Middletown Topo Map Connecticut

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USGS Topo Quad 41072e6 - 1:24,000 scale

Topo Map Name: Middletown
USGS Topo Quad ID: 41072e6
Print Size: ca. 21 1/4" wide x 27" high
Southeast Coordinates: 41.5° N latitude / 72.625° W longitude
Map Center Coordinates: 41.5625° N latitude / 72.6875° W longitude
U.S. State: CT
Filename: o41072e6.jpg
Download Map JPG Image: Middletown topo map 1:24,000 scale
Map Type: Topographic
Topo Series: 7.5´
Map Scale: 1:24,000
Source of Map Images: United States Geological Survey (USGS)
Alternate Map Versions: Cromwell CT 1928 Download PDF Buy paper map
Middletown CT 1952, updated 1959 Download PDF Buy paper map
Middletown CT 1965, updated 1968 Download PDF Buy paper map
Middletown CT 1965, updated 1973 Download PDF Buy paper map
Middletown CT 1965, updated 1985 Download PDF Buy paper map
Middletown CT 1965, updated 1992 Download PDF Buy paper map
Middletown CT 1965, updated 1992 Download PDF Buy paper map
Middletown CT 2012 Download PDF Buy paper map
Middletown CT 2015 Download PDF Buy paper map

1:24,000 Topo Quads surrounding Middletown

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Middletown topo map: Gazetteer

Middletown: Airports

Middlesex Hospital Heliport elevation 9m 29′
Middletown Heliport elevation 4m 13′
Portland Heliport elevation 1m 3′

Middletown: Bays

Stones Cove elevation 4m 13′

Middletown: Bridges

Arrigoni Bridge elevation 0m 0′
Kirby Bridge elevation 6m 19′

Middletown: Crossings

Interchange 19 elevation 12m 39′
Interchange 22 elevation 32m 104′
Interchange Twenty elevation 87m 285′
Interchange Twenty-one elevation 34m 111′

Middletown: Dams

Adder Reservoir Dam elevation 148m 485′
Beseck Lake Dam elevation 106m 347′
Butternut Pond Dam elevation 11m 36′
Crystal Lake Dam elevation 56m 183′
Dooley Pond Dam elevation 79m 259′
Highland Pond Dam elevation 47m 154′
Laurel Brook Reservoir Dam elevation 66m 216′
Mount Higby Reservoir Dam elevation 111m 364′
Pameacha Pond Dam elevation 23m 75′
Starr Mill Pond Dam elevation 14m 45′
Upper Mill Pond Dam elevation 25m 82′

Middletown: Falls

Wadsworth Falls elevation 43m 141′
Westfield Falls elevation 47m 154′

Middletown: Flats

The Plains elevation 45m 147′

Middletown: Gaps

Preston Notch elevation 169m 554′

Middletown: Islands

Middle Island elevation 56m 183′
Saw Island elevation 2m 6′
Wilcox Island elevation 2m 6′

Middletown: Lakes

Highland Pond elevation 47m 154′
Miner Pond elevation 61m 200′
New Pond elevation 20m 65′
Pameacha Pond elevation 23m 75′
Pearson Pond elevation 33m 108′
Sage Pond elevation 42m 137′
Starr Millpond elevation 14m 45′
Wilcox Pond elevation 57m 187′
Zoar Pond elevation 32m 104′

Middletown: Mines

Brazos Quarry elevation 12m 39′

Middletown: Parks

Black Pond State Wildlife Area elevation 116m 380′
Broad Street Historic District elevation 21m 68′
Butternut Hollow Park elevation 13m 42′
Cockaponset State Forest elevation 185m 606′
Connecticut River State Wildlife Area elevation 1m 3′
Cromwell Meadow State Wildlife Area elevation 3m 9′
Cromwell Meadows State Wildlife Area elevation 5m 16′
Crystal Lake State Access Area elevation 57m 187′
Cucia Park elevation 33m 108′
Dooley Pond Public Access elevation 84m 275′
Durham Meadows State Wildlife Area elevation 51m 167′
Durman Meadows State Wildlife Area elevation 45m 147′
Harbor Park elevation 0m 0′
Henry Clay Work Park elevation 5m 16′
Highland Historic District elevation 54m 177′
Hubbard Park elevation 2m 6′
Lakeview Park elevation 57m 187′
Main Street Historic District elevation 5m 16′
Marzalek Park elevation 16m 52′
Metro South Historic District elevation 7m 22′
Middletown Nature Gardens elevation 69m 226′
Palmer Field elevation 0m 0′
Sage Park elevation 40m 131′
Smith Park elevation 72m 236′
Spear Park elevation 11m 36′
Tynan Memorial Park elevation 102m 334′
Union Green elevation 17m 55′
Union Park elevation 27m 88′
Wadsworth Falls State Park elevation 50m 164′
Washington Square elevation 35m 114′
Washington Street Historic District elevation 37m 121′
Wilcox Park elevation 30m 98′

Middletown: Populated Places

Achenbach elevation 57m 187′
Baileyville elevation 95m 311′
Berlin elevation 28m 91′
Beseck Lake elevation 113m 370′
Bretton Heights elevation 52m 170′
Cromwell elevation 4m 13′
Cromwell Hills elevation 19m 62′
East Berlin elevation 12m 39′
Fox Meadows elevation 53m 173′
Goodrich Heights elevation 46m 150′
Highland elevation 57m 187′
Highland Estates elevation 40m 131′
Lakeridge Heights elevation 51m 167′
Long Hill elevation 49m 160′
Long HIll Estates elevation 62m 203′
Middlefield elevation 60m 196′
Middletown elevation 12m 39′
Miramichi elevation 100m 328′
Newfield Heights elevation 20m 65′
North Cromwell elevation 16m 52′
Oxford Park elevation 40m 131′
Portland elevation 24m 78′
South Farms elevation 5m 16′
Westfield elevation 65m 213′

Middletown: Post Offices

Middletown Post Office elevation 9m 29′
Portland Post Office elevation 34m 111′

Middletown: Reservoirs

Adder Reservoir elevation 151m 495′
Beseck Lake elevation 96m 314′
Black Pond elevation 116m 380′
Butternut Pond elevation 11m 36′
Cromwell Pond elevation 9m 29′
Crystal Lake elevation 56m 183′
Dooley Pond elevation 79m 259′
Ice House Pond elevation 7m 22′
Laurel Brook Reservoir elevation 67m 219′
Mount Higby Reservoir elevation 111m 364′
Upper Mill Pond elevation 25m 82′
West Lake elevation 6m 19′
Wilcox Pond elevation 54m 177′

Middletown: Ridges

Worthington Ridge elevation 49m 160′

Middletown: Springs

Ward Spring elevation 92m 301′

Middletown: Streams

Bradley Brook elevation 8m 26′
Chestnut Brook elevation 3m 9′
Coginchaug River elevation 2m 6′
East Bradley Brook elevation 43m 141′
East Minor Brook elevation 42m 137′
East Round Hill Brook elevation 33m 108′
East Spruce Brook elevation 75m 246′
East Swamp Brook elevation 5m 16′
Fall Brook elevation 19m 62′
Hans Brook elevation 11m 36′
Hans Brook elevation 40m 131′
Harris Brook elevation 24m 78′
Lamentation Brook elevation 56m 183′
Laurel Brook elevation 33m 108′
Long Hill Brook elevation 6m 19′
Lyman Meadow Brook elevation 43m 141′
Manthey Brook elevation 26m 85′
Mattabesset River elevation 0m 0′
Miner Brook elevation 3m 9′
Prout Brook elevation 19m 62′
Richards Brook elevation 26m 85′
Roaring Brook elevation 107m 351′
Round Hill Brook elevation 30m 98′
Sawmill Brook elevation 3m 9′
Snow Hill Brook elevation 55m 180′
Sumner Brook elevation 1m 3′
Swamp Brook elevation 3m 9′
Wadsworth Brook elevation 41m 134′
West Bradley Brook elevation 43m 141′
West Miner Brook elevation 42m 137′
West Round Hill Brook elevation 33m 108′
West Spruce Brook elevation 75m 246′
West Swamp Brook elevation 5m 16′

Middletown: Summits

Beseck Mountain elevation 219m 718′
Camels Hump elevation 207m 679′
Cherry Hill elevation 80m 262′
Coe Hill elevation 151m 495′
Fall Hill elevation 81m 265′
Higby Mountain elevation 181m 593′
Indian Hill elevation 55m 180′
Jackson Hill elevation 150m 492′
Long Hill elevation 66m 216′
Nooks Hill elevation 60m 196′
North Peak elevation 128m 419′
Old South Hill elevation 143m 469′
Paddy Hill elevation 103m 337′
Powder Hill elevation 137m 449′
Prospect Hill elevation 26m 85′
Round Hill elevation 163m 534′
Savage Hill elevation 58m 190′
Snow Hill elevation 103m 337′
Staddle Hill elevation 52m 170′
Sugarloaf Hill elevation 77m 252′
Tryon Hill elevation 65m 213′
West Long Hill elevation 100m 328′

Middletown: Swamps

Boggy Meadow elevation 2m 6′
Dead Mans Swamp elevation 5m 16′
Round Meadow elevation 3m 9′

Middletown: Trails

Mattabesset Trail elevation 195m 639′

Middletown digital topo map on disk

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Middletown topo map