Worcester North Topo Map Massachusetts

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USGS Topo Quad 42071c7 - 1:25,000 scale

Topo Map Name: Worcester North
USGS Topo Quad ID: 42071c7
Print Size: ca. 39" wide x 24" high
Southeast Coordinates: 42.25° N latitude / 71.75° W longitude
Map Center Coordinates: 42.3125° N latitude / 71.875° W longitude
U.S. State: MA
Filename: k42071c7.jpg
Download Map JPG Image: Worcester North topo map 1:25,000 scale
Map Type: Topographic
Topo Series: 7.5´x15´
Map Scale: 1:25,000
Source of Map Images: United States Geological Survey (USGS)
Alternate Map Versions: Worcester North MA 1983, updated 1984 Download PDF Buy paper map
Worcester North MA 1983, updated 1991 Download PDF Buy paper map

1:24,000 Topo Quads surrounding Worcester North

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  Worcester North
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Worcester North topo map: Gazetteer

Worcester North: Airports

Atlantic Trade Heliport elevation 172m 564′
Digital - Headmaster Heliport elevation 211m 692′
Digital - Training Heliport elevation 159m 521′
Marshalls Airport elevation 199m 652′
Parker Aviation Heliport elevation 161m 528′
Parker Heliport elevation 149m 488′
Spencer Airport elevation 299m 980′
University of Massachusetts Medical Center Heliport elevation 119m 390′
Worcester Municipal Airport elevation 300m 984′

Worcester North: Basins

Pleasant Valley elevation 125m 410′

Worcester North: Bays

Gates Cove elevation 117m 383′
South Bay elevation 117m 383′

Worcester North: Capes

Davenport Point elevation 117m 383′
Dover Point elevation 117m 383′
Sholan Point elevation 117m 383′

Worcester North: Crossings

Interchange Eighteen elevation 157m 515′
Interchange Fifteen elevation 144m 472′
Interchange Fourteen elevation 144m 472′
Interchange Nineteen elevation 161m 528′
Interchange Seventeen elevation 153m 501′
Interchange Sixteen elevation 148m 485′
Interchange Thirteen elevation 140m 459′
Interchange Twenty elevation 185m 606′
Interchange Twenty-one elevation 123m 403′
Interchange Twenty-two elevation 128m 419′

Worcester North: Dams

Asnebumskit Pond Dam elevation 337m 1105′
Bell Pond Dam elevation 195m 639′
Browning Pond Dam elevation 228m 748′
Buck Hill Conservation Dam elevation 264m 866′
Chaffin Pond Dam elevation 214m 702′
Coes Reservoir Dam elevation 151m 495′
Cook Pond Dam elevation 186m 610′
Eames Pond Dam elevation 305m 1000′
Green Hill Pond Dam elevation 202m 662′
Holden Reservoir Number One Dam elevation 230m 754′
Holden Reservoir Number Two Dam elevation 222m 728′
Indian Lake Dam elevation 167m 547′
Kettle Brook Reservoir Number 1 Dam elevation 259m 849′
Kettle Brook Reservoir Number 2 Dam elevation 307m 1007′
Kettle Brook Reservoir Number 3 Dam elevation 318m 1043′
Kettle Brook Reservoir Number 4 Dam elevation 331m 1085′
Lake Whittemore Dam elevation 269m 882′
Lynde Brook Reservoir Dam elevation 249m 816′
Lynde Brook Reservoir Dike elevation 249m 816′
Patch Reservoir Dam elevation 169m 554′
Salisbury Pond Dam elevation 149m 488′
Shaw Pond Dam elevation 303m 994′
Southwick Pond Dam elevation 300m 984′
Streeter Pond Dam elevation 317m 1040′
Sugden Reservoir Dam elevation 265m 869′
Thompsons Pond Dam elevation 265m 869′

Worcester North: Falls

The Cascade elevation 215m 705′

Worcester North: Islands

Sears Island elevation 166m 544′

Worcester North: Lakes

Bryant Pond elevation 230m 754′
Carrolls Pond elevation 164m 538′
Chaffin Pond elevation 214m 702′
Edwards Pond elevation 155m 508′
Grosvenor Reservoir elevation 290m 951′
Harrington Pond elevation 277m 908′
Lake Quinsigamond elevation 109m 357′
Long Pond elevation 255m 836′
Pout Pond elevation 128m 419′
Salisbury Pond elevation 149m 488′
Smith Pond elevation 173m 567′
Streeter Pond elevation 315m 1033′
Turkey Hill Pond elevation 309m 1013′
Whitehall Pond elevation 255m 836′

Worcester North: Parks

Bailey-Prouty Playground elevation 281m 921′
Beaver Brook Park elevation 146m 479′
Beaver Street Historic District elevation 154m 505′
Burncoat Park elevation 187m 613′
Burncoat Street Playground elevation 210m 688′
Cascade Park elevation 239m 784′
Chandler Hill Park elevation 200m 656′
Columbus Park elevation 152m 498′
Crompton Park elevation 138m 452′
Dana Avenue Playground elevation 158m 518′
Dodge Park elevation 174m 570′
Elm Park elevation 177m 580′
Elm Street Historic District elevation 152m 498′
Fay Street Historic District elevation 159m 521′
Franklin Square elevation 148m 485′
General Foley Stadium elevation 149m 488′
Goodale Park elevation 159m 521′
Greater Brook Valley Playground elevation 141m 462′
Green Hill Park elevation 225m 738′
Holden Center Historic District elevation 248m 813′
Houghton Street Historic District elevation 166m 544′
Ingleside Avenue Historic District elevation 164m 538′
Institute Park elevation 156m 511′
Institutional District elevation 152m 498′
Junction Shop and Herman Street Historic District elevation 145m 475′
Kendrick Field elevation 177m 580′
Lake Park elevation 140m 459′
Laurel Hill Park elevation 269m 882′
Lincoln Estate-Elm Park Historic District elevation 153m 501′
Logan Field elevation 177m 580′
Lower Pleasant Street District elevation 151m 495′
Massachusetts Avenue Historic District elevation 175m 574′
May Street Historic District elevation 168m 551′
Mechanics Hall District elevation 147m 482′
Moose Hill Wildlife Management Area elevation 333m 1092′
Morgan Park elevation 169m 554′
Oread Castle Park elevation 149m 488′
Oxford-Crown Historic District elevation 153m 501′
Providence Street Historic District elevation 188m 616′
Quinsicamond State Park elevation 121m 396′
Ramshorn Island Park elevation 113m 370′
Regatta Point Park elevation 113m 370′
Rockwood Field elevation 170m 557′
Salisbury Park elevation 200m 656′
The Oval (historical) elevation 125m 410′
Worcester Common elevation 146m 479′

Worcester North: Populated Places

Beaver Brook elevation 153m 501′
Belmont Hill elevation 153m 501′
Beverly Road elevation 220m 721′
Bloomingdale elevation 178m 583′
Brittan Square elevation 186m 610′
Burncoat elevation 208m 682′
Camp Kinneywood elevation 228m 748′
Canada Mills elevation 180m 590′
Chadwick Square elevation 175m 574′
Chaffinville elevation 219m 718′
Chandler Hill elevation 169m 554′
Columbus Park elevation 156m 511′
Dawson elevation 237m 777′
Great Brook Valley elevation 138m 452′
Greendale elevation 182m 597′
Hamilton elevation 148m 485′
Hammond Heights elevation 186m 610′
Holden elevation 250m 820′
Holden Center elevation 245m 803′
Jefferson elevation 238m 780′
June Street elevation 198m 649′
Lakeview elevation 127m 416′
Lambs Grove elevation 266m 872′
Lovellville elevation 182m 597′
Lower Wire Village elevation 216m 708′
Mill Street elevation 166m 544′
Morningdale elevation 145m 475′
North Spencer elevation 265m 869′
North Worcester elevation 216m 708′
Northville (historical) elevation 172m 564′
Oak Hill elevation 144m 472′
Paxton elevation 345m 1131′
Pinecrest elevation 121m 396′
Pleasant Valley elevation 141m 462′
Proctors corner elevation 298m 977′
Rutland elevation 342m 1122′
Salisbury Heights elevation 272m 892′
Sandy Beach elevation 312m 1023′
Shrewsbury Street elevation 157m 515′
Sibleys Corner elevation 297m 974′
Summit elevation 199m 652′
Swan Avenue elevation 160m 524′
Tafts Corner elevation 304m 997′
Tatnuck elevation 230m 754′
Turkey Hill Shores elevation 325m 1066′
Union Hill elevation 191m 626′
Unionville elevation 188m 616′
University Park elevation 145m 475′
Upper Wire Village elevation 257m 843′
West Boylston elevation 154m 505′
West Rutland elevation 260m 853′
West Tatnuck elevation 258m 846′
Westchester elevation 233m 764′
Westwood Hills elevation 163m 534′
White Hall elevation 265m 869′
Worcester elevation 147m 482′

Worcester North: Post Offices

Holden Post Office elevation 247m 810′
Lakeview Post Office (historical) elevation 125m 410′
Morningdale Post Office elevation 148m 485′
West Boylston Post Office elevation 154m 505′

Worcester North: Reservoirs

Asnebumskit Pond elevation 337m 1105′
Bell Pond elevation 195m 639′
Browning Pond elevation 228m 748′
Buckhill Pond elevation 264m 866′
City Farm Pond elevation 119m 390′
Coes Pond elevation 148m 485′
Coes Reservoir elevation 152m 498′
Cook Pond elevation 186m 610′
Dawson Pond elevation 230m 754′
Demond Pond elevation 296m 971′
Eagle Lake elevation 236m 774′
Eames Pond elevation 305m 1000′
Green Hill Pond elevation 202m 662′
Hermitage Pond (historical) elevation 195m 639′
Holden Reservoir Number One elevation 230m 754′
Holden Reservoir Number Two elevation 222m 728′
Holden Reservoirs elevation 229m 751′
Indian Lake elevation 167m 547′
Kendall Reservoir elevation 248m 813′
Kettle Brook Reservoir Number Four elevation 330m 1082′
Kettle Brook Reservoir Number One elevation 260m 853′
Kettle Brook Reservoir Number Three elevation 314m 1030′
Kettle Brook Reservoir Number Two elevation 302m 990′
Lake Whittemore elevation 269m 882′
Lynde Brook Reservoir elevation 249m 816′
Marshall Pond elevation 155m 508′
Mud Pond elevation 114m 374′
Norcross Pond Number Three elevation 214m 702′
Patch Pond elevation 164m 538′
Patch Reservoir elevation 166m 544′
Pine Hill Reservoir elevation 277m 908′
Southwick Pond elevation 300m 984′
Stump Pond elevation 236m 774′
Sugden Reservoir elevation 256m 839′
Thompson Pond elevation 265m 869′
Unionville Pond elevation 182m 597′
Williams Millpond elevation 155m 508′

Worcester North: Streams

Asnebumskit Brook elevation 176m 577′
Bumbo Brook elevation 278m 912′
Caruth Brook elevation 263m 862′
Chaffins Brook elevation 170m 557′
Coal Mine Brook elevation 109m 357′
Gates Brook elevation 124m 406′
Lamson Brook elevation 119m 390′
Muddy Brook elevation 120m 393′
Poor Farm Brook elevation 109m 357′
Poor Farm Brook elevation 218m 715′
Scarletts Brook elevation 158m 518′
Scott Brook elevation 231m 757′
Sewall Brook elevation 109m 357′
Shaw Brook elevation 257m 843′
Silver Spring Brook elevation 229m 751′
Tatnuck Brook elevation 232m 761′
Turkey Brook elevation 277m 908′
Wadsworth Brook elevation 231m 757′
Warren Tannery Brook elevation 221m 725′
Weasel Brook elevation 151m 495′
West Boylston Brook elevation 122m 400′
West Brook elevation 109m 357′
Worcester Brook elevation 281m 921′

Worcester North: Summits

Asnebumskit Hill elevation 421m 1381′
Barrack Hill elevation 276m 905′
Belmont Hill elevation 153m 501′
Black Hill elevation 322m 1056′
Bond Hill elevation 340m 1115′
Brigham Hill elevation 345m 1131′
Buck Hill elevation 308m 1010′
Carey Hill elevation 327m 1072′
Chandler Hill elevation 223m 731′
Christian Hill elevation 258m 846′
Cooper Hill elevation 358m 1174′
Crocker Hill elevation 370m 1213′
Davis Hill elevation 259m 849′
Davis Hill elevation 325m 1066′
Drury Hill elevation 261m 856′
Eddy Hill elevation 320m 1049′
Elliott Hill elevation 360m 1181′
Fox Hill elevation 347m 1138′
Green Hill elevation 232m 761′
Hancock Hill elevation 234m 767′
Howe Hill elevation 354m 1161′
Indian Hill elevation 244m 800′
Kendall Hill elevation 305m 1000′
Little Asnebumskit Hill elevation 402m 1318′
Malden Hill elevation 258m 846′
Maple Hill elevation 323m 1059′
Millstone Hill elevation 229m 751′
Moose Hill elevation 333m 1092′
Moreland Hill elevation 249m 816′
Newton Hill elevation 197m 646′
Pine Hill elevation 157m 515′
Pine Hill elevation 361m 1184′
Prospect Hill elevation 216m 708′
Rocky Hill elevation 288m 944′
Sargent Hill elevation 328m 1076′
Smith Hill elevation 310m 1017′
Stonehouse Hill elevation 331m 1085′
Stratton Hill elevation 245m 803′
Tatnuck Hill elevation 307m 1007′
Turkey Hill elevation 355m 1164′
Union Hill elevation 192m 629′
Walnut Hill elevation 219m 718′
Wigwam Hill elevation 175m 574′
Winter Hill elevation 273m 895′

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