41073a6
Paterson USGS topographic map 40074h2
Hackensack USGS topographic map 40074h1
Yonkers USGS topographic map 40073h8
Mount Vernon
Mount Vernon USGS topographic map 40073h7
Mamaroneck USGS topographic map 40073h6
Orange USGS topographic map 40074g2
Weehawken USGS topographic map 40074g1
Central Park
Central Park USGS topographic map 40073g8
Flushing USGS topographic map 40073g7
Sea Cliff
Sea Cliff USGS topographic map 40073g6
Elizabeth USGS topographic map 40074f2
Jersey City
Jersey City USGS topographic map 40074f1
Brooklyn USGS topographic map 40073f8
Jamaica USGS topographic map 40073f7
Lynbrook USGS topographic map 40073f6
Arthur Kill
Arthur Kill USGS topographic map 40074e2
The Narrows
The Narrows USGS topographic map 40074e1
Coney Island
Coney Island USGS topographic map 40073e8
Far Rockaway
Far Rockaway USGS topographic map 40073e7
Lawrence USGS topographic map 40073e6

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Central Park topo map: Gazetteer

Central Park: Airports

Astoria Heliport elevation 5m 16′
George Washington Bridge Heliport elevation 86m 282′
La Guardia Airport elevation 3m 9′
Palisades General Hospital Heliport elevation 0m 0′
Pan Am Metroport Heliport elevation 1m 3′

Central Park: Areas

Keskeskick (historical) elevation 32m 104′
Strawberry Fields elevation 26m 85′
Thousand Acre Tract (historical) elevation 25m 82′

Central Park: Bars

Heel Tap Rock elevation 0m 0′
Hog Back elevation 0m 0′
Holmes Rock elevation 0m 0′
Lawrence Point Ledge elevation 0m 0′
Middle Ground elevation 0m 0′
Rhinelander Reef elevation 0m 0′
South Brother Island Ledge elevation 0m 0′
Ways Reef elevation 0m 0′

Central Park: Bays

Barretto Cove elevation 1m 3′
Bowery Bay elevation 0m 0′
Hallets Cove elevation 0m 0′
Pot Cove elevation 0m 0′

Central Park: Beaches

Hazard Beach elevation 4m 13′

Central Park: Bridges

145th Street Bridge elevation 0m 0′
Alexander Hamilton Bridge elevation 0m 0′
Broadway Bridge elevation 0m 0′
Coles Bridge (historical) elevation 0m 0′
East River Arch Bridge of the New York Connecting Railroad elevation 0m 0′
Francis R Buono Memorial Bridge elevation 0m 0′
George Washington Bridge elevation 0m 0′
George Washington Bridge elevation 0m 0′
High Bridge elevation 2m 6′
Little Hell Gate Bridge (historical) elevation 2m 6′
Macomb's Dam Bridge elevation 0m 0′
Madison Avenue Bridge elevation 0m 0′
Park Avenue Bridge elevation 0m 0′
Queensboro Bridge elevation 6m 19′
Robert F Kennedy Memorial Bridge elevation 7m 22′
Roosevelt Island Bridge elevation 0m 0′
Third Avenue Bridge elevation 0m 0′
University Heights Bridge elevation 1m 3′
Ward's Island Bridge elevation 0m 0′
Washington Bridge elevation 0m 0′
Willis Avenue Bridge elevation 0m 0′

Central Park: Capes

Barretto Point elevation 3m 9′
Fort Washington Point elevation 16m 52′
Gibbs Point elevation 3m 9′
Hallets Point elevation 3m 9′
Lawrence Point elevation 2m 6′
Negro Point elevation 0m 0′
Stony Point elevation 0m 0′
Tubby Hook elevation 8m 26′

Central Park: Channels

Congregation Beth Hamed Rosh Hagodol elevation 61m 200′
East Channel elevation 0m 0′
East River elevation 0m 0′
Hell Gate elevation 0m 0′
Little Hell Gate (historical) elevation 1m 3′
Rikers Island Channel elevation 0m 0′
South Brother Island Channel elevation 0m 0′
Weehawken Edgewater Channel elevation 0m 0′
West Channel elevation 0m 0′

Central Park: Cliffs

Coogan's Bluff elevation 28m 91′

Central Park: Crossings

Interchange 3 elevation 10m 32′
Interchange 5 elevation 6m 19′

Central Park: Flats

Great Lawn elevation 34m 111′
Sunken Meadow elevation 4m 13′

Central Park: Harbors

Seventyninth Street Boat Basin elevation 0m 0′

Central Park: Islands

Manhattan elevation 26m 85′
Mill Rock elevation 0m 0′
North Brother Island elevation 4m 13′
Randalls Island elevation 11m 36′
Rikers Island elevation 8m 26′
Roosevelt Island elevation 7m 22′
South Brother Island elevation 5m 16′
Wards Island elevation 8m 26′

Central Park: Lakes

Harlem Meer elevation 6m 19′
Indian Pond elevation 23m 75′
The Lake elevation 17m 55′
The Pond elevation 7m 22′
The Pool elevation 16m 52′
Turtle Pond elevation 32m 104′

Central Park: Parks

A Farm In The Bronx elevation 30m 98′
Abe Lincoln Playground elevation 3m 9′
Abigail Playground elevation 15m 49′
Abyssinian Tot Lot elevation 7m 22′
Admiral Farragut Playground elevation 27m 88′
Alexander Hamilton Playground elevation 41m 134′
Alexander Hamilton Square elevation 40m 131′
Alice Kornegay Triangle elevation 5m 16′
Anibal Aviles Playground elevation 27m 88′
Anne Loftus Playground elevation 9m 29′
Annunciation Park elevation 38m 124′
Arcilla Playground elevation 10m 32′
Arrow Community Garden elevation 8m 26′
Arthur Murphy Square Park elevation 30m 98′
Asphalt Green elevation 3m 9′
Astoria Health Center Playground elevation 4m 13′
Astoria Heights Playground elevation 20m 65′
Astoria Park elevation 8m 26′
Astoria Play Center and Swimming Pool elevation 8m 26′
Athens Square elevation 12m 39′
Audubon Playground elevation 55m 180′
Audubon Terrace Historic District elevation 33m 108′
Babe Ruth Plaza elevation 11m 36′
Baker Field elevation 17m 55′
Barnhill Triangle elevation 43m 141′
Barretto Park elevation 17m 55′
Barretto Point Park elevation 2m 6′
Barry Plaza elevation 16m 52′
Basil Behagen Playground elevation 22m 72′
Beanstalk Playground elevation 34m 111′
Beatty Plaza elevation 29m 95′
Belmont Playground elevation 31m 101′
Benjamin Gladstone Square elevation 19m 62′
Bennett Park elevation 77m 252′
Bergen Triangle elevation 35m 114′
Bertine Block Historic District elevation 15m 49′
Bill Bojangles Robinson Playground elevation 6m 19′
Bill Rainey Park elevation 11m 36′
Blake Hobbs Park elevation 5m 16′
Bloomingdale Playground elevation 32m 104′
Booker T Washington Playground elevation 28m 91′
Bradhurst Urban Renewal Park elevation 7m 22′
Bridge Park elevation 4m 13′
Bridge Playground elevation 43m 141′
Bronx Park elevation 16m 52′
Bronx River Park elevation 5m 16′
Bronx Zoo elevation 21m 68′
Brook Park elevation 8m 26′
Bryant Park elevation 20m 65′
Bryant Triangle elevation 18m 59′
Bulova Park elevation 9m 29′
Captain Rivera Playground elevation 18m 59′
Carl Schurz Park elevation 9m 29′
Carlos J Lozada Playground elevation 10m 32′
Carlos Lillo Triangle elevation 14m 45′
Carmansville Playground elevation 39m 127′
Carnegie Hill Historic District elevation 33m 108′
Carrere Memorial elevation 18m 59′
Cauldwell Playground elevation 22m 72′
Cedar Playground elevation 9m 29′
Central Park elevation 34m 111′
Central Park Tennis Center elevation 30m 98′
Channel Gardens elevation 21m 68′
Chappetto Square elevation 10m 32′
Charlton Garden elevation 23m 75′
Cherry Tree Park elevation 3m 9′
Claremont Community Park elevation 9m 29′
Claremont Neighborhood Garden elevation 26m 85′
Claremont Park elevation 26m 85′
Clark Playground elevation 9m 29′
Clay Avenue Historic District elevation 9m 29′
Cleopatra Park elevation 26m 85′
Clinton Community Garden elevation 13m 42′
Colgate Close Park elevation 5m 16′
Collyer Brothers Park elevation 6m 19′
Colonel Charles Young Playground elevation 2m 6′
Colonel Charles Young Triangle elevation 9m 29′
Columbus Square elevation 29m 95′
Columbus Triangle elevation 10m 32′
Constitution Park elevation 86m 282′
Convent Garden elevation 34m 111′
Corporal Irwin Fischer Park elevation 33m 108′
Corporal Walter J Fufidio Square elevation 8m 26′
Courtney Callender Playground elevation 6m 19′
Coytesville Park elevation 103m 337′
Crack Is Wack Playground elevation 3m 9′
Crotona Park elevation 27m 88′
Crystal Lake Park elevation 9m 29′
Damrosch Park elevation 22m 72′
Damrosch Park elevation 21m 68′
Daniel Boone Playground elevation 8m 26′
Dante Park elevation 23m 75′
D'Auria-Murphy Triangle elevation 27m 88′
Davidson Playground elevation 33m 108′
Dawson Playground elevation 12m 39′
Dekovats Park elevation 3m 9′
Devoe Park elevation 35m 114′
DeWitt Clinton Park elevation 7m 22′
Diamante Garden elevation 4m 13′
Ditmars Park elevation 17m 55′
Donnellan Square elevation 31m 101′
Dorrence Brook Square elevation 11m 36′
Dred Scott Bird Sanctuary elevation 23m 75′
Drew Playground elevation 22m 72′
Duffy Square elevation 14m 45′
Dunbar Playground elevation 23m 75′
Dutch Kills Playground elevation 8m 26′
Dwyer Square elevation 11m 36′
Dyckman Oval (historical) elevation 5m 16′
Eagle Slope elevation 9m 29′
Echo Triangle elevation 31m 101′
Edwards Parade elevation 29m 95′
Eightyninth Street Playground elevation 32m 104′
El Batey Borincano Garden elevation 21m 68′
El Batey De Dona Provi elevation 24m 78′
El Bohio Garden elevation 29m 95′
Elgin Botanic Garden (historical) elevation 20m 65′
Elizabeth Langley Memorial Garden elevation 7m 22′
Eugene McCabe Field elevation 8m 26′
Fagan Square elevation 16m 52′
Fairmount Playground elevation 30m 98′
Family Community Garden elevation 5m 16′
Featherbed Triangle elevation 39m 127′
Field of Dreams elevation 4m 13′
Field of Dreams Park elevation 18m 59′
Fireman's Park elevation 92m 301′
Firemen's Memorial elevation 25m 82′
Flood Triangle elevation 20m 65′
Flynn Brothers Playground elevation 8m 26′
Fordham Bedford Lot-Busters Garden elevation 30m 98′
Fordham Landing Playground elevation 5m 16′
Fort Tryon Park elevation 50m 164′
Fort Washington Park elevation 32m 104′
Fountain of Youth Playground elevation 12m 39′
Fourteen Honey Locusts Park elevation 18m 59′
Fox Playground elevation 13m 42′
Franklin Memorial Garden elevation 27m 88′
Franklin Triangle elevation 11m 36′
Franz Sigel Park elevation 26m 85′
Fred Samuel Playground elevation 5m 16′
Frederick Douglass Playground elevation 29m 95′
Fredrick Johnson Park elevation 3m 9′
Freeman Triangle elevation 17m 55′
Galileo Park elevation 42m 137′
Garden of Eden elevation 24m 78′
Garden of Happiness elevation 20m 65′
Garden of Life elevation 23m 75′
Garrison Park elevation 11m 36′
Garrison Playground elevation 12m 39′
George Farkas Square elevation 37m 121′
George Meade Plaza elevation 9m 29′
Goble Playground elevation 14m 45′
Goodwill Park elevation 6m 19′
Gorman Memorial Park elevation 39m 127′
Gorman Playground elevation 9m 29′
Gouverneur Morris Playground elevation 14m 45′
Gouverneur Morris Square elevation 11m 36′
Governor Smith Playground elevation 12m 39′
Graham Triangle elevation 6m 19′
Grand Army Plaza elevation 15m 49′
Grand Avenue Playground elevation 37m 121′
Grant Avenue Park elevation 25m 82′
Greenacre Park elevation 11m 36′
Grove Hill Playground elevation 21m 68′
Gutenberg Playground elevation 14m 45′
Half-Nelson Playground elevation 36m 118′
Hallets Cove Playground elevation 6m 19′
Hamilton Grange National Monument elevation 34m 111′
Hamilton Heights Historic District elevation 33m 108′
Hamilton Square (historical) elevation 23m 75′
Hancock Park elevation 9m 29′
Happy Warrior Playground elevation 28m 91′
Harlem Art Park elevation 6m 19′
Harlem Lane Playground elevation 1m 3′
Harlem River Park elevation 2m 6′
Harris Garden elevation 38m 124′
Heath Triangle elevation 15m 49′
Hellgate Field elevation 3m 9′
Hells Kitchen Park elevation 12m 39′
Henderson Place Historic District elevation 8m 26′
Herman Goldman Center For Sports And Recreation (historical) elevation 33m 108′
High Bridge Park elevation 9m 29′
High Bridge Park elevation 42m 137′
Hines Park elevation 26m 85′
Hoe Avenue North Tot Lot elevation 18m 59′
Hoe Garden elevation 17m 55′
Holcombe Rucker Playground elevation 4m 13′
Horseshoe Park elevation 15m 49′
Howard Bennett Playground elevation 5m 16′
Hoyt Playground elevation 10m 32′
Hunts Point Playground elevation 16m 52′
Hunts Point Riverside Park elevation 3m 9′
Hutton Square elevation 29m 95′
Hutton Square elevation 29m 95′
Hylan Park elevation 27m 88′
I Am Park elevation 12m 39′
Inwood Hill Park elevation 34m 111′
Inwood Plaza elevation 9m 29′
Inwood Terrace Park elevation 73m 239′
Isham Park elevation 30m 98′
Isla Verde Garden elevation 13m 42′
J Hood Wright Park elevation 60m 196′
J J Downing Memorial Stadium elevation 5m 16′
Jack Coffey Field elevation 31m 101′
Jackie Robinson Park elevation 8m 26′
Jackie Robinson Play Center elevation 11m 36′
Jackson Mill Green elevation 16m 52′
Jacob Javits Playground elevation 71m 232′
Jacob K Javits Athletic Field elevation 65m 213′
Jacob Schiff Playground elevation 46m 150′
James Weldon Johnson Playground elevation 6m 19′
Jardin Criollo elevation 14m 45′
Jardin De La Familia elevation 12m 39′
Jefferson Park elevation 2m 6′
Joan of Arc Park elevation 20m 65′
Joan of Arc Statue elevation 20m 65′
John Jay Park elevation 6m 19′
John R Brown Triangle elevation 44m 144′
Joseph Daniel Wilson Garden elevation 8m 26′
Joseph Rodman Drake Park elevation 5m 16′
Joseph Yancey Track And Field elevation 7m 22′
Josie Robertson Plaza elevation 22m 72′
Joyce Kilmer Park elevation 23m 75′
Julio Carballo Field elevation 28m 91′
Jumel Terrace Historic District elevation 54m 177′
Keltch Memorial Park elevation 16m 52′
Lafayette Avenue Park elevation 4m 13′
Lafayette Square elevation 11m 36′
Lawrence A Wein Stadium elevation 11m 36′
Lewisohn Stadium (historical) elevation 39m 127′
Lieutenant William Tighe Triangle elevation 9m 29′
Lighthouse Park elevation 0m 0′
Longfellow Gardens elevation 13m 42′
Longwood Historic District elevation 17m 55′
Longwood Historic District elevation 15m 49′
Lou Gehrig Plaza elevation 19m 62′
Lyons Square Playground elevation 15m 49′
Macombs Dam Park elevation 6m 19′
Mae Grant Playground elevation 5m 16′
Mapes Ballfield elevation 19m 62′
Marcus Garvey Memorial Park elevation 32m 104′
Martin Luther King Playground elevation 7m 22′
Martin Luther King Triangle elevation 29m 95′
Martin Luther King Triangle elevation 10m 32′
May Matthews Playground elevation 10m 32′
Mayaro Playground elevation 16m 52′
McCaffrey Playground elevation 11m 36′
McCray Playground elevation 4m 13′
McKenna Triangle elevation 48m 157′
McKinley Square elevation 28m 91′
McNair Park elevation 5m 16′
McNally Plaza elevation 46m 150′
Merriam Playground elevation 30m 98′
Metro North Community Gardens elevation 5m 16′
Metropolitan Museum Historic District elevation 26m 85′
Michel Triangle elevation 11m 36′
Mill Rock Park elevation 0m 0′
Millbrook Park elevation 10m 32′
Milstein Plaza elevation 22m 72′
Monsignor Del Valle Square elevation 15m 49′
Monsignor Kett Playground elevation 5m 16′
Montefiore Park elevation 33m 108′
Monterey Public Garden elevation 13m 42′
Monument Park elevation 87m 285′
Moore Playground elevation 5m 16′
Morgan Playground elevation 13m 42′
Morningside Park elevation 12m 39′
Morningside Playground elevation 9m 29′
Morris Garden elevation 30m 98′
Morris High School Historic District elevation 27m 88′
Morris-Jumel Ecological Education Garden elevation 50m 164′
Mosaic Success Garden elevation 42m 137′
Mosholu Playground elevation 32m 104′
Mott Haven East Historic District elevation 9m 29′
Mott Haven Historic District elevation 9m 29′
Mott Haven Playground elevation 9m 29′
Mott Playground elevation 18m 59′
Mount Hope Garden elevation 25m 82′
Mount Hope Playground elevation 19m 62′
Mount Morris Park Historic District elevation 7m 22′
Mullayly Park elevation 6m 19′
Muller Triangle elevation 37m 121′
Murphy Field elevation 26m 85′
New 123rd Street Block Association Garden elevation 8m 26′
Oasis Garden elevation 7m 22′
O'Brien Oval elevation 15m 49′
Ogden Plimpton Playground elevation 35m 114′
Old Fort Park elevation 45m 147′
Olympic Field (historical) elevation 3m 9′
One Room Schoolhouse Park elevation 8m 26′
Onehundredseventeenth Street Community Garden elevation 6m 19′
Onehundredseventyfourth Street Playground elevation 11m 36′
Onehundredthirtysecond Street Block Association Park elevation 8m 26′
O'Neill Triangle elevation 9m 29′
Orville And Wilbur Playground elevation 46m 150′
O'Sullivan Plaza elevation 8m 26′
Overpeck County Park elevation 3m 9′
Overpeck Park elevation 2m 6′
Padre Plaza elevation 10m 32′
Parks Council Success Garden elevation 8m 26′
Patterson Playground elevation 8m 26′
Peace Park elevation 28m 91′
People's Park elevation 9m 29′
Peter Detmold Park elevation 5m 16′
Peter Minuit Park elevation 5m 16′
Placella Park elevation 5m 16′
Planview Park elevation 6m 19′
Playground 103 elevation 1m 3′
Playground 96 elevation 4m 13′
Playground Fifty-two elevation 18m 59′
Playground Ninety elevation 21m 68′
Playground One Thirty-four elevation 6m 19′
Playground Thirty-Five elevation 15m 49′
Pleasant Village Community Garden elevation 3m 9′
Plimpton Playground elevation 42m 137′
Poe Park elevation 42m 137′
Polo Grounds (historical) elevation 5m 16′
Pontiac Playground elevation 12m 39′
Poor Richards Playground elevation 5m 16′
Printers Park elevation 18m 59′
Prospect Playground elevation 28m 91′
Public School 155 Playground elevation 3m 9′
Pulaski Park elevation 9m 29′
Pulitzer Fountain elevation 15m 49′
Quarry Ballfields elevation 29m 95′
Queen's Court elevation 25m 82′
Queensborough Oval elevation 11m 36′
Queensbridge Park elevation 3m 9′
Quisqueya Playground elevation 46m 150′
Railroad Park elevation 11m 36′
Rainey Park elevation 5m 16′
Ralph Demarco Park elevation 0m 0′
Ramone Aponte Park elevation 14m 45′
Ranaqua Park elevation 13m 42′
Ravenswood Playground elevation 5m 16′
Renaissance Playground elevation 8m 26′
Reverend Polite Playground elevation 15m 49′
Richard Morris Hunt Memorial elevation 26m 85′
Richman Park elevation 17m 55′
Riverbank State Park elevation 2m 6′
Riverbend Playground elevation 8m 26′
Riverside Drive-West 80th Street Historic District elevation 16m 52′
Riverside Park elevation 12m 39′
Riverside-West 105th Street Historic District elevation 32m 104′
Riverside-West End Historic District elevation 25m 82′
Roberto Clemente State Park elevation 3m 9′
Rock Garden Park elevation 23m 75′
Rocks And Roots Park elevation 22m 72′
Roger Morris Park elevation 51m 167′
Roosevelt Triangle elevation 8m 26′
Rose Hill Park elevation 19m 62′
Ruppert Park elevation 12m 39′
Ryan Triangle elevation 7m 22′
Sailors and Soldiers Monument elevation 20m 65′
Saint Catherine's Park elevation 15m 49′
Saint Gregory's Park elevation 33m 108′
Saint James Park elevation 38m 124′
Saint Luke's Park elevation 17m 55′
Saint Marys Park elevation 22m 72′
Saint Michaels Park elevation 11m 36′
Saint Michael's Playground elevation 10m 32′
Saint Nicholas Historic District elevation 9m 29′
Saint Nicholas Park elevation 19m 62′
Saint Nicholas Playground North elevation 8m 26′
Saint Nicholas Playground South elevation 8m 26′
Sakura Park elevation 34m 111′
Samuel N Bennerson Playground elevation 16m 52′
Samuel Paley Plaza elevation 20m 65′
Samuel Seabury Playground elevation 21m 68′
Samuel Triangle elevation 9m 29′
Saw Mill Playground elevation 8m 26′
Scheutzen Park (historical) elevation 16m 52′
Seabury Park elevation 21m 68′
Sean's Place elevation 20m 65′
Sedgewick Playground elevation 39m 127′
Sergeant Johnson Triangle elevation 28m 91′
Seventieth Street Playground elevation 21m 68′
Sheltering Arms Park elevation 10m 32′
Sherman Creek Park elevation 3m 9′
Slattery Playground elevation 39m 127′
Socrates Sculpture Garden elevation 2m 6′
Sol Bloom Playground elevation 37m 121′
Spirit Playground elevation 4m 13′
Stanley Isaacs Courts elevation 2m 6′
Starlight Park elevation 4m 13′
Stebbins Playground elevation 16m 52′
Steinway Community Playground elevation 8m 26′
Steinway Playground elevation 9m 29′
Stop And Go Playground elevation 14m 45′
Straus Park elevation 33m 108′
Strippoli Triangle elevation 15m 49′
Summit Avenue Park elevation 31m 101′
Sunnyvale Courts elevation 18m 59′
Sunshine Playground elevation 10m 32′
Sutton Place Park elevation 5m 16′
Sylvan Park elevation 4m 13′
Taqwa Community Farm elevation 33m 108′
Tecumseh Playground elevation 26m 85′
The Mall elevation 23m 75′
Theodore Roosevelt Memorial elevation 26m 85′
Tiffany Playground elevation 19m 62′
Tramway Plaza elevation 19m 62′
Travers Park elevation 18m 59′
Tremont Park elevation 25m 82′
Triboro Plaza elevation 3m 9′
Turtle Bay Gardens Historic District elevation 10m 32′
Twentyfour Sycamores Park elevation 5m 16′
United We Stand Garden elevation 16m 52′
Unity Gardens elevation 7m 22′
Unity Park elevation 16m 52′
University Woods Park elevation 35m 114′
Upper East Side Historic District elevation 23m 75′
Van Alst Playground elevation 5m 16′
Van Fleet Park elevation 99m 324′
Verdi Square elevation 23m 75′
Vidalia Park elevation 19m 62′
Vincent Ciccarone Playground elevation 27m 88′
Volky Flower Garden elevation 24m 78′
W C Bergan Park elevation 35m 114′
Wagner Pool elevation 4m 13′
Wallenberg Playground elevation 59m 193′
Walton Park elevation 28m 91′
War Memorial Park elevation 27m 88′
Wards Island Park elevation 3m 9′
Washington Park elevation 19m 62′
Webster Avenue Community Playground elevation 15m 49′
Webster Memorial Playground elevation 18m 59′
West 104th Street Garden elevation 29m 95′
West 111th Street People's Garden elevation 35m 114′
West 186th Street Basketball Court elevation 59m 193′
West 59th Street Recreation Center elevation 17m 55′
West 71st Street Historic District elevation 17m 55′
West 87th Street Garden elevation 32m 104′
West End-Collegiate Historic District elevation 24m 78′
Westview Place Park elevation 101m 331′
Whalen Grove elevation 27m 88′
Whalen Park elevation 33m 108′
White Playground elevation 5m 16′
Whitey Lang Park elevation 79m 259′
William Birch Park elevation 92m 301′
Willis Playground elevation 9m 29′
Woodtree Playground elevation 6m 19′
Woodycrest Community Garden elevation 21m 68′
Youth Village Playground elevation 28m 91′

Central Park: Populated Places

Amsterdam Houses elevation 14m 45′
Astoria elevation 7m 22′
Bedford Park elevation 38m 124′
Belmont elevation 26m 85′
Borgia Butler Houses elevation 9m 29′
Bronx River Houses elevation 9m 29′
Carmansville (historical) elevation 28m 91′
Carnegie Hill elevation 30m 98′
Charlotte Gardens elevation 23m 75′
Charlotteville (historical) elevation 17m 55′
Clason Point elevation 8m 26′
Cliffside Park elevation 79m 259′
Clinton elevation 8m 26′
Colonial Park Houses elevation 4m 13′
Concourse Village elevation 5m 16′
Coytesville elevation 108m 354′
Daniel Webster Houses elevation 13m 42′
Delano Village elevation 4m 13′
Dyckman Houses elevation 4m 13′
East Harlem elevation 5m 16′
East Tremont elevation 27m 88′
Edgewater elevation 15m 49′
Esplanade Gardens elevation 3m 9′
Fairview elevation 72m 236′
Fordham elevation 38m 124′
Fordham Hill elevation 38m 124′
Forest Houses elevation 22m 72′
Fort Lee elevation 87m 285′
Franklin Houses elevation 6m 19′
Garden Bay Manor elevation 15m 49′
Gouverneur Morris Houses elevation 12m 39′
Gracie Square elevation 11m 36′
Grantwood elevation 85m 278′
Hamilton Heights elevation 36m 118′
Hamilton Houses elevation 8m 26′
Harbor View Terrace elevation 7m 22′
Harlem elevation 8m 26′
Harlem River Houses elevation 6m 19′
Harsenville (historical) elevation 24m 78′
Hell's Kitchen elevation 9m 29′
High Bridge elevation 25m 82′
Highbridge Houses elevation 31m 101′
Hunts Point elevation 6m 19′
Inwood elevation 9m 29′
Jackson Heights elevation 24m 78′
Jackson Houses elevation 12m 39′
James Weldon Johnson Houses elevation 6m 19′
John Adams Houses elevation 14m 45′
Kings Bridge Heights elevation 49m 160′
Konaande Kongh (historical) elevation 21m 68′
Lambert Houses elevation 12m 39′
Le Petit Senegal elevation 12m 39′
Leonia elevation 32m 104′
Lewis S Davidson Senior Houses elevation 18m 59′
Linwood elevation 110m 360′
Lionel Hampton Houses elevation 9m 29′
Manhattan elevation 35m 114′
Manhattanville elevation 14m 45′
Melrose elevation 9m 29′
Melrose Houses elevation 15m 49′
Mill Brook Houses elevation 7m 22′
Morningside Heights elevation 37m 121′
Morris Heights elevation 45m 147′
Morrisania elevation 14m 45′
Mott Haven elevation 11m 36′
North Beach elevation 15m 49′
Palisades Park elevation 29m 95′
Park West Village elevation 27m 88′
Patterson Houses elevation 8m 26′
Phipps Houses elevation 13m 42′
Plaza Borinquen elevation 9m 29′
Plaza De Los Angeles elevation 9m 29′
Polo Grounds Houses elevation 5m 16′
Port Morris elevation 5m 16′
Queensbridge Houses elevation 4m 13′
Ravenswood Houses elevation 6m 19′
Riverbend Houses elevation 2m 6′
Saint Mary's Park Houses elevation 13m 42′
San Juan Hill elevation 24m 78′
Sedgwick Houses elevation 48m 157′
Seneca Village (historical) elevation 28m 91′
Soundview Park Homes elevation 5m 16′
Stanley Isaacs Houses elevation 2m 6′
Steinway elevation 12m 39′
Sugar Hill elevation 33m 108′
Taino Towers elevation 3m 9′
Tremont elevation 31m 101′
University Heights elevation 52m 170′
Upper West Side elevation 27m 88′
Washington Heights elevation 54m 177′
West Farms elevation 5m 16′
William McKinley Houses elevation 19m 62′
Woodside Houses elevation 14m 45′
Yorkville elevation 24m 78′

Central Park: Post Offices

Astoria Station Long Island City Post Office elevation 8m 26′
Audubon Station New York Post Office elevation 48m 157′
Broadway Station Long Island City Post Office elevation 6m 19′
Bronx General Post Office elevation 14m 45′
Cliffside Park Post Office elevation 76m 249′
College Station New York Post Office elevation 9m 29′
Colonial Park Station New York Post Office elevation 7m 22′
Fordham Station Bronx Post Office elevation 19m 62′
Fort George Station New York Post Office elevation 14m 45′
Fort Lee Post Office elevation 87m 285′
Fox Street Station Bronx Post Office elevation 19m 62′
Franklin D Roosevelt Station New York Post Office elevation 11m 36′
Gracie Station New York Post Office elevation 21m 68′
Hamilton Grange Station New York Post Office elevation 37m 121′
Hell Gate Station New York Post Office elevation 4m 13′
Inwood Station New York Post Office elevation 8m 26′
Jerome Avenue Station Bronx Post Office elevation 38m 124′
Lenox Hill Station New York Post Office elevation 20m 65′
Leonia Post Office elevation 53m 173′
Lincolnton Station New York Post Office elevation 3m 9′
Longwood Station Bronx Post Office elevation 13m 42′
Manhattanville Station New York Post Office elevation 9m 29′
Morningside Station New York Post Office elevation 11m 36′
Morris Heights Station Bronx Post Office elevation 18m 59′
Palisade Post Office Branch elevation 86m 282′
Parcel Post Annex Long Island City Post Office elevation 4m 13′
Planetarium Station New York Post Office elevation 26m 85′
Plaza Station Long Island City Post Office elevation 6m 19′
Steinway Station Long Island City Post Office elevation 16m 52′
West Farms Station Bronx Post Office elevation 5m 16′
Woolsey Station Long Island City Post Office elevation 16m 52′

Central Park: Reservoirs

Cope Lake elevation 14m 45′
Croton Reservoir (historical) elevation 21m 68′
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Reservoir elevation 37m 121′

Central Park: Streams

Bronx Kill elevation 9m 29′
Flat Rock Brook elevation 9m 29′
Harlem River elevation 0m 0′
Steinway Creek elevation 7m 22′

Central Park: Summits

Great Hill elevation 41m 134′
Inwood Hill elevation 70m 229′
Janes Hill elevation 23m 75′
Long Hill elevation 61m 200′
Mount Morris elevation 32m 104′

Central Park: Valleys

The Clove elevation 7m 22′

Central Park digital topo map on disk

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Atlantic Coast (NY, NJ, PA, DE, MD, VA, NC)

Buy digital topo maps: Atlantic Coast (NY, NJ, PA, DE, MD, VA, NC)

Atlantic Coast (NY, NJ, PA, DE, MD, VA, NC) map DVD in Digital USGS Topo Map Store
Central Park topo map