Fall River East Topo Map Massachusetts

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USGS Topo Quad 41071f1 - 1:25,000 scale

Topo Map Name: Fall River East
USGS Topo Quad ID: 41071f1
Print Size: ca. 39" wide x 24" high
Southeast Coordinates: 41.625° N latitude / 71° W longitude
Map Center Coordinates: 41.6875° N latitude / 71.125° W longitude
U.S. State: MA
Filename: k41071f1.jpg
Download Map JPG Image: Fall River East topo map 1:25,000 scale
Map Type: Topographic
Topo Series: 7.5´x15´
Map Scale: 1:25,000
Source of Map Images: United States Geological Survey (USGS)
Alternate Map Versions: Fall River MA 1985, updated 1985 Download PDF Buy paper map
Fall River MA 1985, updated 1985 Download PDF Buy paper map

1:24,000 Topo Quads surrounding Fall River East

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Fall River East topo map: Gazetteer

Fall River East: Airports

Richies Heliport elevation 27m 88′
Tiverton Airport elevation 62m 203′
Westport Seaplane Base elevation 40m 131′

Fall River East: Areas

The Bluffs elevation 5m 16′

Fall River East: Bars

Borden Flats elevation 1m 3′
Mattapoiset Rock elevation 14m 45′

Fall River East: Bays

Battleship Cove elevation 1m 3′
Blue Bill Cove elevation 1m 3′
Breeds Cove elevation 1m 3′
Brightman Cove (historical) elevation 8m 26′
Cedar Cove elevation 1m 3′
Chase Cove elevation 1m 3′
Church Cove elevation 1m 3′
Fox Hill Cove elevation 1m 3′
Lee River elevation 1m 3′
Long Neck Cove elevation 1m 3′
Mount Hope Bay elevation 1m 3′
Old Orchard Cove elevation 1m 3′
The Cove elevation 1m 3′
Weavers Cove elevation 1m 3′

Fall River East: Beaches

Brayton Point Beach elevation 1m 3′
Juniper Trail Beach elevation 1m 3′

Fall River East: Bridges

Braga Bridge elevation 1m 3′
Brightman Bridge elevation 1m 3′
Charles Christie Bridge elevation 21m 68′
Sakonnet Bridge elevation 1m 3′
Slades Ferry Bridge elevation 1m 3′

Fall River East: Capes

Almy Point elevation 3m 9′
Anthony Point elevation 1m 3′
Bay Point elevation 1m 3′
Brayton Point elevation 4m 13′
Bristol Neck elevation 23m 75′
Cedar Peninsula elevation 2m 6′
Common Fence Point elevation 1m 3′
Fedora Point elevation 40m 131′
Gardners Neck elevation 5m 16′
Hummock Point elevation 6m 19′
Little Neck elevation 11m 36′
Long Neck Goose elevation 1m 3′
Long Point elevation 1m 3′
Mount Hope Point elevation 5m 16′
Sewammock Neck elevation 31m 101′
Touisset elevation 8m 26′
Toweset Point elevation 2m 6′

Fall River East: Crossings

Interchange 3 elevation 9m 29′
Interchange 4 elevation 10m 32′
Interchange 5 elevation 47m 154′
Interchange 6 elevation 53m 173′
Interchange 7A elevation 56m 183′
Interchange 801 elevation 43m 141′
Interchange 802 elevation 42m 137′
Interchange Fifteen elevation 45m 147′
Interchange Five elevation 20m 65′
Interchange Forty elevation 44m 144′
Interchange Forty-one elevation 43m 141′
Interchange Four elevation 8m 26′
Interchange Fourteen elevation 43m 141′
Interchange One elevation 55m 180′
Interchange Seven elevation 43m 141′
Interchange Seventeen elevation 21m 68′
Interchange Six elevation 36m 118′
Interchange Sixteen elevation 50m 164′
Interchange Thirty-eight elevation 56m 183′
Interchange Thirty-nine elevation 60m 196′
Interchange Three elevation 14m 45′
Interchange Three and Eight A elevation 43m 141′
Interchange Two elevation 40m 131′

Fall River East: Dams

Cornell Pond Lower Dam elevation 23m 75′
Lewin Brook Pond Upper Dam elevation 12m 39′
Montaup Number 3 Dam elevation 3m 9′
Noquochoke Lake Dam elevation 22m 72′
Swansea Print Works Dam elevation 2m 6′

Fall River East: Guts

Bristol Narrows elevation 1m 3′
The Narrows elevation 40m 131′

Fall River East: Islands

Hen Island elevation 5m 16′
Rye Island elevation 4m 13′
Seal Island elevation 1m 3′
Shady Isle elevation 1m 3′
Spar Island elevation 1m 3′
Spectacle Island elevation 5m 16′
Tommy Island elevation 1m 3′

Fall River East: Lakes

Cedar Dell Lake elevation 29m 95′
Cedar Island Pond elevation 1m 3′
Cook Pond elevation 55m 180′
Cook Pond elevation 55m 180′
Crab Pond elevation 51m 167′
Creamer Pond elevation 44m 144′
Firestone Pond elevation 5m 16′
Forge Pond elevation 9m 29′
Sawdy Pond elevation 44m 144′
South Watuppa Pond elevation 40m 131′
Stafford Pond elevation 62m 203′
Town Pond elevation 1m 3′
Watuppa Pond elevation 40m 131′

Fall River East: Parks

Abbott Playground elevation 41m 134′
Buffington Park elevation 39m 127′
Camp Interlocken elevation 48m 157′
Chew Playground elevation 53m 173′
Kelly Park elevation 52m 170′
Kennedy Park elevation 37m 121′
Lafayette Park elevation 59m 193′
Maplewood Park elevation 66m 216′
North Park elevation 40m 131′
Pulaski Park elevation 62m 203′
Ruggles Park elevation 49m 160′
Touisset Wildlife Refuge elevation 19m 62′
Watuppa Reservation elevation 69m 226′

Fall River East: Pillars

Old Bay Rock elevation 1m 3′
Rolling Rock elevation 40m 131′

Fall River East: Populated Places

Berryman Corner elevation 24m 78′
Beulah Corners elevation 44m 144′
Bliss Corners elevation 72m 236′
Bowenville elevation 7m 22′
Brayton Point elevation 8m 26′
Brownell Corner elevation 58m 190′
Coggeshall elevation 10m 32′
Collins Corner elevation 40m 131′
Common Fence Point elevation 4m 13′
Eagleville elevation 74m 242′
Fall River elevation 34m 111′
Fall River Station elevation 10m 32′
Fighting Rock Corner elevation 48m 157′
Flint Village elevation 56m 183′
Globe Village elevation 30m 98′
Hillcrest elevation 28m 91′
Hixville elevation 33m 108′
Kempton Croft elevation 43m 141′
Lakeside elevation 60m 196′
Luther Corner elevation 25m 82′
Mechanicsville elevation 13m 42′
Montop (historical) elevation 57m 187′
North Tiverton elevation 57m 187′
North Westport elevation 42m 137′
Oak Grove Village elevation 58m 190′
Ocean Grove elevation 5m 16′
Slades Ferry elevation 1m 3′
South Swansea elevation 15m 49′
Steep Brook elevation 12m 39′
Suburban Park elevation 21m 68′
Swansea elevation 11m 36′
Swansea Center elevation 8m 26′
The Hummocks elevation 6m 19′
Tiverton elevation 3m 9′
Touisset elevation 4m 13′
Touisset Highlands elevation 4m 13′
Westport Factory elevation 16m 52′

Fall River East: Post Offices

Flint Post Office elevation 54m 177′
Highland Station Post Office elevation 47m 154′
North Westport Post Office (historical) elevation 45m 147′
Somerset Post Office elevation 14m 45′
South Station Post Office elevation 54m 177′
Tiverton Post Office elevation 70m 229′
Westport Post Office elevation 39m 127′

Fall River East: Reservoirs

Bleachery Ponds elevation 44m 144′
Copicut Reservoir elevation 43m 141′
Cornell Pond elevation 24m 78′
Lewin Brook Pond elevation 2m 6′
Lewin Brook Pond elevation 12m 39′
Mount Hope Pond elevation 3m 9′
Noquochoke Lake elevation 22m 72′
Town Pond elevation 3m 9′

Fall River East: Springs

King Philip Spring elevation 65m 213′

Fall River East: Streams

Blossom Brook elevation 41m 134′
Bread and Cheese Brook elevation 2m 6′
Castle Brook elevation 20m 65′
Cole River elevation 1m 3′
Copicut River elevation 20m 65′
Founders Brook elevation 1m 3′
Kickamuit River elevation 1m 3′
Kickamuit River elevation 1m 3′
King Philip Brook elevation 41m 134′
Lewin Brook elevation 6m 19′
Little Brook (historical) elevation 2m 6′
Miller Brook elevation 43m 141′
Queen Gutter Brook elevation 41m 134′
Quequechan River elevation 41m 134′
Quiquechan River elevation 2m 6′
Shingle Island River elevation 20m 65′
Steep Brook elevation 4m 13′
Stony Brook elevation 40m 131′
Sucker Brook elevation 41m 134′
Sucker Brook elevation 40m 131′
Taunton River elevation 1m 3′

Fall River East: Summits

Cook Hill elevation 85m 278′
Copicut Hill elevation 109m 357′
Fox Hill elevation 1m 3′
King Phillips Chair elevation 44m 144′
Mount Hope elevation 64m 209′
Pocasset Hill elevation 95m 311′
Ridge Hill elevation 64m 209′
Townsend Hill elevation 77m 252′
Townsend Hill elevation 76m 249′
Yellow Hill elevation 64m 209′

Fall River East: Swamps

Colebrook Swamp elevation 19m 62′
Copicut Swamp elevation 46m 150′
King Phillips Swamp elevation 49m 160′
Pocasset Cedar Swamp elevation 52m 170′
Pocasset Cedar Swamp elevation 66m 216′
Pond Swamp elevation 41m 134′
Shingle Island Swamp elevation 22m 72′

Fall River East digital topo map on disk

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Fall River East topo map