Wareham Topo Map Massachusetts

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USGS Topo Quad 41070g6 - 1:25,000 scale

Topo Map Name: Wareham
USGS Topo Quad ID: 41070g6
Print Size: ca. 21 1/4" wide x 27" high
Southeast Coordinates: 41.75° N latitude / 70.625° W longitude
Map Center Coordinates: 41.8125° N latitude / 70.6875° W longitude
U.S. State: MA
Filename: l41070g6.jpg
Download Map JPG Image: Wareham topo map 1:25,000 scale
Map Type: Topographic
Topo Series: 7.5´
Map Scale: 1:25,000
Source of Map Images: United States Geological Survey (USGS)
Alternate Map Versions: Wareham MA 1972, updated 1978 Download PDF Buy paper map
Wareham MA 1972, updated 1988 Download PDF Buy paper map
Wareham MA 1977, updated 1981 Download PDF Buy paper map

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Wareham topo map: Gazetteer

Wareham: Airports

Bangs Heliport elevation 9m 29′

Wareham: Areas

Wareham Narrows elevation 1m 3′

Wareham: Basins

Sawpit elevation 25m 82′
Wings Hole elevation 32m 104′

Wareham: Bays

Miller Cove elevation 0m 0′
Muddy Cove elevation 0m 0′
Queen Sewell Cove elevation 0m 0′

Wareham: Beaches

Indian Mound Beach elevation 4m 13′
Minot Forest Beach elevation 0m 0′

Wareham: Bridges

Steep Bank Bridge elevation 0m 0′

Wareham: Capes

Lewis Point elevation 9m 29′
Tempest Knob elevation 4m 13′

Wareham: Dams

Besse Bog Reservoir Dam elevation 14m 45′
Crane Brook Bog Dam elevation 24m 78′
East Head Bog Dam Number One elevation 26m 85′
East Head Bog Dam Number Two elevation 25m 82′
East Head Pond Dam elevation 27m 88′
Federal Pond Dam elevation 35m 114′
Frogfoot Reservoir Dam elevation 23m 75′
Glen Charlie Pond Dam elevation 17m 55′
Golden Field Pond Dam elevation 21m 68′
Harlow Brook Number One Dam elevation 17m 55′
Harlow Brook Number Two Dam elevation 11m 36′
Harwich Lower Reservoir Dam elevation 16m 52′
Harwich Upper Reservoir Dam elevation 20m 65′
Horseshoe Pond Dam elevation 0m 0′
Maple Springs Brook Number One Dam elevation 9m 29′
Mayflower Road Dam elevation 33m 108′
Ortolani Number Three Dam elevation 9m 29′
Ortolani Number Two Dam elevation 11m 36′
Parker Mills Pond Dam elevation 4m 13′
Rose Brook Lower Dam elevation 10m 32′
Tihonet Pond Number One Dam elevation 12m 39′
Tihonet Pond Number Two Dam elevation 11m 36′
Tobey - Jones Reservoir Dam elevation 11m 36′
Tremont Street Dam elevation 24m 78′
Wankinco River Dam Number One elevation 21m 68′
Wankinco River Dam Number Two elevation 13m 42′

Wareham: Forests

Myles Standish State Forest elevation 40m 131′

Wareham: Lakes

Abner Pond elevation 20m 65′
Barret Pond elevation 28m 91′
Bartlett Pond elevation 13m 42′
Beaver Dam Pond elevation 3m 9′
Bumps Pond elevation 29m 95′
Cattle Pond elevation 25m 82′
Cedar Pond elevation 4m 13′
Cedar Ponds elevation 4m 13′
Charge Pond elevation 20m 65′
Clear Pond elevation 24m 78′
College Pond elevation 30m 98′
Dicks Pond elevation 2m 6′
Doctors Pond elevation 32m 104′
Dunham Pond elevation 27m 88′
Fawn Pond elevation 18m 59′
Fearing Pond elevation 24m 78′
Fivemile Pond elevation 15m 49′
Fivemile Ponds elevation 15m 49′
Grady Pond elevation 30m 98′
Grassy Pond elevation 25m 82′
Jonathans Pond (historical) elevation 5m 16′
Little Five Mile Pond elevation 18m 59′
Little Fivemile Pond elevation 19m 62′
Mosquito Pond elevation 15m 49′
New Grassy Pond elevation 22m 72′
New Long Pond elevation 29m 95′
Pratt Pond elevation 27m 88′
Raccoon Pond elevation 18m 59′
Round Pond elevation 31m 101′
Sampson Pond elevation 23m 75′
Sand Pond elevation 3m 9′
Sandy Pond elevation 9m 29′
Smelt Pond elevation 31m 101′
Spectacle Pond elevation 5m 16′
Three Cornered Pond elevation 31m 101′
Torrey Pond elevation 35m 114′
Union Pond elevation 4m 13′

Wareham: Populated Places

Cranberry Village elevation 29m 95′
East Wareham elevation 8m 26′
Indian Heights elevation 12m 39′
Jefferson Shores elevation 10m 32′
Oakdale elevation 9m 29′
Onset Station elevation 3m 9′
Pine Tree Village elevation 25m 82′
Riverside elevation 8m 26′
South Carver elevation 28m 91′
South Wareham elevation 11m 36′
Tihonet elevation 10m 32′
Wareham elevation 7m 22′
Wareham Center elevation 11m 36′
White Island Shores elevation 25m 82′

Wareham: Post Offices

East Wareham Post Office (historical) elevation 8m 26′
South Carver Post Office elevation 27m 88′
South Wareham Post Office (historical) elevation 20m 65′
Wareham Post Office (historical) elevation 9m 29′

Wareham: Reservoirs

Besse Bog Reservoir elevation 14m 45′
Blackmere Reservoir elevation 8m 26′
Crane Brook Bog Reservoir elevation 24m 78′
Crane Brook Reservoir elevation 33m 108′
East Head Bog Reservoir elevation 26m 85′
East Head Bog Reservoir elevation 25m 82′
East Head Pond elevation 27m 88′
Federal Pond elevation 35m 114′
Frogfoot Brook Reservoir elevation 23m 75′
Glen Charlie Pond elevation 17m 55′
Golden Field Pond elevation 21m 68′
Harlow Brook Reservoir elevation 11m 36′
Harwich Reservoir elevation 16m 52′
Horseshoe Pond elevation 0m 0′
Lower Sampson Pond elevation 24m 78′
Maple Springs Brook Reservoir elevation 9m 29′
Mill Pond elevation 8m 26′
Ortolani Reservoir elevation 9m 29′
Parker Mills Pond elevation 4m 13′
Rose Brook Reservoir elevation 10m 32′
Tihonet Pond elevation 12m 39′
Tobey - Jones Reservoir elevation 11m 36′
Wankinco River Reservoir elevation 21m 68′
Wankinco River Reservoir elevation 13m 42′

Wareham: Streams

Agawam River elevation 0m 0′
East Branch Maple Springs Brook elevation 8m 26′
Frogfoot Brook elevation 12m 39′
Gibbs Brook elevation 4m 13′
Harlow Brook elevation 5m 16′
Maple Springs Brook elevation 5m 16′
Red Brook elevation 3m 9′
Rose Brook elevation 6m 19′
Sampson Brook elevation 19m 62′
Stony Run elevation 0m 0′
Tilson Brook elevation 23m 75′
Wankinco River elevation 1m 3′

Wareham: Summits

Brandy Hill elevation 28m 91′
Lincoln Hill elevation 24m 78′
Tarkiln Hill elevation 20m 65′
Wankinco Neck elevation 26m 85′

Wareham: Swamps

Bangs Bog elevation 2m 6′
Bartletts Marsh (historical) elevation 17m 55′
Bumpus Bog elevation 20m 65′
Carver Bog elevation 20m 65′
Federal Bogs elevation 26m 85′
Fiske Bogs elevation 19m 62′
Gurney Bogs elevation 7m 22′
Hammond Bogs elevation 8m 26′
Hammond Bogs elevation 1m 3′
Harwich Bogs elevation 20m 65′
Jenney Bogs elevation 8m 26′
Locke Bogs elevation 8m 26′
Maple Park Bogs elevation 4m 13′
Maple Springs Bog elevation 8m 26′
Maple Swamp elevation 5m 16′
Muddy Cove Marshes elevation 0m 0′
Old Orchard Bogs elevation 16m 52′
Parker Mills Bogs elevation 7m 22′
Popes Pond elevation 8m 26′
Robbins Bog elevation 4m 13′
Rogers Bog elevation 1m 3′
Rogers Bogs elevation 7m 22′
Russell Bogs elevation 22m 72′
Salt Marsh elevation 1m 3′
Shaw Bogs elevation 27m 88′
Smalley Bogs elevation 17m 55′
Starr Bogs elevation 8m 26′
State Bogs elevation 5m 16′
Tihonet Cranberry Bogs elevation 8m 26′
Walsh Bog elevation 21m 68′
Wankinco Cranberry Bog elevation 26m 85′

Wareham: Valleys

Rhody Hollow elevation 37m 121′

Wareham digital topo map on disk

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Wareham topo map