Washington Topo Map New Hampshire

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USGS Topo Quad 43072b1 - 1:25,000 scale

Topo Map Name: Washington
USGS Topo Quad ID: 43072b1
Print Size: ca. 39" wide x 24" high
Southeast Coordinates: 43.125° N latitude / 72° W longitude
Map Center Coordinates: 43.1875° N latitude / 72.125° W longitude
U.S. State: NH
Filename: k43072b1.jpg
Download Map JPG Image: Washington topo map 1:25,000 scale
Map Type: Topographic
Topo Series: 7.5´x15´
Map Scale: 1:25,000
Source of Map Images: United States Geological Survey (USGS)
Alternate Map Versions: Lovewell Mountain NH 1984, updated 1984 Download PDF Buy paper map
Lovewell Mountain NH 1984, updated 1984 Download PDF Buy paper map
Lovewell Mountain NH 1984, updated 1984 Download PDF Buy paper map

1:24,000 Topo Quads surrounding Washington

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  Sunapee Lakes
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Washington topo map: Gazetteer

Washington: Dams

Ashuelot Pond Dam elevation 443m 1453′
Butterfield Pond Dam elevation 496m 1627′
Highland Lake North Outlet Dam elevation 401m 1315′
Island Pond Dam elevation 428m 1404′
Long Pond Dam elevation 469m 1538′
Millen Lake Dam elevation 446m 1463′
Richardson Brook Dam elevation 481m 1578′
Sand Pond Dam elevation 470m 1541′

Washington: Forests

Dodge Brook State Forest elevation 400m 1312′
Honey Brook State Forest elevation 439m 1440′

Washington: Gaps

North Outlet elevation 401m 1315′

Washington: Lakes

Ayers Pond elevation 533m 1748′
Bacon Pond elevation 499m 1637′
Barden Pond elevation 518m 1699′
Barney Pond elevation 450m 1476′
Barrett Pond elevation 472m 1548′
Bear Pond elevation 534m 1751′
Beaver Pond elevation 358m 1174′
Butterfield Pond elevation 486m 1594′
Cohoos Pond elevation 371m 1217′
Dodge Pond elevation 367m 1204′
Fletcher Pond elevation 502m 1646′
Freezeland Pond elevation 435m 1427′
Frog Pond elevation 490m 1607′
Gustin Pond elevation 393m 1289′
Halfmoon Pond elevation 435m 1427′
Hedgehog Pond elevation 509m 1669′
May Pond elevation 486m 1594′
Millen Lake elevation 483m 1584′
Mud Pond elevation 406m 1332′
North Pond elevation 502m 1646′
Philbruek Pond elevation 419m 1374′
Russell Millpond elevation 436m 1430′
Sand Pond elevation 470m 1541′
Smith Pond elevation 328m 1076′
Stone Pond elevation 380m 1246′
Symonds Pond elevation 354m 1161′
Trout Pond elevation 382m 1253′
Vickery Pond elevation 490m 1607′

Washington: Parks

Pillsbury State Park elevation 529m 1735′
Washington Common elevation 452m 1482′
Washington Common Historic District elevation 452m 1482′

Washington: Populated Places

Baker Corner elevation 444m 1456′
Dodge Hollow elevation 319m 1046′
East Acworth elevation 315m 1033′
East Lempster elevation 372m 1220′
East Washington elevation 293m 961′
Gee Mill elevation 378m 1240′
Lempster elevation 427m 1400′
Marlow Junction elevation 389m 1276′
Washington elevation 448m 1469′

Washington: Reservoirs

Ashuelot Pond elevation 443m 1453′
Butterfield Pond elevation 496m 1627′
Island Pond elevation 428m 1404′
Long Pond elevation 469m 1538′
Millen Lake elevation 446m 1463′
Richardson Brook Pond elevation 481m 1578′
Sand Pond elevation 470m 1541′

Washington: Springs

Bradford Spring elevation 275m 902′

Washington: Streams

Barney Brook elevation 443m 1453′
Beaver Brook elevation 367m 1204′
Bog Brook elevation 437m 1433′
Cherry Brook elevation 503m 1650′
Dodge Brook elevation 287m 941′
Freezeland Creek elevation 396m 1299′
Gee Brook elevation 366m 1200′
Hamlin Brook elevation 365m 1197′
Honey Brook elevation 282m 925′
Knight Brook elevation 319m 1046′
Lewis Brook elevation 366m 1200′
Red Brook elevation 322m 1056′
Richardson Brook elevation 450m 1476′
Tracy Brook elevation 316m 1036′
Underwood Brook elevation 304m 997′
Ways Brook elevation 364m 1194′
White Pond Brook elevation 298m 977′
Woodward Brook elevation 292m 958′

Washington: Summits

Ames Hill elevation 639m 2096′
Avery Ledge elevation 570m 1870′
Bald Hill elevation 485m 1591′
Bean Mountain elevation 708m 2322′
Beckwith Hill elevation 492m 1614′
Bryant Mountain elevation 677m 2221′
Codman Hill elevation 543m 1781′
Copeland Hill elevation 604m 1981′
Farnsworth Hill elevation 559m 1833′
Gates Mountain elevation 506m 1660′
Haystack Mountain elevation 481m 1578′
Healey Hill elevation 627m 2057′
Huntley Mountain elevation 598m 1961′
Jackson Hill elevation 613m 2011′
Jones Hill elevation 579m 1899′
Jones Hill elevation 497m 1630′
Kennedy Hill elevation 620m 2034′
Kingsbury Hill elevation 499m 1637′
Kittredge Hill elevation 600m 1968′
Lempster Mountain elevation 547m 1794′
Lovewell Mountain elevation 751m 2463′
Marlow Hill elevation 495m 1624′
Oak Hill elevation 583m 1912′
Pollards Hill elevation 603m 1978′
Silver Mountain elevation 652m 2139′
Starks Hill elevation 560m 1837′
Stowe Hill elevation 481m 1578′

Washington: Trails

Monadnock Sunapee Trail elevation 527m 1729′

Washington digital topo map on disk

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Washington topo map